Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 89

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SECTION XCIV: History of Puru and Pandavas (Aila dynasty)

(Sambhava Parva continued)
Ancestry of Yayati as per Bhagavata Purana

Genealogy of Puru : Puru (wife: Paushti) → 1.Pravira, 2.Iswara, and 3. Raudraswa

1. Pravira (w:Suraseni) → Manasyu (w:Sauviri) → Subhru, Sahana, and Vagmi.

3. Raudraswa (w:Misrakesi) → Richeyu (=Anadhrishti) (+9 more) → Matinara → Tansu (+3 more) → Ilina (w:RathantaraDushmanta (w:Sakuntala) (+4 more) → BharataBhumanyu (Pushkarini) → Suhotra (w:Aikshaki) (+5 more) → Ajamidha (w: Dhumini) → RikshaSamvarana (w:Tapati) (migrated to Sindhu River) → Kuru (w:Vahini) → AbhishyavantaParikshitJanamejayaDhritarashtra (+Pandu & 6 more) → Pratipa (+2 more) → Santanu

"Janamejaya said, 'O adorable one, I desire to hear the histories of those kings who were descended from Puru. O tell me of each as he was possessed of prowess and achievements. I have, indeed, heard that in Puru's line there was not a single one who was wanting in good behaviour and prowess, or who was without sons. O thou of ascetic wealth, I desire to hear the histories in detail of those famous monarchs endued with learning and all accomplishments.'

"Vaisampayana said, 'Asked by thee, I shall tell thee all about the heroic-kings in Puru's line, all equal unto Indra in prowess, possessing great affluence and commanding the respect of all for their accomplishments.

  • "Puru had by his wife Paushti three sons, Pravira, Iswara, and Raudraswa, all of whom were mighty car-warriors. Amongst them, Pravira was the perpetuator of the dynasty.
  • Pravira had by his wife Suraseni a son named Manasyu. And the latter of eyes like lotus-petals had his sway over the whole Earth bounded by the four seas. And
  • Manasyu had for his wife Sauviri. And he begat upon her three sons called Subhru, Sahana, and Vagmi. And they were heroes in battle and mighty car-warriors. The intelligent and virtuous
  • Raudraswa begat upon the Apsara Misrakesi ten sons who were all great bowmen. And they all grew up into heroes, performing numerous sacrifices in honour of the gods. And they all had sons, were learned in all branches of knowledge and ever devoted to virtue. They are Richeyu, and Kakshepu and Krikepu of great prowess; Sthandilepu, and Vanepu, and Sthalepu of great fame; Tejepu of great strength and intelligence; and Satyepu of the prowess of Indra; Dharmepu, and Sannatepu the tenth of the prowess of the celestials. Amongst them all,
  • Richepu became the sole monarch of the whole earth and was known by the name of Anadhrishti. And in prowess he was like unto Vasava amongst the celestials. And
  • Anadhristi had a son of the name of Matinara who became a famous and virtuous king and performed the Rajasuya and the horse-sacrifice. And
  • Matinara had four sons of immeasurable prowess, viz., Tansu, Mahan, Atiratha, and Druhyu of immeasurable glory. (Amongst them,
  • Tansu of great prowess became the perpetrator of Puru's line). And he subjugated the whole earth and acquired great fame and splendour. And
  • Tansu begat a son of great prowess named Ilina. And he became the foremost of all conquerors and brought the whole world under his subjection. And
  • Ilina begat upon his wife Rathantara five sons with Dushmanta at their head, all equal in might unto the five elements. They were
  • Dushmanta had by his wife Sakuntala an intelligent son named Bharata who became king. And Bharata gave his name to the race of which he was the founder. And it is from him that the fame of that dynasty hath spread so wide. And
  • Bharata begat upon his three wives nine sons in all. But none of them were like their father and so Bharata was not at all pleased with them. Their mothers, therefore, became angry and slew them all. The procreation of children by Bharata, therefore, became vain. The monarch then performed a great sacrifice and through the grace of Bharadwaja obtained a son named *Bhumanyu. And then Bharata, the great descendant of Puru, regarding himself as really possessing a son, installed, O foremost one of Bharata's race, that son as his heir-apparent. And
  • Bhumanyu begat upon his wife, Pushkarini six sons named Suhotra, Suhotri, Suhavih, Sujeya, Vitatha and Richika. The eldest of them all, *Suhotra, obtained the throne and performed many Rajasuyas and horse-sacrifices. And Suhotra brought under his sway the whole earth surrounded by her belt of seas and full of elephants, kine and horses, and all her wealth of gems of gold. And the earth afflicted with the weight of numberless human beings and elephants, horses, and cats, was, as it were, about to sink. And during the virtuous reign of Suhotra the surface of the whole earth was dotted all over with hundreds and thousands, of sacrificial stakes. And the lord of the earth,
  • Suhotra, begat, upon his wife Aikshaki three sons, viz., Ajamidha, Sumidha, and Purumidha. The eldest of them,
  • Ajamidha, was the perpetuator of the royal line. And he begat six sons,--
  • Riksha was born of the womb of Dhumini,
  • Dushmanta and Parameshthin, of Nili, and
  • Jahnu, Jana and Rupina were born in that of Kesini. All the tribes of the
  • Panchalas are descended from Dushmanta and Parameshthin. And the
  • Kushikas are the sons of Jahnu of immeasurable prowess. And Riksha who was older than both Jana and Rupina became king. And
  • Riksha begat Samvarana, the perpetuator of the royal line. And, O king, it hath been heard by us that while Samvarana, the son of Riksha, was ruling the earth, there happened a great loss of people from famine, pestilence, drought, and disease. And the Bharata princes were beaten by the troops of enemies. And the Panchalas setting out to invade the whole earth with their four kinds of troops soon brought the whole earth under their sway. And with their ten Akshauhinis the king of the Panchalas defeated the Bharata prince. Samvarana then with his wife and ministers, sons and relatives, fled in fear, and took shelter in the forest on the banks of the Sindhu extending to the foot of the mountains. There the Bharatas lived for a full thousand years, within their fort. And after they had lived there a thousand years, one day the illustrious Rishi Vasishtha approached the exiled Bharatas, who, on going out, saluted the Rishi and worshipped him by the offer of Arghya. And entertaining him with reverence, they represented everything unto that illustrious Rishi. And after he was seated on his seat, the king himself approached the Rishi and addressed him, saying, 'Be thou our priest, O illustrious one! We will endeavour to regain our kingdom.' And Vasishtha answered the Bharatas by saying, 'Om' (the sign of consent). It hath been heard by us that Vasishtha then installed the Bharata prince in the sovereignty of all the Kshatriyas on earth, making by virtue of his Mantras this descendant of Puru the veritable horns of the wild bull or the tusks of the wild elephants. And the king retook the capital that had been taken away from him and once more made all monarchs pay tribute to him. The powerful Samvarana, thus installed once more in the actual sovereignty of the whole earth, performed many sacrifices at which the presents to the Brahmanas were great.
Ancestry of Kuru as per Bhagavata Purana

"O monarch, besides, there were born in the race of Bharata numberless other excellent monarchs endued with great energy and like unto the celestial Rishis themselves in virtue and ascetic power. And so also in the race of Manu were born many mighty car-warriors like unto the celestials themselves, who by their number swelled the Aila dynasty into gigantic proportions.'"

Reference -

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 89 :Sanskrit

The Mahabharata in Sanskrit: Book 1, Chapter 89
 1 [ज]
     भगवञ शरॊतुम इच्छामि पूरॊर वंशकरान नृपान
     यद वीर्या यादृशाश चैव यावन्तॊ यत पराक्रमाः
 2 न हय अस्मिञ शीलहीनॊ वा निर्वीर्यॊ वा नराधिपः
     परजा विरहितॊ वापि भूतपूर्वः कदा चन
 3 तेषां परथितवृत्तानां राज्ञां विज्ञानशालिनाम
     चरितं शरॊतुम इच्छामि विस्तरेण तपॊधन
 4 [व]
     हन्त ते कथयिष्यामि यन मां तवं परिपृच्छसि
     पूरॊर वंशधरान वीराञ शक्र परतिमतेजसः
 5 प्रवीरेश्वर रौद्राश्वास तरयः पुत्रा महारथाः
     पूरॊः पौष्ठ्याम अजायन्त परवीरस तत्र वंशकृत
 6 मनस्युर अभवत तस्माच छूरः शयेनी सुतः परभुः
     पृथिव्याश चतुरन्ताया गॊप्ता राजीवलॊचनः
 7 सुभ्रूः संहननॊ वाग्मी सौवीरी तनयास तरयः
     मनस्यॊर अभवन पुत्राः शूराः सर्वे महारथाः
 8 रौद्राश्वस्य महेष्वासा दशाप्सरसि सूनवः
     यज्वानॊ जज्ञिरे शूराः परजावन्तॊ बहुश्रुताः
     सर्वे सर्वास्त्रविद्वांसः सर्वे धर्मपरायणाः
 9 ऋचेपुर अथ कक्षेपुः कृकणेपुश च वीर्यवान
     सथण्डिले पूर्वनेपुशसथलेपुश च महारथः
 10 तेजेपुर बलवान धीमान सत्येपुश चेन्द्र विक्रमः
    धर्मेपुः संनतेपुश च दशमॊ देव विक्रमः
    अनाधृष्टि सुतास तात राजसूयाश्वमेधिनः
11 मतिनारस ततॊ राजा विद्वांश चर्चेपुतॊ ऽभवत
    मतिनार सुता राजंश चत्वारॊ ऽमितविक्रमाः
    तंसुर महान अतिरथॊ दरुह्युश चाप्रतिमद्युतिः]]
12 तेषां तंसुर महावीर्यः पौरवं वंशम उद्वहन
    आजहार यशॊ दीप्तं जिगाय च वसुंधराम
13 इलिनं तु सुतं तंसुर जनयाम आस वीर्यवान
    सॊ ऽपि कृत्स्नाम इमां भूमिं विजिग्ये जयतां वरः
14 रथंतर्यां सुतान पञ्च पञ्च भूतॊपमांस ततः
    इलिनॊ जनयाम आस दुःषन्तप्रभृतीन नृप
15 दुःषन्तं शूर भीमौप्रपूर्वं वसुम एव च
    तेषां जयेष्ठॊ ऽभवद राजा दुःषन्तॊ जनमेजय
16 दुःषन्ताद भरतॊ जज्ञे विद्वाञ शाकुन्तलॊ नृपः
    तस्माद भरत वंशस्य विप्रतस्थे महद यशः
17 भरतस तिसृषु सत्रीषु नव पुत्रान अजीजनत
    नाभ्यनन्दन्त तान राजा नानुरूपा ममेत्य उत
18 ततॊ महद्भिः करतुभिर ईजानॊ भरतस तदा
    लेभे पुत्रं भरद्वाजाद भुमन्युं नाम भारत
19 ततः पुत्रिणम आत्मानं जञात्वा पौरवनन्दनः
    भुमन्युं भरतश्रेष्ठ यौवराज्ये ऽभयषेचयत
20 ततस तस्य महीन्द्रस्य वितथः पुत्रकॊ ऽभवत
    ततः स वितथॊ नाम भुमन्यॊर अभवत सुतः
21 सुहॊत्रशसुहॊतासुहविः सुयजुस तथा
    पुष्करिण्याम ऋचीकस्य भुमन्यॊर अभवन सुताः
22 तेषां जयेष्ठः सुहॊत्रस तु राज्यम आप महीक्षिताम
    राजसूयाश्वमेधाद्यैः सॊ ऽयजद बहुभिः सवैः
23 सुहॊत्रः पृथिवीं सर्वां बुभुजे सागराम्बराम
    पूर्णां हस्तिगवाश्वस्य बहुरत्नसमाकुलाम
24 ममज्जेव मही तस्य भूरि भारावपीडिता
    हस्त्यश्वरथसंपूर्णा मनुष्यकलिला भृशम
25 सुहॊत्रे राजनि तदा धर्मतः शासति परजाः
    चैत्ययूपाङ्किता चासीद भूमिः शतसहस्रशः
    परवृद्धजनसस्या च सहदेवा वयरॊचत
26 ऐक्ष्वाकी जनयाम आस सुहॊत्रात पृथिवीपतेः
    अजमीढं सुमीढंपुरुमीढं च भारत
27 अजमीढॊ वरस तेषां तस्मिन वंशः परतिष्ठितः
    षट पुत्रान सॊ ऽपय अजनयत तिसृषु सत्रीषु भारत
28 ऋक्षं भूमिन्य अथॊ नीली दुःषन्त परमेष्ठिनौ
    केशिन्य अजनयज जह्नुम उभौ च जनरूपिणौ
29 तथेमे सर्वपाञ्चाला दुःषन्त परमेष्ठिनॊः
    अन्वयाः कुशिका राजञ जह्नॊर अमिततेजसः
30 जनरूपिणयॊर जयेष्ठम ऋक्षम आहुर जनाधिपम
    ऋक्षात संवरणॊ जज्ञे राजन वंशकरस तव
31 आर्क्षे संवरणे राजन परशासति वसुंधराम
    संक्षयः सुमहान आसीत परजानाम इति शुश्रुमः
32 वयशीर्यत ततॊ राष्ट्रं कषयैर नानाविधैस तथा
    कषुन मृत्युभ्याम अनावृष्ट्या वयाधिभिश च समाहतम
    अभ्यघ्नन भारतांश चैव सपत्नानां बलानि च
33 चालयन वसुधां चैव बलेन चतुरङ्गिणा
    अभ्ययात तं च पाञ्चाल्यॊ विजित्य तरसा महीम
    अक्षौहिणीभिर दशभिः स एनं समरे ऽजयत
34 ततः सदारः सामात्यः सपुत्रः ससुहृज्जनः
    राजा संवरणस तस्मात पलायत महाभयात
35 सिन्धॊर नदस्य महतॊ निकुञ्जे नयवसत तदा
    नदी विषयपर्यन्ते पर्वतस्य समीपतः
    तत्रावसन बहून कालान भारता दुर्गमाश्रिताः
36 तेषां निवसतां तत्र सहस्रं परिवत्सरान
    अथाभ्यगच्छद भरतान वसिष्ठॊ भगवान ऋषिः
37 तम आगतं परयत्नेन परत्युद्गम्याभिवाद्य च
    अर्घ्यम अभ्याहरंस तस्मै ते सर्वे भारतास तदा
    निवेद्य सर्वम ऋषये सत्कारेण सुवर्चसे
38 तं समाम अष्टमीम उष्टं राजा वव्रे सवयं तदा
    पुरॊहितॊ भवान नॊ ऽसतु राज्याय परयतामहे
    ओम इत्य एवं वसिष्ठॊ ऽपि भारतान परत्यपद्यत
39 अथाभ्यषिञ्चत साम्राज्ये सर्वक्षत्रस्य पौरवम
    विषाण भूतं सर्वस्यां पृथिव्याम इति नः शरुतम
40 भरताध्युषितं पूर्वं सॊ ऽधयतिष्ठत पुरॊत्तमम
    पुनर बलिभृतश चैव चक्रे सर्वमहीक्षितः
41 ततः स पृथिवीं पराप्य पुनर ईजे महाबलः
    आजमीढॊ महायज्ञैर बहुभिर भूरिदक्षिणैः
42 ततः संवरणात सौरी सुषुवे तपती कुरुम
    राजत्वे तं परजाः सर्वा धर्मज्ञ इति वव्रिरे
43 तस्य नाम्नाभिविख्यातं पृथिव्यां कुरुजाङ्गलम
    कुरुक्षेत्रं स तपसा पुण्यं चक्रे महातपाः
44 अश्ववन्तम अभिष्वन्तं तथा चित्ररथं मुनिम
    जनमेजयं च विख्यातं पुत्रांश चास्यानुशुश्रुमः
    पञ्चैतान वाहिनी पुत्रान वयजायत मनस्विनी
45 अभिष्वतः परिक्षित तु शबलाश्वश च वीर्यवान
    अभिराजॊ विराजशशल्मलश च महाबलः
46 उच्चैःश्रवा भद्र कारॊ जितारिश चाष्टमः समृतः
    एतेषाम अन्ववाये तु खयातास ते कर्मजैर गुणैः
47 जनमेजयादयः सप्त तथैवान्ये महाबलाः
    परिक्षितॊ ऽभवन पुत्राः सर्वे धर्मार्थकॊविदाः
48 कक्षसेनॊग्र सेनौचित्रसेनश च वीर्यवान
    इन्द्रसेनः सुषेणशभीमसेनश च नामतः
49 जनमेजयस्य तनया भुवि खयाता महाबलाः
    धृतराष्ट्रः परथमजः पाण्डुर बाह्लीक एव च
50 निषधशमहातेजास तथा जाम्बूनदॊ बली
    कुण्डॊदरः पदातिशवसातिश चाष्टमः समृतः
    सर्वे धर्मार्थकुशलाः सर्वे भूतिहिते रताः
51 धृतराष्ट्रॊ ऽथ राजासीत तस्य पुत्रॊ ऽथ कुण्डिकः
    हस्ती वितर्कः क्राथशकुण्डलश चापि पञ्चमः
    हविः श्रवास तथेन्द्राभः सुमन्युश चापराजितः
52 प्रतीपस्य तरयः पुत्रा जज्ञिरे भरतर्षभ
    देवापिः शंतनुश चैव बाह्लीकश च महारथः
53 देवापिस तु परवव्राज तेषां धर्मपरीप्सया
    शंतनुश च महीं लेभे बाह्लीकश च महारथः
54 भरतस्यान्वये जाताः सत्त्ववन्तॊ महारथाः
    देवर्षिकल्पा नृपते बहवॊ राजसत्तमाः
55 एवंविधाश चाप्य अपरे देवकल्पा महारथाः
    जाता मनॊर अन्ववाये ऐल वंशविवर्धनाः


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