
Dhandholi (धांधोली) is a village in Dudu tahsil in Jaipur district in Rajasthan. the village gets name from Dhandha Jats.
Jat Gotras in the village
- Bajya (1),
- Bana (7),
- Bhakar (2),
- Kakdawa (2),
- Kanara (21),
- Kandolya (2),
- Papadya (1),
- Pipaloda (1),
- Kadwasra,
Other castes are Rajput, Brahman, Jaun, Gupta, Khatik, Bhil, Luhar, Kumhar, Nayak, Lakhera, Darji, Parik, Bagadiya etc.
Notable persons
External links
- R D Chaudhary: Jat Samaj, Agra, April 2002, p. 8
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