Glossary of Rajasthani Language/A
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- The Glossary of Rajasthani Language contains Rajasthani romanized words, the words in Devanagari script and Hindi equivalents with meaning in English.
- You may use the toolbar at the bottom of the edit window to add Devanagari and other non english characters.
- Devanagari alphabets may not be visible on some computers - some PCs do not support Devanagari fonts. Those viewers should install Devanagari font 'Mangal' - for details, please see the thread Tips for use of Hindi on your computer in Tech Talk forum.
- A simple technique to insert an equivalent hindi word to a Romanized Rajasthani word is to type and copy from google transliterate, Devnagari Editor or learn from here
- Tips for pronunciation of Rajasthani words are: a (अ ) as a in "America", ā (आ) as a in “father”; i (इ) as i in “ill”, ī (ई) as ee in “eel”; u (उ) as u in “full”, ū (ऊ) as oo in “fool”; ṇ as nna (ण), ḷ as lla (ळ), ṅ as nga (ङ), ñ as nya (ञ), ś as sha (श), ṣ as ssa (ष), ḍ as dda (ड़), ṭ as ट, t as त
- To write in Hindi see हिन्दी में कैसे लिखें
- Abā'r अबा'र - हाल ही में
- very recently, now
- Āchho आछो - अच्छा
- Adak bīj अडक बीज -
- seed fallen last year in a field which germinates with the onset of monsoon. The pods of this plant specially in gwar are unwanted.
- Adak chūnt अडक चूंट - उजड्ड
- a rough and violent person
- Aḍāṇai अडाणी - उधारी के बदले में रखी संपत्ति
- the property agreed upon in exchange of money lending
- Aḍāns अड़ांस - बाधा, रुकावट, जिद
- obstacle, arrogance , Ada is a Jat Gotra
- Aḍāo अडा़वो - चारागाह
- land kept for grazing of animals
- Adkāṇ अडकाण - अवरोध
- obstruction
- Āḍū आड़ू - मूर्ख
- a fellow without civic sense, unmannered one
- Āgaḷ आगळ - आगल
- wooden rod to fasten the leaves of a door
- Āglo आगलो - अगला
- foremost, first, chief, principal; prior, previous, preceding, former, anterior; late, recent, belonging to the past, old; coming, approaching, next, subsequent, forthcoming,
- Agūnch अगूंछ - अग्रिम
- advance
- Aguṅī अगुणी - पूर्व दिशा
- eastern direction
- Ai अ - ये
- these
- Aid ऐड - चिन्तामुक्त होकर घूमना
- the situation of one’s being free from worries
- Ājyā आज्या - आओ
- come
- Ājyo आज्यो - आइयेगा
- request to come
- Ākḍo आकड़ो - आक
- medicinal shrub plant with big leaves and bad odour botanical name Callotropis procera
- Aḷ अळ - तेलिया
- the tiny insects which attack standing crops or vegetable plants, such as mustard plants
- Āḷbād अळबाद - शैतानी
- mischief (also called 'kubhad'कुभद)
- Āḷ आळ - शैतानी
- Child's mischief (also known as 'Kubhad' कुभद), the practice by two wrestlers
- Āḷo आळो - घोंसला, आला, कच्चा फल
- nest of a bird, a small recess in a wall, unripe fruit
- Ālo आलो - गीला
- wet
- Aḷsāṇo अळसाणो - अलसाना
- to become withered
- Ālthī-Pālthī आलथी-पालथी - बैठने का ढंग
- the pose of one’s sitting on floor with folding legs one over other.
- Anāṇ sanāṇ अनाण सनाण - पहचान
- distinguishing feature
- Angār अंगार - आग
- a burning piece of wood/ coal etc
- Āngī आंगी - चोली
- traditional blouse worn by ladies
- Āngḷī आंगळी - अंगुली
- finger
- Aṇhuī अणहुई - अनहुई
- not happened
- Ā'nī आ'नी - अन्धी
- windstorm, blind woman
- Ānk आंक - अंक
- numbers and words
- Ānkh Dūkhaṇi आंख दूखणी - आंख का संक्रमण
- viral/bacterial eye infection
- Ānkhaḍlī आंखड़ली - एक महिला संगीत
- a song sung when the husband of daughter comes first time to his in-laws
- Aṇmīta अणमीता - असीमित
- plentiful, in excess
- Ā'no आ'नो - आन्धा
- blind man
- Ānṭ आँट - रुकावट
- the knot, Obstacle
- Anṭī अंटी - एक खेल
- a street game of rural children with coloured glass-balls used to hit other tiny balls
- Āntarai आंतरै - दूर
- far off
- Āntaro आंतरो - अंतराल
- distance, intervail
- Ānwatī आंवती - आने वाली
- future
- Āpaṇon आपणों - अपना
- ours
- Ar अर - और
- and
- Arḍāṇo अरड़ाणो - रंभाना
- call of cattle
- Arḍāṭ अर्ड़ाट - किसी चीज का जोर से टूटना
- a loud sound of breaking something
- Asal असल - मूलधन
- Real, the principal amount
- Āsaro आसरो - आश्रय
- shelter
- Atakyoḍā अटक्योड़ा - अवरोधित
- hurdled
- Aṭhai अठै - यहां
- here
- Āthuṇī आथुणी - पश्चिम दिशा
- western direction
- Āṭī-dora आटी-डोरा - कोया
- cocoon and weaving thread
- Āṭī-pāṭī आटी-पाटी - कोप भवन
- to go into anger-chamber, the room set apart for an angry queen
- Attī अत्ती - इतनी
- this much
- Ausaṇ औसण - आटा आदि गूंथना
- to mix the powder (flour etc.) with water
- Ausāṇ औसाण - समय मिलना
- To get some time to do something Example:मनै तो रोटी खाबा को'ई औसाण कोनी ( I do not have time even to have my food)
- Āvaḍai आवडै - मन न लगना
- one feels bored
- Āvaḍī आवड़ी - एक कोस, यह शब्द बागड़ के इलाके में प्रयोग होता है
- the distance of about 2 kilometres
- Āvailī आवैली - आयेगी
- will come
- Āwaṭī आवटी - उबलना
- the boiling stage of recipe like rābaḍī or khichaḍī
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