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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Kazipet (काजीपेट) is the major educational and transport hub in Warangal city, Telangana, India. It is also a mandal in Warangal urban district. it falls under Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation.



  • Kazipeth (काजीपेट) (जिला वारंगल, आ.प्र.) (AS, p.162)


Kazipet: The name Kazipet is derived from a domed tomb built by a kazi of this district in the early part of the 19th century. Near it are some picturesque rocks, on one of which are two horn-like boulders which are visible from the railway train. Three ancient temples, situated on the summit of these rocks, contain some interesting specimens of early Hindu carving. An annual Urs called “ Dargah Urs ” takes place near Kazipet. There are some old temples situated on an isolated, rock at Muddikonda, about a mile to the south of Kazipet station. One temple is dedicated to Siva and the other to Vishnu. Both are in the Dravidian style of architecture with pyramidal sikharas or spires. In the village near the rock there are some smaller temples of which the finest is used by Saivites. [1]

Localities in Kazipet

The areas in Kazipet

  • Somidi
  • Ammavaripet
  • Madikonda
  • Shayampet
  • Tharalapalli
  • Rampur
  • Kadipikonda
  • Kothapalli
  • Bapuji Nagar

Kazipet Junction railway station: Kazipet junction railway station is located in Warangal Urban district of Telangana. It is an important railway junction connecting north and south India.


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[2] ने लेख किया है ...काजीपेट (AS, p.162) 19 वीं सदी के पूर्व भाग में एक काजी का बनवाया हुआ एक गुंबददार मकबरा यहां स्थित है. पास ही सुंदर चट्टानें हैं जिनमें से एक पर श्रंगाकार पर्वतों के ढोखे दिखाई देते हैं. इन चट्टानों के शिखर पर तीन अति प्राचीन मंदिर हैं जिन पर प्रारंभिक हिन्दु काल की सुंदर नक्काशी के नमूने मिलते हैं. काजीपेट से 1 मील दक्षिणी मुड्डीकोण्डा नामक स्थान है जहां एक विशाल चट्टान पर कई प्राचीन मंदिर हैं. द्रविड़ शैली में बने हुये शिव और विष्णु के मंदिरों में स्तूपाकार शिखर हैं. पास ही ग्राम में भी एक सुंदर शिव मंदिर है.

External links
