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Gunarsa () is village in tehsil Deoband of Saharanpur district in Uttar Pradesh.


Village code -110239. Pincode- 247554. Post office -Deoband आसपास के गांव - बहादुरपुर, जड़ौदा, इमलिया, इशारपुर, घलौली, नगले नूर. गांव गुनारसा देवबंद से 4 किमी तथा सहारनपुर से 45 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित है।

Jat Gotras


Gunarsa has always been an agricultural village. Husbandry has been the foundation of its economy, the welfare and prosperity being at all times depending on the produce of the soil. The peasants were the backbone of the district, yet they left us hardly any record of their own lives. This is not surprising since they were non-literate. They left no written accounts of the essential aspects of their lives, aspirations, hopes and what they thought of their lot compared to the wealthier classes around them.

The evidence that we do have that allows a picture of the life of the farmer comes to us from the paintings on the walls of homes and doors landowners.

It was believed that the god Shri Sheere Singh was the first farmer, the king who taught the people farming techniques and the domestication of animals. His wife the goddess taught the people how to make simple and tasty food. He was their role-model and deity, the people offered back the products of the land to the gods.

The first farmers combined the exploitation of pockets of wild grains, with the hunting and domestication of native species of sheep, goats and cattle. The wadis, fertile areas, throughout. Fish filled the lake birds thronged the marshes and reeds.

Not only was grain vital to feed the people, but, since the Gunarsa at that time had no form of currency, grain was part of a barter economy. That is, prices of basic commodities were expressed in terms of measures of grain.

Milk and curd were the chief components of people's daily diet in Gunarsa, eventually even being depicted as the first offering in the agriculture. Though, there are several words in the ancient villagers language for grain, one term in particular graphically describes the significance of grain in the life of the people. This word was ankhet, describing corn as "that which gives life."


2570 (2011 census)[1]

गांव की जनसंख्या 2569 है जिसमें 1378 पुरुष और 1191 महिला तथा 462 रिहायशी मकान हैं।

Notable persons

  • Choudhary Jabhar Singh -pardhan
  • Choudhary Ilam Singh
  • Choudhary Omparkash
  • Chaudhry Chandra Bose Jattu (Mob: 8587006654)
  • के पी सिंह तोमर, सेवानिवृत्त वरिष्ठ बैंक प्रबंधक

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