
From Jatland Wiki

Barota or Barauta (बडौता) is a village in Gohana tahsil of Sonipat District in Haryana.


Village - Barota/Barotha (बरोटा) ( village code - 059684) ,Tehsil Gohana and District Sonipat Haryana. Pincode - 131301, P.O. Gohana. आसपास के गांव - खेड़ी धमकन, सिकंदरपुर माजरा, गामरी, नियात, गोहाना, बालू, मेहरा, राभरा, नागर, लाथ, बिंधल, जौली,। गांव बरोटा , गोहाना से 4 किमी तथा सोनीपत से 35 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित है । एक अन्य गांव बरोटा जिसका गांव कोड 059291 है तहसील एवं जिला करनाल हरियाणा में है। गांव बरोटा ग्राम पंचायत मुख्यालय है । गांव बरोटा में शिव गोरखनाथ मंदिर, सब गवरमेंट हॉस्पिटल, पंचायत भवन, बाबा करमवीर नाथ भोला जी मंदिर बना है।

Jat Gotras


H.A. Rose[1] writes - In Delhi the legend is that Haria Harpal, being defeated in battle by the king of Delhi took refuge in a lonely forest which from the number of its trees he called Ban auta — now corrupted into Barauta in Rohtak. There he ruled and his son Dhadhij after him. Dhadhij one day in hunting chanced upon a certain pond or tank near Pogithala in the same district where the Jat women had come together to get their drinking-water Just then a man came out of the village leading buffalo-calf with a rope to the pond to give it water. The animal either from fright or frolic bounded away from the hand of its owner, and he gave chase but, in vain. Neighbours joined in the pursuit, which was nevertheless unsuccessful, till the animal in its headlong flight came across the path of a Jatni going along with two gharras of water on her head. She quietly put out her foot on the rope which was trailing along the ground and stood firm under the strain which the impetus of the fugitive gave.

The calf was caught, and Dhadhij looking on with admiration, became enamouled of the stalwart comeliness of its captor. Such a wife, he said must needs bear a strong race of sons to her husband, and that husband, notwithstanding the fact of her already being married he forthwith determined to be himself. By a mixture of cajolery, threats and gift-making he obtained his desire and the Jatni married the Kshatri prince. By her he had three sons — Teja, Sahja, and Jaisa. Dhadhij gave his name to the Dahiyas and his children spread over the neighbouring tracts, dividing the country between them— Teja's descendants live in Rohtak ; Sahja's partly in Rohtak and partly in 13 villages of Delhi ; while Jaisa's descendants live in Rohtak and in 16 villages in Delhi.

Distribution in Punjab

Villages in Hoshiarpur district


जनसंख्या - जनगणना 2011के अनुसार गांव बरोटा की जनसंख्या 4300 है जिसमें 2306 पुरुष व 1994 महिला तथा 840 रिहायशी मकान हैं ।

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