History of Origin of Some Clans in India/Jat From Jutland/The Goths

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History of Origin of Some Clans in India

(with special Reference to Jats)

By Mangal Sen Jindal (1992)

Publisher - Sarup & Sons, 4378/4B, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, ISBN 81-85431-08-6

The text of this chapter has been converted into Wiki format by Laxman Burdak

Chapter 1: Jat From Jutland

The Goths

"The Goths, one of the more numerous German peoples, moved south-eastwards from the north German plain to the lowlands north of the Black Sea. Advancing Westwards from this region to the lower Danube, some of them settled within the Balkan lands of the Byzunine Empire, whilst other moved up the valleys of the Drave and Save and thence into Italy. The Ostrogoths, as they were called, established a kingdom in Italy, which they ruled from the old Roman capital of Ravenna.

Another branch of the Goths who became known as the west or visigoths, crossed the western Alps and conquered as large part of southern Gaul, which they governed from Toulouse. In the year 413 they took possession of the cities of Valence on the lower Rhone, the 'Gap Town' of Toulouse and seaport of Narbonne. In its initial stage, about the year A. D. 410, the Kingdom of Visigoths extended between the Atlantic, the Garonne and the Pyrenees. From this base they conquered in a few years the whole of Aquitaine, and also the town of Poitiers, which commanded the Roman route northwards to the Loise. Further they crossed the Pyrenees and succeeded by the year 457 in conquering almost the whole of Spain. Shortly after this they captured definitely the town of Narbonne and also Nimes Merseilles and Arler, and consolidated the it rule over Low Languedve, the lower Rohne and even Province south of the Durance. At its greatest extent, at the end of the fifth century. the visigothic state embraced southern Gaul between the Loire. the lower Rhone, the Atlantic, the Gaul of Lion and the Pyrenees, whilst only a part of Spain with-stood their advance. In the northwest from the lower Tagus to Galicia earlier German immigrants, the Suevi, escaped conquest, whilst in the western Pyrenees and the cantabrian mountains the Basques preserved their independence. It was as an advance post against these sturdy mountaineers, descendants of the Iberi of Caesar, that the visigoths built in the year 581 their only town in Spain, namely Victoria, which stands above the Zadorra river, the valley of which carried the Coast road from Gaul down to the Upper Ebro. The advance of

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the Visigoths to the Loire brought them to the Southern frontier of the Frankish kingdom, and in the warfare that ensued between the two peoples the visigothic forces suffered decisive defeats." [1] "The next great step for the Arab Mohammadans, after taking Africa. as then known, was to invade Spain, and that expedition was one of the greatest items in their magnificent conquest of nation. What was the state of Spain in the seventh century? After the fall of the Roman Empire, Spain was overrun by the Visigoths, Suevi, Vandals, and other barbarians from the north. The Vandals gave name of Andalusia i.e., Vandalitia) ; and both they and the Visigoths, or Western Goths, were nominally Christian. Before the arrival of the Moslem conquerors, the Visigoths had become the rulers, but from their severity they were loved neither by Spain nor by the Berbers of the neighbouring African coast." ., .... [2]

"After seven days fighting, according to tradition, Roderick, the last of the Gothic kings, commanding, in a splendid chariot of ivory, clad in cloth of gold, was killed, and the Moors (Muslim) were victorious, though in numbers only one to six." [3]

"Such was the end of the rule of Spain by the Western Goths. In the fifth century, descending from their wild German forests they had ravaged 'France' (using its future name) with fire and sword, then taken possession of Spain, just as the Eastern Goths after passing the Danube, had overrun Greece and Italy. every step marked by copious bloodshed." ..... · [4]

"The Spanish population and the Jews of the towns, found the Moslem rule much preparable to that which the Goths had so long exercised." [5]

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"The easy settlement of the Moslems in Spain, and the continuance of their rule, was due to several causes which are easily understood. The previous government of the Gothic Christians had been much harsher and more arbitrary." ... [6]


  1. An Historical Geography of Europe, pages 143 to 144.
  2. The Story of Extinct Civilization of the East, page 131.
  3. The Story of Extinct Civilizations of East, page 132.
  4. The Story of Extinct Civilization of the East, page 133.
  5. The Story of Extinct Civilizations of the East, page 134.
  6. The Story of Extinct Civilizations of the East, page 140.