
From Jatland Wiki
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Map of Jammu and Kashmir
Kathua district map

Kathua (Hindi: कठुआ, Punjabi :ਕਠੂਆ) is a town and district in Jammu and Kashmir.

Origin of name

The word "Kathua" is derived from the word Kathwal which is a variant of Gathwal.


Jat clan



Kathua is located at 32.37°N 75.52°E. It has an average elevation of 307 metres. The city is surrounded by three rivers. Ravi River is just 7 km down Kathua while Ujjh is about 11 km ahead on Jammu Highway. Kathua itself is situated along the banks of a Khad (river) dividing it into two boroughs: Parliwand, meaning the other side; and Orliwand, meaning this side. Both parts are connected by three bridges. Many parts of the district and the city itself lie on plains while the tehsils of Basoli and Billawar are very hilly. The Kandi region - the barren lowlands at shiwalik foothills constitute it. A gateway to the northernmost state of Jammu and Kashmir, Kathua lies just 88 kilometres south of the state's winter capital of Jammu

Tehsils of Kathua District

Kathua District comprises tehsils:


Greek historians, who provide an insight into the ancient history of Jammu hills, prominently record the existence in this area of two powerful empires - Abhisara (present day Poonch) and Kathaioi - at the time of invasion of India by Alexander. Strabo describes Kathaioi as a mighty republic of that era, located in the foothills along the Ravi River. The topography of Kathaioi corresponds with the present day Kathua. Strabo describes the people of this republic as the epitome of bravery and courage, and records that they gave a tough fight to invading army of Alexander.

There are many places which commemorate a visit to Kathua by Pandavas. Lord Krishna is also said to have come to this area, in order to get back from Jamawant the Syamantaka Mani.

Though there is no detailed and fully documented history of Kathua district. It is believed that One Jodh Singh of the Andotra clan (shares ancestry with Tomars) is believed to have migrated from Hastinapur to Kathua nearly 2,000 years ago. His three sons Viz. Teju, Kindal and Bhaju established the three Hamlets of Taraf Tajwal, Taraf Manjali and Taraf Bhajwal. Their descendants are now called as Tajwalia, Bhajwalia and Khanwalia of Andotra sub-caste.[1]

Prior to 1921, the Kathua district was known as the Jasrota district. Between 1921–1931, the headquarters of the district was shifted to Kathua without any alteration in the area of governance.[2]

Jat History

B S Dahiya[3] writes: Gathval/Kathval/Kathia, an important clan of the Jats have now switched over to the name "Malik" though, social functions, marriages etc. they still say their gotra is Gathval.

The Greeks give two forms of the word, viz., Kathaian and Kathaioi; and as per Dr. Jolly, S. Vidyalankar and K.P. Jayaswal, the word "Kathala stands for their country and Kathaioi for the people. The letter '0' gives the sound for 'V' and it is certain that they were the Kathvals and modern Gathwals. They were fierce fighters and with a military strategy called Shakta Vyuha, they faced Alxander when at least 17000 of them became martyrs. Beaut was given the highest consideration even in matters of state officials. They practiced sati. In the tribes and castes they are mentioned as Kathia or Ravi Jats and are considered the same people who fought against Alexander.[4]

Bhim Singh Dahiya[5] writes that it is possible that these are two different clans and not one. About the Kathia clan, The tribes and castes says, “After much enquiry on the subject, I have come to the conclusion that the Kathias of the present day have a strong claim to be considered the descendants of the same “Kathaioi” who so gallantly resisted the Macedonian conqueror. [6] Their own account of their origin is, of course far different. Like all Jats, they take a particular pride in tracing their descent from a Rajput prince about the time of their conversion to Islam under Emperor Akbar. But an examination of their alleged pedigree shows that, like many other popular tradition of this kind this account of their origin must be altogether fictitious.

Tourist attractions

Kathua has one of the most beautiful parks and gardens, one of which is Dr. K.K Birla Garden.[8] The city has a garden along the tributary of Ravi River which is famous throughout the Jammu region for its beauty. Kathua has also many small canals flowing throughout the town.[9] In addition to gardens and canals, the district of Kathua also contains historical landmarks such as Jasrota Fort, Jasmergarh Fort and Bhadu Fort.


कठुआ (Kathua) भारत के जम्मू और कश्मीर राज्य के कठुआ ज़िले में स्थित ज़िले का मुख्यालय है। कठुआ, जम्मू से 87 किलोमीटर और पठानकोट से लगभग 25 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है। यह स्थान जहां एक ओर मंदिरों, जैसे धौला वाली माता, जोदि-दी-माता, आशापूर्णी मंदिर आदि के लिए जाना जाता है वहीं दूसरी ओर यह बर्फ से ढ़के पर्वतों, प्राकृतिक सुंदरता और घाटियों के लिए भी प्रसिद्ध है। यह नगर जम्मू कश्मीर का 'प्रवेश द्वार' तथा औद्योगिक नगर भी है।

यूनानी इतिहासकारों ने सिकंदर के भारत पर आक्रमण के समय जम्मू में दो शक्तिशाली जनपदों का उल्लेख किया है- अभिसार (वर्तमान पूंछ) और कठइओइ। स्ट्रेबो ने कठइओइ जनपद के बारे में बताया है कि यह बहुत शक्तिशाली गणराज्य था जो रावी नदी के तलहटी में स्थित था| यहाँ के लोग बहुत बहादुर थे और सिकंदर की सेना को कड़ी टक्कर दी थी। स्ट्रेबो द्वारा वर्णित कठइओइ जनपद की स्थिति वर्तमान कठुआ के अनुरूप है।

डॉ जॉली, एस. विद्यालंकार और केपी जायसवाल मानते हैं कि कठाला देश का नाम था और कठइओइ वहाँ के निवासी। कठइओइ का भारतीय रूपांतरण कठवाल है। यह निश्चित रूप से कहा जा सकता है कि कठवाल ही आधुनिक गठवाल हैं। भीमसिंह दहिया मानते हैं कि गठवाल/ कठवाल/कठिया जाटों का एक बड़ा गोत्र है। गठवाल आजकल मलिक लिखते हैं। [7] गठवाला खाप एक मजबूत संगठन है जिसमें 52 गांव होने के कारण इसे बावनी खाप भी कहा जाता है। इसका मुख्यालय गांव लिसाढ़ तथा फुगाना, कुरमाली, बरला आदि इस खाप के प्रमुख गांव हैं। इस खाप में लल्ल गठवाला गोत्र के जाटों का बाहुल्य है। [8]

कुछ लोगों का मत है कि कठुआ शब्द कश्यप के नाम से बना है। पहले इसे कठुई के नाम से जाना जाता था लेकिन बाद में इसका नाम बदलकर कठुआ रख दिया गया। ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से भी काफी महत्वपूर्ण माना जाने वाला यह जिला लगभग 2000 वर्ष पुराना माना जाता है। कठुआ जिले का ठीक-ठीक अभिलेखित इतिहास उपलब्ध नहीं है। कहा जाता है कि 2000 वर्ष पूर्व पांडुवंशी दिल्ली के तोमरों का एक वंशज अंडरोता गोत्र का जोधसी हस्तिनापुर से कठुआ आया था। उसके तीन पुत्र थे - 1. तेज़ू, 2. भजू, और 3. किंदल। इन्होने अपने-अपने नाम से बस्तियां बसाई और उनके वंशज आजकल तेजवालिया, भजवालिया और कंदवालिया नाम से जाने जाते हैं। [9]

See also


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