Mudasir Bajwa

From Jatland Wiki

Mudasir Bajwa is an advocate from Chawinda Khas. Mob: 92 333 4618903

Thanks to all for investing your time to enrich my knowledge and engaging in interesting debate.

Before I explain the concept of spirituality in the clan system in response to Mark Turner's question. I want to tell you that I am from the Himalayan foothills, the land of Aryan clans. My Aryan ethnic group is Jat and my clan is Bajwa.

The Indian Aryan clans are just based on apical ancestors thus title, city (region), language, and Guru-ship based clans or artificial sub-clans have no existence in the Arya clan system. Members of the Aryan clans are related by blood thus outsiders cannot join the natural clan. The false claimants of Aryan clans do not have resemblance with the clan members. Fake clan members can also be exposed through DNA testing. Each clan has a native tribal belt which comprises of native villages. Each clan is an offshoot of the ancient clan. For example, the Bajwa clan is an offshoot of the Ikshawaku clan and the Ikshawaku clan belongs to the dynasty of Surya (Sun).

Aryans composed the Vedas and the Vedic civilization is based on the Aryan clan system. Each clan has its own folk religion and clan god that means the apical ancestor. It is pertinent to note that the clan system is not the same as the caste system. The caste system means the classification of the society (for exploitation). The caste system is an antagonistic concept to the Vedic teachings and it was introduced by non-aryans through Brahmanism at a later stage to subdue the Aryan clan system. For that reason, the Brahmanism and caste system was criticised by Buddha (The founder of Buddhism) and Mahavira (The founder of Jainism). Both were Aryans.

Aryan clans are all rural thus each clan member must have his roots in his native village. The clan in a village is further divided into extended families known as "Tabber". Each extended family has agricultural land in a specific direction which is generally known as "Patti" (strip). Each patti is also named after the ancestor to whom it was devolved upon. Each strip has several kho (wells); each kho is also named after the ancestor who owned that land.

Aryan clan members are spiritually and emotionally connected with their land because it is inherited, not bought. Aryan clans take farming as worship.

We are the natural continuation of our parents and their parents therefore the ring of good luck and bad luck depends upon the deeds of our ancestors. If you have inflicted irreparable loss to any other person you or your generations will carry the burden of that act. Similarly, your coming generations will enjoy your good deeds. This concept makes more sense as compared to the concept of the modern world and organised religions. Kids are spiritually connected with their parents and this spiritual connection forms a spiritual chain that links all the generations with one another. According to Aryan folk religion you are one end of the spiritual chain and the other end is the supreme lord. The apical ancestors are responsible to protect their clans by invoking sixth senses of its clan members. The more the clan members are righteous the more their sixth sense is active. In ancient times those who committed sins such as rape etc cannot remain member of the clan. Once ousted from the clan, ousted forever.

The basic purpose of the Aryan clan is to protect the spiritual purity, and racial preservation. The protection of life and race is equally important for us. God has given us racial heritage to preserve the racial inheritance.

Without clans we cannot have a nation state. Political states try to destroy clans to promote capitalism, religionism and unwanted stuff because clans pose the biggest threat to their evil interests.

Artificial clans are not clans but association of persons for common purpose.

Clan means clan, the way family means family. The more you redefine terms the more you will destroy your clans. Clan society means the society is based on a clan system. Clan is not synonymous to society or vice versa.

Apparently some of the Scottish and Irish clans have Aryan roots. Your clans have tribal belts like ours. That's the most interesting thing for me. Stay blessed and protect your clan system.

Muddassir Bajwa


Articles by Mudasir Bajwa