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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Strirajya (स्त्रीराज्य) refers to a kingdom in ancient India mentioned in Mahabharata. It was probably located in Garhwal -Kumaon region of Uttarakhand.




Strīrājya (स्त्रीराज्य).—A kingdom in ancient India. It is mentioned in Mahābhārata, Vana Parva, Chapter 51, Verse 25 that the King of this country had participated in the Rājasūya (sacrifice of royal consecration) of Yudhiṣṭhira.[1]

Rajatarangini (I, p 330.) places Uttarkuru land in the neighborhood of Strirajya. Based on Xuanzang's evidence, Strirajya is identified as a country lying north of Kashmir, south of Khotan and west of Tibet.

In Mahabharata

Strirajya (स्त्रीराज्य) Mahabharata is mentioned (III.48.21), (XII.4.7)

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 48 describes Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhisthira attended by the chiefs of many islands and countries . Strirajya (स्त्रीराज्य) Mahabharata is mentioned (III.48.21) [2]....the Harahunas and Chinas and Tukharas and the Saindhavas and the Jagudas and the Ramathas and the Mundas and the inhabitants of the kingdom of women (Strirajya) and the Tanganas and the Kekayas and the Malavas and the inhabitants of Kasmira,...

Shanti Parva Mahabharata Book XII Chapter 4 mentions Strirajya (स्त्रीराज्य) in Mahabharata (XII.4.7).[3].....Once on a time, many kings repaired to a self-choice at the capital of Chitrangada, the ruler of the country of the Kalingas. The city, O Bharata, full of opulence, was known by the name of Rajapura. Hundreds of rulers repaired thither for obtaining the hand of the maiden. Hearing that diverse kings had assembled there, Duryodhana. also, on his golden car, proceeded thither, accompanied by Karna. When the festivities commenced in that self-choice, diverse rulers, O best of kings, came thither for the hand of the maiden. There were amongst them Sisupala and Jarasandha and Bhishmaka and Vakra, and Kapotaroman and Nila and Rukmi of steady prowess, and Shrigala who was ruler of the kingdom females (Strirajya), and Ashoka and Satadhanwan and the heroic ruler of the Bhojas.


स्त्रीराज्य (AS, p.1000) : महाभारत शांति पर्व 4,7 में स्त्री राज्य के अधिपति सृगाल का उल्लेख है- 'श्रुगालस्य महाराज स्त्रीराज्याधिपति'. यह कलिंग राज चित्रांगद की पुत्री के स्वयंवर में गया था. स्त्रीराज्य का उल्लेख कौटिल्य के अर्थशास्त्र में भी है. इसका ठीक-ठीक पता नहीं है. चीनी यात्री ह्वेनसांग ने सुवर्णगोत्र नामक स्थान पर स्त्रियों के शासन का वर्णन अपने यात्रावृत में किया है. विक्रमांकदेवचरित 18,57 तथा गरुड़ पुराण 55 में इसे सुवर्णगोत्र कहा गया है. जैमिनीभारत, 22 में स्त्रीराज्य की शासिका प्रमिला और अर्जुन के युद्ध का उल्लेख है. श्री न. ला. डे के अनुसार स्त्रीराज्य में गढ़वाल-कुमाऊं का एक भाग सम्मिलित था. [4]

External links


  1. Source: Puranic Encyclopedia
  2. हारहूणांश च चीनांश च तुखारान सैन्धवांस तदा, जागुडान रमठान मुण्डान स्त्री राज्यान अद तङ्गणान (III.48.21)
  3. सृगालश च महाराज स्री राज्याधिपतिश च यः, अशॊकः शतधन्वा च भॊजॊ वीरश च नामतः (XII.4.7)
  4. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.1000