Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 164

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Mahabharata Book III Section 167 English


"Arjuna said, 'O Bharata, by the grace of that god of gods the Supreme Soul, Tryambaka, I passed the night at that place. And having passed the night, when I had finished the morning rituals, I saw that foremost of the Brahmanas whom I had seen before. And unto him I told all as it had happened, O Bharata, namely, that I had met the divine Mahadeva. Thereupon, O king of kings, well-pleased, he said unto me, 'Since thou hast beheld the great god, incapable of being beheld by any one else, soon wilt thou

[[p. 339]: mix with Vaivaswata and the other Lokapalas and the lord of the celestials; and Indra too will grant thee weapons.' O king, having said this unto me and having embraced me again and again, that Bhrahmana resembling the Sun, went away whither he listed. And, O slayer of foes, it came to pass that on the evening of that day refreshing the whole world, there began to blow a pure breeze. And in my vicinity on the base of the Himalaya mountain fresh, fragrant and fair flowers began to bloom. And on all sides there were heard charming symphony and captivating hymns relating to Indra. And before the lord of the celestial hosts of Apsaras and Gandharvas chanted various songs. And ascending celestial cars, there approached the Marutas and the followers of Mahendra and the dwellers of heaven. And afterwards, Marutvan together with Sach and all the celestials appeared on the scene in cars yoked with horses elegantly adorned. And at this very moment, O king, he that goeth about on the shoulders of men manifested himself unto me in excellent grace. And I saw Yama seated on the south and Varuna and the lord of the celestials at their respective regions. And, O foremost of men, O mighty monarch, they after having cheered me said, 'O Savyasachin, behold us--the Lokapalas--seated. For the performance of the task of the gods thou hast obtained the sight of Sankara. Do thou now receive weapons from us seated around.' Thereupon, O lord, having bowed down unto those foremost of the celestials with regard, I duly accepted those mighty weapons. And then they recognised me as one of their own. Afterwards the gods repaired to the quarter from whence they had come. And that lord of the celestials, the divine Maghavan too having ascended his glorious chariot, said, 'O Phalguna, thou shalt have to repair unto the celestial region. O Dhananjaya, even before this thy arrival I knew that thou wouldst come hither. Then I, have O best of the Bharatas, manifested myself unto thee. As formerly thou hadst performed thy ablution in the various tirthas and now hast performed severe austerities, so thou wilt be able to repair unto the celestial regions, O Pandava. Thou wilt, however, again have to practise extreme penance, for thou shouldst at any rate journey to heaven. And at my command, Matali shall take thee to the celestial regions. Thou hast already been recognised by the celestials and the celestial sages of high soul.' Thereupon I said unto Sakra, 'O divine one, be thou favourable unto me. With the view of learning arms do I beseech thee that thou mayst 'be my preceptor.' At this Indra said, 'O child, having learnt weapons thou wouldst perform terrible deeds and with this object thou desirest to obtain the weapons. However, obtain thou the arms, as thou desirest.' Then I said, 'O slayer of foes, I never would discharge these celestial weapons at mortals except when all my other arms should have been baffled. Do thou, O lord of the celestials, grant me the celestial weapons (so that) I may hereafter, obtain the regions attainable by warriors.' Indra said, 'O Dhananjaya it is to try thee that I have said such words unto thee. Having been begotten of me this speech of thine well becometh thee. Do thou, O Bharata, repairing unto my abode learn all the weapons of Vayu, of Agni, of the Vasus, of Varuna, of the Marutas, of the Siddhas, of Brahma, of the Gandharvas of

[p. 340]: the Uragas, of the Rakshasas, of Vishnu and of the Nairitas; and also all the weapons that are with me, O perpetuator of the Kuru race.' Having said this unto me Sakra vanished at the very spot. Then, O king, I saw the wonderful and sacred celestial car yoked with steeds arrive conducted by Matali. And when the Lokapalas went away Matali said unto me. 'O thou of mighty splendour, the lord of the celestials is desirous of seeing thee. And O mighty-armed one, do thou acquire competence and then perform thy task. Come and behold the regions, attainable by merit and come unto heaven even in this frame. O Bharata, the thousand-eyed lord of the celestials wisheth to see thee.' Thus addressed by Matali, I, taking leave of the mountain Himalaya and having gone round it ascended that excellent car. And then the exceedingly generous Matali, versed in equine lore, drove the steeds, gifted with the speed of thought or the wind. And when the chariot began to move that charioteer looking at my face as I was seated steadily, wondered and said these words, 'Today this appeareth unto me strange and unprecedented that being seated in this celestial car, thou hast not been jerked ever so little. O foremost of Bharata race, I have ever remarked that at the first pull by the steeds even the lord of the celestials himself getteth jerked. But all the while that the car had moved, thou hast been sitting unshaken. This appeareth unto me as transcending even the power of Sakra.'

"Having said this, O Bharata, Matali soared in the sky and showed me the abodes of the celestials and their palaces. Then the chariot yoked with steeds coursed upwards. And the celestials and the sages began to worship (that car), O prime of men. And I saw the regions, moving anywhere at will, and the splendour also of the highly energetic Gandharvas, Apsaras, and the celestial sages.

And Sakra's charioteer, Matali, at once showed me Nandana and other gardens and groves belonging to the celestials. Next I beheld Indra's abode, Amaravati, adorned with jewels and trees yielding any sort of fruit that is desired. There the Sun doth not shed heat; nor doth heat or cold or fatigue there affect (one), O king. And, O great monarch, the celestials feel neither sorrow nor poverty of spirit, nor weakness, nor lassitude, O grinder of foes. And, O ruler of men, the celestials and the others have neither anger nor covetousness. And, O king, in the abodes of the celestials, the beings are ever contented. And there the trees ever bear verdant foliage, and fruits, and flowers; and the various lakes are embalmed with the fragrance of lotuses. And there the breeze is cool, and delicious, and fragrant, and pure, and inspiring. And the ground is variegated with all kinds of gems, and adorned with blossoms. And there were seen innumerable beautiful beasts and in the air innumerable rangers of the sky.

Then I saw the Vasus, and the Rudras, and the Sadhyas with the Marutas, and the Adityas, and the two Aswins and worshipped them. And they conferred their benison on me, granting me strength and prowess, and energy, and celebrity, and (skill in) arms, and victory in battle. Then, entering that romantic city adored by the Gandharvas and the celestials, with joined hands, I stood before the thousand-eyed lord of the celestials. Thereupon,

[p. 341]: that best of bestowers gladly offered unto me half of his seat; and Vasava also with regard touched my person. And, O Bharata, with the view of acquiring arms and learning weapons, I began to dwell in heaven, together with the gods and the Gandharvas of generous souls. And Viswavana's son, Chitrasena became my friend. And he, O king, imparted unto me the entire Gandharva (science). And, O monarch, I happily lived in Sakra's abode, well cared for having all my desires gratified, learning weapons, listening to the notes of songs, and the clear sounds of musical instruments, and beholding the foremost of Apsaras dance. And without neglecting to study the arts, which I learnt properly, my attention was specially fixed on the acquisition of arms. And that lord of a thousand eyes was pleased with that purpose of mine. Living thus in heaven, O king, I passed this period.

"And when I had acquired proficiency in weapons, and gained his confidence that one having for his vehicle the horse (Uchchaisrava), (Indra), patting me on the head with his hand, said these words, 'Now even the celestials themselves cannot conquer thee,--what shall I say of imperfect mortals residing on earth? Thou hast become invulnerable in strength, irrepressible, and incomparable in fight.' Then with the hair of his body standing on end, he again accosted me saying, 'O hero, in fighting with weapons none is equal unto thee. And, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, thou art even watchful, and dexterous, and truthful, and of subdued senses, and the protector of the Brahmanas and adept in weapons, and warlike. And, O Partha, together with (a knowledge of) the five modes, using (them), thou hast obtained five and ten weapons and, therefore, there existeth none, who is thy peer. And thou hast perfectly learnt the discharge (of those weapons) and (their) withdrawal, and (their) re-discharge and re-withdrawal, and the Prayaschitta connected (with them), and also their revival, in case of their being baffled. Now, O represser of foes, the time hath arrived for thy paying the preceptor's fee. Do thou promise to pay the fee; then I shall unfold unto thee what thou wilt have to perform.' Thereat, O king, I said unto the ruler of the celestials, 'If it be in my power to do the work, do thou consider it as already accomplished by me.' O king, when I had said these words, Indra with a smile said unto me 'Nothing is there in the three worlds that is not in thy power (to achieve) My enemies, those Danavas, named, Nivata-Kavachas dwell in the womb of the ocean. And they number thirty million and are notorious, and all of equal forms and strength and splendour. Do thou slay them there, O Kunti's son; and that will be thy preceptor's fee.'

"Saying this he gave unto me the highly resplendent celestial car, conducted by Matali, furnished with hair resembling the down of peacocks. And on my head he set this excellent diadem. And he gave me ornaments for my body, like unto his own. And he granted unto me the impenetrable mail--the best of its kind, and easy to the touch; and fastened unto the Gandiva this durable string. Then I set out, ascending that splendid chariot riding on which in days of yore, the lord of the celestials and vanquished Vali--that son of Virochana. And, O ruler of men, startled by the rattling

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of the car, all the celestials, approached (there), taking me to be the king of the celestials. And seeing me, they asked, 'O Phalguna, what art thou going to do?' And I told them as it had fallen out,--and said, 'I shall even do this in battle. Ye that are highly fortunate, know that I have set out desirous of slaying the Nivata-Kavachas. O sinless ones, do ye bless me.' Thereupon, they began to eulogise me even as they (eulogise) the god, Purandara. And they said, 'Riding on this car, Maghavan conquered in battle Samvara, and Namuchi, and Vala, and Vritra, and Prahrada, and Naraka. And mounted on this car also Maghavan, had conquered in battle many thousands and millions and hundreds of millions of Daityas. And, O Kaunteya, thou also, riding on this car, by thy prowess shalt conquer the Nivatha-Kavachas in conflict, even as did the self-possessed Maghavan in days of yore. And here is the best of shells; by this also thou shalt defeat the Danavas And by this it is that the high souled Sakra conquered the words.' Saying this, the gods offered (unto me) this shell, Devadatta, sprung in the deep; and I accepted it for the sake of victory. And at this moment, the gods fell extolling me. And in order to be engaged in action, I proceeded to the dreadful abode of the Danavas, furnished with the shell, the mail, and arrows, and taking my bow."

Mahabharata Book III Chapter 164 Sanskrit

 1 [अर्ज]
     ततस ताम अवसं परीतॊ रजनीं तत्र भारत
     परसाथाथ थेवथेवस्य तर्यम्बकस्य महात्मनः
 2 वयुषितॊ रजनीं चाहं कृत्वा पूर्वाह्णिक करियाम
     अपश्यं तं थविजश्रेष्ठं थृष्टवान अस्मि यं पुरा
 3 तस्मै चाहं यदावृत्तं सर्वम एव नयवेथयम
     भगवन्तं महाथेवं समेतॊ ऽसमीति भारत
 4 स माम उवाच राजेन्थ्र परीयमाणॊ थविजॊत्तमः
     थृष्टस तवया महाथेवॊ यदा नान्येन केन चित
 5 समेत्य लॊकपालैस तु सर्वैर वैवस्वताथिभिः
     थरष्टास्य अनघ थेवेन्थ्रं स च ते ऽसत्राणि थास्यति
 6 एवम उक्त्वा स मां राजन्न आश्लिष्य च पुनः पुनः
     अगच्छत स यदाकामं बराह्मणः सूर्यसंनिभः
 7 अदापराह्णे तस्याह्नः परावात पुण्यः समीरणः
     पुनर नवम इमं लॊकं कुर्वन्न इव सपत्नहन
 8 थिव्यानि चैव माल्यानि सुगन्धीनि नवानि च
     शैशिरस्य गिरेः पाथे पराथुरासन समीपतः
 9 वाथित्राणि च थिव्यानि सुघॊषाणि समन्ततः
     सतुतयश चेन्थ्र संयुक्ता अश्रूयन्त मनॊहराः
 10 गणाश चाप्सरसां तत्र गन्धर्वाणां तदैव च
    पुरस्ताथ थेवथेवस्य जगुर गीतानि सर्वशः
11 मरुतां च गणास तत्र थेव यानैर उपागमन
    महेन्थ्रानुचरा ये च थेव सथ्म निवासिनः
12 ततॊ मरुत्वान हरिभिर युक्तैर वाहैः सवलंकृतैः
    शची सहायस तत्रायात सह सर्वैस तथामरैः
13 एतस्मिन्न एव काले तु कुबेरॊ नरवाहनः
    थर्शयाम आस मां राजँल लक्ष्म्या परमया युतः
14 थक्षिणस्यां थिशि यमं परत्यपश्यं वयवस्दितम
    वरुणं थेवराजं च यदास्दानम अवस्दितम
15 ते माम ऊचुर महाराज सान्त्वयित्वा सुरर्षभाः
    सव्यसाचिन समीक्षस्व लॊकपालान अवस्दितान
16 सुरकार्यार्द सिथ्ध्यर्दं थृष्टवान असि शंकरम
    अस्मत्तॊ ऽपि गृहाण तवम अस्त्राणीति समन्ततः
17 ततॊ ऽहं परयतॊ भूत्वा परणिपत्य सुरर्षभान
    परत्यगृह्णं तथास्त्राणि महान्ति विधिवत परभॊ
18 गृहीतास्त्रस ततॊ थेवैर अनुज्ञ्षातॊ ऽसमि भारत
    अद थेवा ययुः सर्वे यदागतम अरिंथम
19 मघवान अपि थेवेशॊ रदम आरुह्य सुप्रभम
    उवाच भगवान वाक्यं समयन्न इव सुरारिहा
20 पुरैवागमनाथ अस्माथ वेथाहं तवां धनंजय
    अतः परं तव अहं वै तवां थर्शये भरतर्षभ
21 तवया हि तीर्देषु पुरा समाप्लावः कृतॊ ऽसकृत
    तपश चेथं पुरा तप्तं सवर्गं गन्तासि पाण्डव
22 भूयॊ चैव तु तप्तव्यं तपॊ परमथारुणम
    उवाच भगवान सर्वं तपसश चॊपपाथनम
23 मातलिर मन्नियॊगात तवां तरिथिवं परापयिष्यति
    विथितस तवं हि थेवानाम ऋषीणां च महात्मनाम
24 ततॊ ऽहम अब्रुवं शक्रं परसीथ भगवन मम
    आचार्यं वरये तवाहम अस्त्रार्दं तरिथशेश्वर
25 [इन्थ्र]
    करूरं कर्मास्त्रवित तात करिष्यसि परंतप
    यथर्दम अस्त्राणीप्सुस तवं तं कामं पाण्डवाप्नुहि
26 [अर्ज]
    ततॊ ऽहम अब्रुवं नाहं थिव्यान्य अस्त्राणि शत्रुहन
    मानुषेषु परयॊक्ष्यामि विनास्त्र परतिघातनम
27 तानि थिव्यानि मे ऽसत्राणि परयच्छ विबुधाधिप
    लॊकांश चास्त्रजितान पश्चाल लभेयं सुरपुंगव
28 [इन्थ्र]
    परीक्षार्दं मयैतत ते वाक्यम उक्तं धनंजय
    ममात्मजस्य वचनं सूपपन्नम इथं तव
29 शिक्ष मे भवनं गत्वा सर्वाण्य अस्त्राणि भारत
    वायॊर अग्नेर वसुभ्यॊ ऽद वरुणात समरुथ्गणात
30 साध्यं पैतामहं चैव गन्धर्वॊरगरक्षसाम
    वैष्णवानि च सर्वाणि नैरृतानि तदैव च
    मथ्गतानि च यानीह सर्वास्त्राणि कुरूथ्वह
31 [अर्ज]
    एवम उक्त्वा तु मां शक्रस तत्रैवान्तरधीयत
    अदापश्यं हरि युजं रदम ऐन्थ्रम उपस्दितम
    थिव्यं मायामयं पुण्यं यत्तं मातलिना नृप
32 लॊकपालेषु यातेषु माम उवाचाद मातलिः
    थरष्टुम इच्छति शक्रस तवां थेवराजॊ महाथ्युते
33 संसिथ्धस तवं महाबाहॊ कुरु कार्यम अनुत्तमम
    पश्य पुण्यकृतां लॊकान सशरीरॊ थिवं वरज
34 इत्य उक्तॊ ऽहं मातलिना गिरिम आमन्त्र्य शैशिरम
    परथक्षिणम उपावृत्य समारॊहं रदॊत्तमम
35 चॊथयाम आस सहयान मनॊमारुतरंहसः
    मातलिर हयशास्त्रज्ञॊ यदावथ भूरिथक्षिणः
36 अवैक्षन्त च मे वक्त्रं सदितस्याद स सारदिः
    तदा भरान्ते रदे राजन विस्मितश चेथम अब्रवीत
37 अत्यथ्भुतम इथं मे ऽथय विचित्रं परतिभाति माम
    यथ आस्दितॊ रदं थिव्यं पथा न चलितॊ भवान
38 थेवराजॊ ऽपि हि मया नित्यम अत्रॊपलक्षितः
    विचलन परदमॊत्पाते हयानां भरतर्षभ
39 तवं पुनः सदित एवात्र रदे भरान्ते कुरूथ्वह
    अतिशक्रम इथं सत्त्वं तवेति परतिभाति मे
40 इत्य उक्त्वाकाशम आविश्य मातलिर विबुधालयान
    थर्शयाम आस मे राजन विमानानि च भारत
41 नन्थनाथीनि थेवानां वनानि बहुलान्य उत
    थर्शयाम आस मे परीत्या मातलिः शक्रसारदिः
42 ततः शक्रस्य भवनम अपश्यम अमरावतीम
    थिव्यैः कामफलैर वृक्षै रत्नैश च समलंकृताम
43 न तां भासयते सूर्यॊ न शीतॊष्णे न च कलमः
    रजः पङ्कॊ न च तमस तत्रास्ति न जरा नृप
44 न तत्र शॊकॊ थैन्यं वा वैवर्ण्यं चॊपलक्ष्यते
    थिवौकसां महाराज न च गलानिर अरिंथम
45 न करॊधलॊभौ तत्रास्ताम अशुभं च विशां पते
    नित्यतुष्टाश च हृष्टाश च पराणिनः सुरवेश्मनि
46 नित्यपुष्पफलास तत्र पाथपा हरितछथाः
    पुष्करिण्यश च विविधाः पथ्मसौगन्धिकायुताः
47 शीतस तत्र ववौ वायुः सुगन्धॊ जीवनः शुचिः
    सर्वरत्नविचित्रा च भूमिः पुष्पविभूषिता
48 मृगथ्विजाश च बहवॊ रुचिरा मधुरस्वराः
    विमानयायिनश चात्र थृश्यन्ते बहवॊ ऽमराः
49 ततॊ ऽपश्यं वसून रुथ्रान साध्यांश च समरुथ्गणाआथित्याअश्विनौ चैव तान सर्वान परत्यपूजयम
50 ते मां वीर्येण यशसा तेजसा च बलेन च
    अस्त्रैश चाप्य अन्वजानन्त संप्राम विजयेन च
51 परविश्य तां पुरीं रम्यां थेवगन्धर्वसेविताम
    थेवराजं सहस्राक्षम उपातिष्ठं कृताञ्जलिः
52 थथाव अर्धासनं परीतः शक्रॊ मे थथतां वरः
    बहुमानाच च गात्राणि पस्पर्श मम वासवः
53 तत्राहं थेवगन्धर्वैः सहितॊ भुरि थक्षिण
    अस्त्रार्दम अवसं सवर्गे कुर्वाणॊ सत्राणि भारत
54 विश्वावसॊश च मे पुत्रश चित्रसेनॊ ऽभवत सखा
    स च गान्धर्वम अखिलं गराहयाम आस मां नृप
55 ततॊ ऽहम अवसं राजन गृहीतास्त्रः सुपूजितः
    सुखं शक्रस्य भवने सर्वकामसमन्वितः
56 शृण्वन वै गीतशब्थं च तूर्यशब्थं च पुष्कलम
    पश्यंश चाप्सरसः शरेष्ठा नृत्यमानाः परंतप
57 तत सर्वम अनवज्ञाय तद्यं विज्ज्ञाय भारत
    अत्यर्दं परतिगृह्याहम अस्त्रेष्व एव वयवस्दितः
58 ततॊ ऽतुष्यत सहस्राक्षस तेन कामेन मे विभुः
    एवं मे वसतॊ राजन्न एष कालॊ ऽतयगाथ थिवि

Mahabharata Book III Chapter 164 Roman

 1 [arj]
     tatas tām avasaṃ prīto rajanīṃ tatra bhārata
     prasādād devadevasya tryambakasya mahātmanaḥ
 2 vyuṣito rajanīṃ cāhaṃ kṛtvā pūrvāhṇika kriyām
     apaśyaṃ taṃ dvijaśreṣṭhaṃ dṛṣṭavān asmi yaṃ purā
 3 tasmai cāhaṃ yathāvṛttaṃ sarvam eva nyavedayam
     bhagavantaṃ mahādevaṃ sameto 'smīti bhārata
 4 sa mām uvāca rājendra prīyamāṇo dvijottamaḥ
     dṛṣṭas tvayā mahādevo yathā nānyena kena cit
 5 sametya lokapālais tu sarvair vaivasvatādibhiḥ
     draṣṭāsy anagha devendraṃ sa ca te 'strāṇi dāsyati
 6 evam uktvā sa māṃ rājann āśliṣya ca punaḥ punaḥ
     agacchat sa yathākāmaṃ brāhmaṇaḥ sūryasaṃnibhaḥ
 7 athāparāhṇe tasyāhnaḥ prāvāt puṇyaḥ samīraṇaḥ
     punar navam imaṃ lokaṃ kurvann iva sapatnahan
 8 divyāni caiva mālyāni sugandhīni navāni ca
     śaiśirasya gireḥ pāde prādurāsan samīpataḥ
 9 vāditrāṇi ca divyāni sughoṣāṇi samantataḥ
     stutayaś cendra saṃyuktā aśrūyanta manoharāḥ
 10 gaṇāś cāpsarasāṃ tatra gandharvāṇāṃ tathaiva ca
    purastād devadevasya jagur gītāni sarvaśaḥ
11 marutāṃ ca gaṇās tatra deva yānair upāgaman
    mahendrānucarā ye ca deva sadma nivāsinaḥ
12 tato marutvān haribhir yuktair vāhaiḥ svalaṃkṛtaiḥ
    śacī sahāyas tatrāyāt saha sarvais tadāmaraiḥ
13 etasminn eva kāle tu kubero naravāhanaḥ
    darśayām āsa māṃ rājaṁl lakṣmyā paramayā yutaḥ
14 dakṣiṇasyāṃ diśi yamaṃ pratyapaśyaṃ vyavasthitam
    varuṇaṃ devarājaṃ ca yathāsthānam avasthitam
15 te mām ūcur mahārāja sāntvayitvā surarṣabhāḥ
    savyasācin samīkṣasva lokapālān avasthitān
16 surakāryārtha siddhyarthaṃ dṛṣṭavān asi śaṃkaram
    asmatto 'pi gṛhāṇa tvam astrāṇīti samantataḥ
17 tato 'haṃ prayato bhūtvā praṇipatya surarṣabhān
    pratyagṛhṇaṃ tadāstrāṇi mahānti vidhivat prabho
18 gṛhītāstras tato devair anujñṣāto 'smi bhārata
    atha devā yayuḥ sarve yathāgatam ariṃdama
19 maghavān api deveśo ratham āruhya suprabham
    uvāca bhagavān vākyaṃ smayann iva surārihā
20 puraivāgamanād asmād vedāhaṃ tvāṃ dhanaṃjaya
    ataḥ paraṃ tv ahaṃ vai tvāṃ darśaye bharatarṣabha
21 tvayā hi tīrtheṣu purā samāplāvaḥ kṛto 'sakṛt
    tapaś cedaṃ purā taptaṃ svargaṃ gantāsi pāṇḍava
22 bhūyo caiva tu taptavyaṃ tapo paramadāruṇam
    uvāca bhagavān sarvaṃ tapasaś copapādanam
23 mātalir manniyogāt tvāṃ tridivaṃ prāpayiṣyati
    viditas tvaṃ hi devānām ṛṣīṇāṃ ca mahātmanām
24 tato 'ham abruvaṃ śakraṃ prasīda bhagavan mama
    ācāryaṃ varaye tvāham astrārthaṃ tridaśeśvara
25 [indra]
    krūraṃ karmāstravit tāta kariṣyasi paraṃtapa
    yadartham astrāṇīpsus tvaṃ taṃ kāmaṃ pāṇḍavāpnuhi
26 [arj]
    tato 'ham abruvaṃ nāhaṃ divyāny astrāṇi śatruhan
    mānuṣeṣu prayokṣyāmi vināstra pratighātanam
27 tāni divyāni me 'strāṇi prayaccha vibudhādhipa
    lokāṃś cāstrajitān paścāl labheyaṃ surapuṃgava
28 [indra]
    parīkṣārthaṃ mayaitat te vākyam uktaṃ dhanaṃjaya
    mamātmajasya vacanaṃ sūpapannam idaṃ tava
29 śikṣa me bhavanaṃ gatvā sarvāṇy astrāṇi bhārata
    vāyor agner vasubhyo 'tha varuṇāt samarudgaṇāt
30 sādhyaṃ paitāmahaṃ caiva gandharvoragarakṣasām
    vaiṣṇavāni ca sarvāṇi nairṛtāni tathaiva ca
    madgatāni ca yānīha sarvāstrāṇi kurūdvaha
31 [arj]
    evam uktvā tu māṃ śakras tatraivāntaradhīyata
    athāpaśyaṃ hari yujaṃ ratham aindram upasthitam
    divyaṃ māyāmayaṃ puṇyaṃ yattaṃ mātalinā nṛpa
32 lokapāleṣu yāteṣu mām uvācātha mātaliḥ
    draṣṭum icchati śakras tvāṃ devarājo mahādyute
33 saṃsiddhas tvaṃ mahābāho kuru kāryam anuttamam
    paśya puṇyakṛtāṃ lokān saśarīro divaṃ vraja
34 ity ukto 'haṃ mātalinā girim āmantrya śaiśiram
    pradakṣiṇam upāvṛtya samārohaṃ rathottamam
35 codayām āsa sahayān manomārutaraṃhasaḥ
    mātalir hayaśāstrajño yathāvad bhūridakṣiṇaḥ
36 avaikṣanta ca me vaktraṃ sthitasyātha sa sārathiḥ
    tathā bhrānte rathe rājan vismitaś cedam abravīt
37 atyadbhutam idaṃ me 'dya vicitraṃ pratibhāti mām
    yad āsthito rathaṃ divyaṃ padā na calito bhavān
38 devarājo 'pi hi mayā nityam atropalakṣitaḥ
    vicalan prathamotpāte hayānāṃ bharatarṣabha
39 tvaṃ punaḥ sthita evātra rathe bhrānte kurūdvaha
    atiśakram idaṃ sattvaṃ taveti pratibhāti me
40 ity uktvākāśam āviśya mātalir vibudhālayān
    darśayām āsa me rājan vimānāni ca bhārata
41 nandanādīni devānāṃ vanāni bahulāny uta
    darśayām āsa me prītyā mātaliḥ śakrasārathiḥ
42 tataḥ śakrasya bhavanam apaśyam amarāvatīm
    divyaiḥ kāmaphalair vṛkṣai ratnaiś ca samalaṃkṛtām
43 na tāṃ bhāsayate sūryo na śītoṣṇe na ca klamaḥ
    rajaḥ paṅko na ca tamas tatrāsti na jarā nṛpa
44 na tatra śoko dainyaṃ vā vaivarṇyaṃ copalakṣyate
    divaukasāṃ mahārāja na ca glānir ariṃdama
45 na krodhalobhau tatrāstām aśubhaṃ ca viśāṃ pate
    nityatuṣṭāś ca hṛṣṭāś ca prāṇinaḥ suraveśmani
46 nityapuṣpaphalās tatra pādapā haritachadāḥ
    puṣkariṇyaś ca vividhāḥ padmasaugandhikāyutāḥ
47 śītas tatra vavau vāyuḥ sugandho jīvanaḥ śuciḥ
    sarvaratnavicitrā ca bhūmiḥ puṣpavibhūṣitā
48 mṛgadvijāś ca bahavo rucirā madhurasvarāḥ
    vimānayāyinaś cātra dṛśyante bahavo 'marāḥ
49 tato 'paśyaṃ vasūn rudrān sādhyāṃś ca samarudgaṇān
    ādityān aśvinau caiva tān sarvān pratyapūjayam
50 te māṃ vīryeṇa yaśasā tejasā ca balena ca
    astraiś cāpy anvajānanta saṃprāma vijayena ca
51 praviśya tāṃ purīṃ ramyāṃ devagandharvasevitām
    devarājaṃ sahasrākṣam upātiṣṭhaṃ kṛtāñjaliḥ
52 dadāv ardhāsanaṃ prītaḥ śakro me dadatāṃ varaḥ
    bahumānāc ca gātrāṇi pasparśa mama vāsavaḥ
53 tatrāhaṃ devagandharvaiḥ sahito bhuri dakṣiṇa
    astrārtham avasaṃ svarge kurvāṇo strāṇi bhārata
54 viśvāvasoś ca me putraś citraseno 'bhavat sakhā
    sa ca gāndharvam akhilaṃ grāhayām āsa māṃ nṛpa
55 tato 'ham avasaṃ rājan gṛhītāstraḥ supūjitaḥ
    sukhaṃ śakrasya bhavane sarvakāmasamanvitaḥ
56 śṛṇvan vai gītaśabdaṃ ca tūryaśabdaṃ ca puṣkalam
    paśyaṃś cāpsarasaḥ śreṣṭhā nṛtyamānāḥ paraṃtapa
57 tat sarvam anavajñāya tathyaṃ vijjñāya bhārata
    atyarthaṃ pratigṛhyāham astreṣv eva vyavasthitaḥ
58 tato 'tuṣyat sahasrākṣas tena kāmena me vibhuḥ
    evaṃ me vasato rājann eṣa kālo 'tyagād divi
