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Andhaka-Vrishni (अंधक-वृष्णि) was a republic known to Panini and mentioned as a race in Mahabharata.

Jat clans

Mention by Panini

Andhaka-Vrishni (अंधक-वृष्णि) is a term mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi. [5]


V. S. Agrawala[6] writes that besides the Ayudhajivi Sanghas stated as such in the Ashtadhyayi, there were some other communities in Panini’s time, which as we know from other sources were republics. These include :Andhaka-Vrishni (VI.2.34) – The Puranas make them identical with the Satvatas whom Panini mentions as a Sangha in the Ganapatha. The Mahabharata refers to them as a Sangha and so does Kautilya. Panini refers to Rajanya leaders amongst the Andhaka-Vrishnis, which as explained by Kashika denoted members of such families as were entitled to be consecrated to rulership (abhishikta vamsya) . The chief feature of Andhaka-Vrishni constitution appears to be a full-fledged party system. The party of Akrura and that of Vasudeva are referred to by Patanjali showing that the followers of each leader were designated in accordance with their respective party leaders, e.g., Akruta-vargya, Akrura-vargina, and Vasudeva-vargya, Vasudeva –vargina.

In Mahabharata

अन्धक- वृष्णि ज्ञाति राज्य

ठाकुर देसराज लिखते हैं - भगवान् कृष्ण ने पहले-पहल अन्धक और वृष्णि लोगों को सम्मिलित करके ही ज्ञाति राज्य की नींव डाली थी, जिसका कि हम पीछे के पृष्ठों में वर्णन कर चुके हैं। अन्धक लोग मथुरा से उत्तर की ओर आजकल के आंजई नामक स्थान के आसपास गणतंत्र प्रणाली से शासन करते थे। साम्राज्यवादी जरासंध से तंग आकर ये वृष्णियों के साथ समुद्र-स्थित द्वारिका में जा बसे थे। राजपूताने से होकर ये किस समय संयुक्त-प्रदेश में वापस आए, यह कुछ पता नहीं चलता। किन्तु आजकल ये औंध, अन्तल और अनलक नामों से पुकारे जाते हैं। अन्धक शब्द का औंध, अन्तल और अनलक बन जाना भाषा-शास्त्र से बिल्कुल सम्भव है। (जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठ -556)

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