Chaudhary Sohanlal Gahlyan

From Jatland Wiki
Author of this article is Chaudhary Amit Singh Gahlyan (चौधरी अमित सिंह गाहल्याण)
  • Chaudhary Sohanlal Gahlyan (Expired) was the descendant of Chaudhary Chhajju Ram Gahlyan and son of Chaudhary Dungar Mal Gahlyan.
  • He was a Freedom Fighter. He was a Soldier in Azad Hind Fauj of Shri Subhash Chandra Bose. He fought against Britishes many time during British India. He also got prisoned by the Britishes For three year. And people of the village Garhi Chhajju thaught that "he is no more" But After this when he returned to his village Garhi Chhajju then the whole village welcomed him happily and greatly.
  • And After this he succussed the Ancestor's Numbardari ( दादा लायी नम्बरदारी/ खानदानी नम्बरदारी) after his Father Chaudhary Dungar Mal Gahlyan . He remains A social Activist/Reformer till his last days.
  • And after his last day in his old age in this world.. his Body's Antim sanskar (अंतिम संस्कार) was done by all the villagers and Government with all the Honor, dignity, respect and 21 fires that is always given to a freedom fighter/Soldier or Martyr.
