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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Location of Ghantasala in Andhra Pradesh

Ghantasala (घंटसाल) is a village in Krishna district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is 21 km west of Machilipatnam and 11 km east of Krishna River. It is a rare and reputed center for Buddhist sculptures.



  • Ghantasala (घंटसाल) (आ.प्र.) (AS, p.311)

Jat clans


Boswell of the East India Company first reported Ghantasala as a historical site in 1870-71. Alexander Rea excavated the stupa at Ghantasala, which had a circumference of 112 feet and a height of 23 feet. The remains of an important Buddhist stupa and sculptural slabs were found in 1919-20.[1] Ghantasala was once a flourishing town of Indo-Roman trade as well as an important religious centre. The Buddhist relics and the Hindu structures at the place reveal its past glory. Carved limestone columns belonging to pillared halls associated with Buddhist monastic establishments (2-3rd centuries BC ) have been discovered. The ruined Maha Chaitya or stupa that was excavated here is of a unique design. A cube of solid bricks is set in the centre, inscribed with 12 constellations of the zodiac.[2]

The chaityas had a texture and size unique to the Satavahana times and had separate dwelling places for Buddhist monks in the complex. All walls were found to have beautiful plastering with superfine lime mortar. A three-dimensional limestone carved structure, embellished on the dome portion of the stupa had two garland bearers, a dhamma chakra and a miniature stupa on a throne in the middle. Objects such as a four-by-three-feet 'Purna Kalasa' containing lotus flowers, indicating the birth of Gautama Buddha were also discovered. The stupa had concentric inner wheels radiating towards a central chamber.primary amongst them is a raised cylindrical mound with a semi spheric


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[3] ने लेख किया है ...घंटसाल (AS, p.311) आन्ध्र प्रदेश राज्य में कृष्णा नदी के तट पर स्थित है। इस स्थान का ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से बड़ा ही महत्त्व है। प्रथम-द्वितीय शती ई. में बना हुआ बौद्ध स्तूप यहाँ का उल्लेखनीय स्मारक है। यहाँ का स्तूप आन्ध्र प्रदेश की अमरावती नामक नगरी के प्रख्यात स्तूप का प्राय: समकालीन है। कुछ विद्वानों के मत में जावा के सुप्रसिद्ध 'बोरोबुदूर मंदिर' की विशिष्ट कला के अंकुर घंटसाल के स्तूप में प्राप्त होते हैं।

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  1. South Indian Buddhist Antiquities, A. Rea, 1989, Asian Educational Services, ISBN 81-206-0512-8
  2. Historical Discoveries in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh of India
  3. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.311