Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 30

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Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 30:English

mentions the tribes who are not followers of Brahmanism

Section 44

"'Shalya said, "These, O Karna, are ravings that thou utterest regarding the foe. As regards myself without a 1,000 Karnas I am able to vanquish the foe in battle.'"

"Sanjaya continued, 'Unto the ruler of Madras, of harsh features, who was saying such disagreeable things unto Karna, the latter once more said words that were twice bitter.

"'Karna said, "Listen with devoted attention to this, O ruler of the Madras, that was heard by me while it was recited in the presence of Dhritarashtra. In Dhritarashtra's abode the brahmanas used to narrate the accounts of diverse delightful regions and many kings of ancient times. A foremost one among brahmanas, venerable in years while reciting old histories, said these words, blaming the Vahikas and Madrakas, (VIII.30.9) 'One should always avoid the Vahikas, those impure people that are out of the pale of virtue, and that live away from the Himavat and the Ganga River and Sarasvati and Yamuna and Kurukshetra and the Sindhu and its five tributary rivers. I remember from the days of my youth that a slaughter-ground for kine and a space for storing intoxicating spirits always distinguish the entrances of the abodes of the (Vahika) kings. On some very secret mission I had to live among the Vahikas. In consequence of such residence the conduct of these people is well known to me. There is a town of the name of Sakala, a river of the name of Apaga, and a clan of the Vahikas known by the name of the Jarttikas. (VIII.30.14) The practices of these people are very censurable. They drink the liquor called Gauda, and eat fried barley with it. They also eat beef with garlic. They also eat cakes of flour mixed with meat, and boiled rice that is bought from others. Of righteous practices they have none. Their women, intoxicated with drink and divested of robes, laugh and dance outside the walls of the houses in cities, without garlands and unguents, singing while drunk obscene songs of diverse kinds that are as musical as the bray of the ass or the bleat of the camel. In intercourse they are absolutely without any restraint, and in all other matters they act as they like. Maddened with drink, they call upon one another, using many endearing epithets. Addressing many drunken exclamations to their husbands and lords, the fallen women among the Vahikas, without observing restrictions even on sacred days, give themselves up to dancing. One of those wicked Vahikas,--one that is, that lived amongst those arrogant women,--who happened to live for some days in Kurujangala, burst out with cheerless heart, saying,

"Alas, that (Vahika) maiden of large proportions, dressed in thin blankets, is thinking of me,--her Vahika lover--that is now passing his days in Kurujangala, (VIII.30.19) at the hour of her going to bed." Crossing the Sutlej and the delightful Iravati, and arriving at my own country, when shall I cast my eyes upon those beautiful women with thick frontal bones, with blazing circlets of red arsenic on their foreheads, with streaks of jet black collyrium on their eyes, and their beautiful forms attired in blankets and skins and themselves uttering shrill cries! When shall I be happy, in the company of those intoxicated ladies amid the music of drums and kettle-drums and conchs sweet as the cries of asses and camels and mules! When shall I be amongst those ladies eating cakes of flour and meat and balls of pounded barley mixed with skimmed milk, in the forests, having many pleasant paths of Sami and Pilu and Karira! (VIII.30.24) When shall I, amid my own countrymen, mustering in strength on the high-roads, fall upon passengers, and snatching their robes and attires beat them repeatedly! What man is there that would willingly dwell, even for a moment amongst the Vahikas that are so fallen and wicked, and so depraved in their practises?' Even thus did that brahmana describe the Vahikas of base behaviour, a sixth of whose merits and demerits is thine, O Shalya. Having said this, that pious brahmana began once more to say what I am about to repeat respecting the wicked Vahikas. Listen to what I say, 'In the large and populous town of Sakala, a Rakshasa woman used to sing on every fourteenth day of the dark fortnight, in accompaniment with a drum, "When shall I next sing the songs of the Vahikas in this Sakala town, having gorged myself with beef and drunk the Gauda liquor? When shall I again, decked in ornaments, and with those maidens and ladies of large proportions, gorge upon a large number of sheep and large quantities of pork and beef and the meat of fowls and asses and camels? They who do not eat sheep live in vain!"' Even thus, O Shalya, the young and old, among the inhabitants of Sakala, intoxicated with spirits, sing and cry. How can virtue be met with among such a people? Thou shouldst know this. I must, however, speak again to thee about what another brahmana had said unto us in the Kuru court, 'There where forests of Pilus stand, and those five rivers flow, viz., the Satadru, the Vipasa, the Iravati, the Chandrabhaga, and the Vitasta and which have the Sindhu for their sixth, there in those regions removed from the Himavat, are the countries called by the name of the Arattas. Those regions are without virtue and religion. No one should go thither. (VIII.30.36) The gods, the pitris, and the brahmanas, never accept gifts from those that are fallen, or those that are begotten by Shudras on the girls of other castes, or the Vahikas who never perform sacrifices and are exceedingly irreligious.' That learned brahmana had also said in the Kuru court, 'The Vahikas, without any feelings of revulsion, eat of wooden vessels having deep stomachs and earthen plates and vessels that have been licked by dogs and that are stained with pounded barley and other corn. The Vahikas drink the milk of sheep and camels and asses and eat curds and other preparations from those different kinds of milk. Those degraded people number many bastards among them. There is no food and no milk that they do not take. The Aratta-Vahikas that are steeped in ignorance, should be avoided.' (VIII.30.40) Thou shouldst know this, O Shalya. I must, however, again speak to thee about what another brahmana had said unto me in the Kuru court, 'How can one go to heaven, having drunk milk in the town called Yugandhara, and resided in the place called Acyutasthala, and bathed in the spot called Bhutilaya? There where the five rivers flow just after issuing from the mountains, there among the Aratta-Vahikas, no respectable person should dwell even for two days. There are two Pishachas named Vahi and Hika in the river Vipasha. The Vahikas are the offspring of those two Pishachas. (VIII.30.44) They are not creatures created by the Creator. Being of such low origin, how can they be conversant with the duties ordained in the scriptures? The Karasakaras, the Mahishakas, the Kalingas, the Karkotakas, the Atavis, the Virakas, and other peoples of no religion, one should always avoid.' (VIII.30.45) Even thus did a Rakshasa woman of gigantic hips speak unto a brahmana who on a certain occasion went to that country for bathing in a sacred water and passed a single night there. The regions are called by the name of Arattas. The people residing there are called the Vahikas. (VIII.30.47) The lowest of brahmanas also are residing there from very remote times. They are without the Veda and without knowledge, without sacrifice and without the power to assist at other's sacrifices. They are all fallen and many amongst them have been begotten by Shudras upon other peoples' girls. The gods never accept any gifts from them. The Prasthalas, the Madras, the Gandharas, the Arattas, those called Khasas, the Vasatis, the Sindhus and the Sauviras are almost as blamable in their practices.'" (VIII.30.74)

Section 45

"'Karna continued, "Thou shouldst know all this, O Shalya. I shall however, again speak unto thee. Listen with close attention to what I say. Once on a time a brahmana came to our house as a guest. (VIII.30.49) Observing our practices he became highly gratified and said unto us, 'I dwelt for a long time on a peak of the Himavat quite alone. Since then I have seen diverse countries following diverse religions. Never, however, have I seen all the people of a country act unrighteously. All the races I have met will admit that to be true religion which has been declared by persons conversant with the Vedas.

Travelling through various countries following various religions, I at last, O king, came among the Vahikas. (VIII.30.52) There I heard that one at first becomes a brahmana and then he becomes a kshatriya. Indeed, a Vahika would, after that, become a Vaishya, and then a Shudra, and then a barber (VIII.30.53). Having become a barber, he would then again become a brahmana. Returning to the status of a brahmana, he would again become a slave. One person in a family becomes a brahmana: all the others, falling off from virtue, act as they like. The Gandharas, the Madrakas, and the Vahikas of little understanding are even such. (VIII.30.55) Having travelled through the whole world I heard of these practices, destructive of virtue, of these sinful irregularities amongst the Vahikas.' Thou shouldst know all this, O Shalya. I shall, however, again speak to thee about those ugly words that another said unto me regarding the Vahikas. (VIII.30.57)

In former days a chaste woman was abducted by robbers (hailing) from Aratta. Sinfully was she violated by them, upon which she cursed them, saying, 'Since ye have sinfully violated a helpless girl who am not without a husband, therefore, the women of your families shall all become unchaste. Ye lowest of men, never shall ye escape from the consequences of this dreadful sin.' It is for this, O Shalya, that the sisters' sons of the Arattas, and not their own sons, become their heirs. The Kauravas with the Panchalas, the Salwas, the Matsyas, the Naimishas, the Koshalas, the Kasapaundras, the Kalingas, the Magadhas, (VIII.30.60) and the Chedis who are all highly blessed, know what the eternal religion is. (VIII.30.61) The wicked even of these various countries know what religion is. The Vahikas, however, live without righteousness. Beginning with the Matsyas, the residents of the Kuru and the Panchala countries, the Naimishas as well and the other respectable peoples, (VIII.30.62) the pious among all races are conversant with the eternal truths of religion. This cannot be said of the Madrakas and the crooked-hearted race that resides in the country of the five rivers. Knowing all these things, O king, hold thy tongue, O Shalya, like one deprived of utterance, in all matters connected with religion and virtue. Thou art the protector and king of that people, and, therefore, the partaker of sixth part of their merits and demerits. Or perhaps, thou art the partaker of a sixth part of their demerits only, for thou never protectest them. A king that protects is a sharer in the merits of his subjects. Thou art not a sharer in their merits. In days of yore, when the eternal religion was reverenced in all countries, the Grandsire, observing the practices of the country of the five rivers, cried fie on them. When even in the krita age, Brahman had censured the practices of those fallen people of evil deeds who were begotten by Shudras on others' wives, what would you now say to men in the world? Even thus did the Grandsire condemn the practices of the country of the five waters. When all people were observant of the duties of their respective orders, the Grandsire had to find fault with these men. Thou shouldst know all this, O Shalya. I shall, however, again speak to thee. A Rakshasa of the name of Kalmashapada, while plunging in a tank, said, 'Eleemosynation is a kshatriya's dirt, while the non-observance of vows is a brahmana's dirt. The Vahikas are the dirt of the Earth, and the Madra women are the dirt of the whole female sex. While sinking in the stream, a king rescued the Rakshasa. Asked by the former, the latter gave this answer. I will recite it to you. Listen to me. 'The mlechchhas are the dirt of mankind: the oilmen are the dirt of the Mlecchas; eunuchs are the dirt of oilmen; they who avail of the priestly ministrations of Kshatriyas, in their sacrifices, are the dirt of eunuchs. The sin of those again that have the last-named persons for their priests, of also of the Madrakas, shall be thine if thou do not abandon me.' Even this was declared by the Rakshasa to be the formula that should be used for curing a person possessed by a Rakshasa or one killed by the energy of a poison. The words that follow are all very true.

The Panchalas observe the duties enjoined in the Vedas; the Kauravas observe truth; the Matsyas and the Surasenas perform sacrifices, the Easterners follow the practices of the Shudras; the Southerners are fallen; the Vahikas are thieves; the Saurashtras are bastards. (VIII.30.73)

They that are defiled by ingratitude, theft, drunkenness, adultery with the wives of their preceptors, harshness of speech, slaughter of kine, lustful wanderings during the night out of home, and the wearing of other people's ornaments,--what sin is there that they do not incur? Fie on the Arattas and the people of the country of the five rivers! Commencing with the Panchalas, the Kauravas, the Naimishas, the Matsyas,--all these,--know what religion is. (VIII.30.75)

The old men among the Northerners, the Angas, the Magadhas, (without themselves knowing what virtue is) follow the practices of the pious. Many gods, headed by Agni, dwell in the East. The pitris dwell in the South that is presided over by Yama of righteous deeds. The West is protected by the mighty Varuna who overlooks the other gods there. The north is protected by the divine Soma along with the Brahmanas. So Rakshasas and Pishacas protect the Himavat, the best of mountains. The Guhyakas, O great king, protect the mountains of Gandhamadana. Without doubt, Vishnu, otherwise, called Janardana, protects all creatures. (For all that the Vahikas have no especial protectors among the gods). The Magadhas are comprehenders of signs; the Koshalas comprehend from what they see; the Kurus and the Panchalas comprehend from a half-uttered speech; the Salwas cannot comprehend till the whole speech is uttered. The Mountaineers, like the Sivis, are very stupid. The Yavanas, O king, are omniscient; the Suras are particularly so. The mlecchas are wedded to the creations of their own fancy. Other peoples cannot understand. The Vahikas resent beneficial counsels; as regards the Madrakas there are none amongst those (mentioned above.) (VIII.30.81) Thou, O Shalya, art so. Thou shouldst not reply to me. The Madrakas are regarded on Earth as the dirt of every nation. So the Madra woman is called the dirt of the whole female sex. They that have for their practices the drinking of spirits, the violation of the beds of their preceptors, the destruction of the embryo by procuring miscarriage, and the robbing of other people's wealth, there is no sin that they have not. Fie on the Arattas and the people of the country of the five rivers. Knowing this, be silent. Do not seek to oppose me. Do not let me slay Keshava and Arjuna, having slain thee first.'"

"'Shalya said, "The abandonment of the afflicted and the sale of wives and children are, O Karna, prevalent amongst the Angas whose king thou art. Recollecting those faults of thine that Bhishma recited on the occasion of the tale of Rathas and Atirathas, drive away thy wrath. Do not be angry. Brahmanas may be found everywhere; Kshatriyas may be found everywhere; so also Vaishyas and Shudras, O Karna, women of chastity and excellent vows may also be found everywhere. Everywhere men take delight in jesting with men and wounding one another. Lustful men also may be found everywhere. Everyone on every occasion can command skill in speaking of the faults of others. No one, however, knows his own faults, or knowing them, feels shame. Everywhere are kings devoted to their respective religions, and employed in chastising the wicked. Everywhere may be found virtuous men. It cannot be, O Karna, that all the people of a country are sinful. There are men in many countries that surpass the very gods by their behaviour.'"

"Sanjaya continued, 'Then king Duryodhana stopped Karna and Shalya (from going on with their wordy warfare), addressing the son of Radha as a friend, and beseeching Shalya with joined hands, Karna, O sire, was quieted by thy son and forbore saying anything more. Shalya also then faced the enemy. Then Radha's son, smiling, once more urged Shalya, saying, "Proceed."'"

Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 30:Sanskrit


 1  [स]
     ततः पुनर महाराज मद्रराजम अरिंथमम
     अभ्यभाषत राधेयः संनिवार्यॊत्तरं वचः
 2 यत तवं निथर्शनार्दं मां शल्य जल्पितवान असि
     नाहं शक्यस तवया वाचा विभीषयितुम आहवे
 3 यथि मां थेवताः सर्वा यॊधयेयुः सवासवाः
     तदापि मे भयं न सयात किम उ पार्दात सकेशवात
 4 नाहं भीषयितुं शक्यॊ वान मात्रेण कदं चन
     अन्यं जानीहि यः शक्यस तवया भीषयितुं रणे
 5 नीचस्य बलम एतावत पारुष्यं यत तवम आत्द माम
     अशक्तॊ ऽसमथ गुणान पराप्तुं वल्गसे बहु थुर्मते
 6 न हि कर्णः समुथ्भूतॊ भयार्दम इह मारिष
     विक्रमार्दम अहं जातॊ यशॊऽरदं च तदैव च
 7 इथं तु मे तवम एकाग्रः शृणु मद्रजनाधिप
     संनिधौ धृतराष्ट्रस्य परॊच्यमानं मया शरुतम
 8 थेशांश च विविधांश चित्रान पूर्ववृत्तांश च पार्दिवान
     बराह्मणाः कदयन्तः सम धृतराष्ठम उपासते
 9 तत्र वृथ्धः पुरावृत्ताः कदाः काश चिथ थविजॊत्तमः
     बाह्लीक थेशं मद्रांश च कुत्सयन वाक्यम अब्रवीत
 10 बहिष्कृता हिमवता गङ्गया च तिरस्कृताः
    सरस्वत्या यमुनया कुरुक्षेत्रेण चापि ये
11 पञ्चानां सिन्धुषष्ठानां नथीनां ये ऽनतर आश्रिताः
    तान धर्मबाह्यान अशुचीन बाह्लीकान परिवर्जयेत
12 गॊवर्धनॊ नाम वटः सुभाण्डं नाम चत्वरम
    एतथ राजकुलथ्वारम आकुमारः समराम्य अहम
13 कार्येणात्यर्द गाढेन बाह्लीकेषूषितं मया
    तत एषां समाचारः संवासाथ विथितॊ मम
14 शाकलं नाम नगरम आपगा नाम निम्नगा
    जर्तिका नाम बाह्लीकास तेषां वृत्तं सुनिन्थितम
15 धाना गौडासवे पीत्वा गॊमांसं लशुनैः सह
    अपूप मांसवाट्यानाम आशिनः शीलवर्जिताः
16 हसन्ति गान्ति नृत्यन्ति सत्रीभिर मत्ता विवाससः
    नगरागार वप्रेषु बहिर माल्यानुलेपनाः
17 मत्तावगीतैर विविधैः खरॊष्ट्रनिनथॊपमैः
    आहुर अन्यॊन्यम उक्तानि परब्रुवाणा मथॊत्कटाः
18 हाहते हाहतेत्य एव सवामिभर्तृहतेति च
    आक्रॊशन्त्यः परनृत्यन्ति मन्थाः पर्वस्व असंयताः
19 तेषां किलावलिप्तानां निवसन कुरुजाङ्गले
    कश चिथ बाह्लीक मुख्यानां नातिहृष्टमना जगौ
20 सा नूनं बृहती गौरी सूक्ष्मकम्बलवासिनी
    माम अनुस्मरती शेते बाह्लीकं कुरु वासिनम
21 शतद्रुक नदीं तीर्त्वा तां च रम्याम इरावतीम
    गत्वा स्वदेशं द्रक्ष्यामि सदूलशङ्खाः शुभाः सत्रियः
22 मनःशिलॊज्ज्वलापाङ्गा गौर्यस तरिककुथाञ्जनाः
    केवलाजिनसंवीताः कूर्थन्त्यः परियथर्शनाः
23 मृथङ्गानक शङ्खानां मर्थलानां च निस्वनैः
    खरॊष्ट्राश्वतरैश चैव मत्ता यास्यामहे सुखम
24 शमी पीलु करीराणां वनेषु सुखवर्त्मसु
    अपूपान सक्तु पिण्डीश च खाथन्तॊ मदितान्विताः
25 पदिषु परबला भूत्वा कथास मृथिते ऽधवनि
    खलॊपहारं कुर्वाणास ताडयिष्याम भूयसः
26 एवं हीनेषु वरात्येषु बाह्लीकेषु थुरात्मसु
    कश चेतयानॊ निवसेन मुहूर्तम अपि मानवः
27 ईथृशा बराह्मणेनॊक्ता बाह्लीका मॊघचारिणः
    येषां षड्भागहर्ता तवम उभयॊः शुभपापयॊः
28 इत्य उक्त्वा बराह्मणः साधुर उत्तरं पुनर उक्तवान
    बाह्लीकेष्व अविनीतेषु परॊच्यमानं निबॊधत
29 तत्र सम राक्षसी गाति सथा कृष्ण चतुर्थशीम
    नगरे शाकले सफीते आहत्य निशि थुन्थुभिम
30 कथा वा घॊषिका गादाः पुनर गास्यन्ति शाकले
    गव्यस्य तृप्ता मांसस्य पीत्वा गौडं महासवम
31 गौरीभिः सह नारीभिर बृहतीभिः सवलंकृताः
    पलाण्डु गाण्डूष युतान खाथन्ते चैडकान बहून
32 वाराहं कौक्कुटं मांसं गव्यं गार्थभम औष्ट्रकम
    ऐडं च ये न खाथन्ति तेषां जन्म निरर्दकम
33 इति गायन्ति ये मत्ताः शीधुना शाकलावतः
    सबालवृथ्धाः कूर्थन्तस तेषु वृत्तं कदं भवेत
34 इति शल्य विजानीहि हन्त भूयॊ बरवीमि ते
    यथ अन्यॊ ऽपय उक्तवान अस्मान बराह्मणः कुरुसंसथि
35 पञ्च नथ्यॊ वहन्त्य एता यत्र पीलु वनान्य अपि
    शतथ्रुशविपाशा च तृतीयेरावती तदा
    चन्थ्र भागा वितस्तासिन्धुषष्ठा बहिर गताः
36 आरट्टा नाम ते थेशा नष्टधर्मान न तान वरजेत
    वरात्यानां थासमीयानां विथेहानाम अयज्वनाम
37 न थेवाः परतिगृह्णन्ति पितरॊ बराह्मणास तदा
    तेषां परनष्टधर्माणां बाह्लीकानाम इति शरुतिः
38 बराह्मणेन तदा परॊक्तं विथुषा साधु संसथि
    काष्ठकुण्डेषु बाह्लीका मृण्मयेषु च भुञ्जते
    सक्तु वाट्यावलिप्तेषु शवाथि लीढेषु निर्घृणाः
39 आविकं चौष्ट्रिकं चैव कषीरं गार्थभम एव च
    तथ विकारांश च बाह्लीकाः खाथन्ति च पिबन्ति च
40 पुत्र संकरिणॊ जाल्माः सर्वान नक्षीर भॊजनाः
    आरट्टा नाम बाह्लीका वर्जनीया विपश्चिता
41 उत शल्य विजानीहि हन्त भूयॊ बरवीमि ते
    यथ अन्यॊ ऽपय उक्तवान सभ्यॊ बराह्मणः कुरुसंसथि
42 युगं धरे पयः पीत्वा परॊष्य चाप्य अच्युतस्थले
    तथ्वथ भूतिलये सनात्वा कदं सवर्गं गमिष्यति
43 पञ्च नथ्यॊ वहन्त्य एता यत्र निःसृत्य पर्वतात
    आरट्टा नाम बाह्लीका न तेष्व आर्यॊ थव्यहं वसेत
44 बहिश च नाम हलीकशविपाशायां पिशाचकौ
    तयॊर अपत्यं बाह्लीका नैषा सृष्टिः परजापतेः
45 कारः करान महिषकान कलिङ्गान कीकटाटवीन
    कर्कॊटकान वीरकांशदुर्धर्मांश च विवर्जयेत
46 इति तीर्दानुसर्तारं राक्षसी का चिथ अब्रवीत
    एकरात्रा शमी गेहे महॊलूखल मेखला
47 आरट्टा नाम ते थेशा बाह्लीका नाम ते जनाः
    वसाति सिन्धुसौवीरा इति परायॊ विकुत्सिताः
48 उत शल्य विजानीहि हन्त भूयॊ बरवीमि ते
    उच्यमानं मया सम्यक तथ एकाग्रमनाः शृणु
49 बराह्मणः शिल्पिनॊ गेहम अभ्यगच्छत पुरातिदिः
    आचारं तत्र संप्रेक्ष्य परीतः शिल्पिनम अब्रवीत
50 मया हिमवतः शृङ्गम एकेनाध्युषितं चिरम
    थृष्टाश च बहवॊ थेशा नानाधर्मसमाकुलाः
51 न च केन च धर्मेण विरुध्यन्ते परजा इमाः
    सर्वे हि ते ऽबरुवन धर्मं यदॊक्तं वेथपारगैः
52 अटता तु सदा देशान नानाधर्मसमाकुलान
    आगच्छता महाराज बाह्लीकेषु निशामितम
53 तत्रैव बराह्मणॊ भूत्वा ततॊ भवति कषत्रियः
    वैश्यःशूथ्रशबाह्लीकस ततॊ भवति नापितः
54 नापितश च ततॊ भूत्वा पुनर भवति बराह्मणः
    थविजॊ भूत्वा च तत्रैव पुनर थासॊ ऽपि जायते
55 भवत्य एकः कुले विप्रः शिष्टान्ये कामचारिणः
    गान्धारा मद्रकाश चैव बाह्लीकाः के ऽपय अचेतसः
56 एतन मया शरुतं तत्र धर्मसंकरकारकम
    कृत्स्नाम अटित्वा पृदिवीं बाह्लीकेषु विपर्ययः
57 उत शल्य विजानीहि हन्त भूयॊ बरवीमि ते
    यथ अप्य अन्यॊ ऽबरवीथ वाक्यं बाह्लीकानां विकुत्सितम
58 सती पुरा हृता का चिथ आरट्टा किल दस्युभिः
    अधर्मतश चॊपयाता सा तान अभ्यशपत ततः
59 बालां बन्धुमतीं यन माम अधर्मेणॊपगच्छद
    तस्मान नार्यॊ भविष्यन्ति बन्धक्यॊ वै कुलेषु वः
    न चैवास्मात परमॊक्ष्यध्वं घॊरात पापान नराधमाः
60 कुरवः सहपाञ्चालाः शाल्वा मत्स्याः सनैमिषाः
    कॊसलाः काशयॊ ऽङगाशकलिङ्गा मगधास तदा
61 चेथयश च महाभागा धर्मं जानन्ति शाश्वतम
    नानादेशेषु सन्तश च परायॊ बाह्या लयाथ ऋते
62 आ मत्स्येभ्यः कुरुपाञ्चालथेश्या; आ नैमिषाच चेदयॊ ये विशिष्टाः
    धर्मं पुराणम उपजीवन्ति सन्तॊ; मद्रान ऋते पञ्च नथांश च जिह्मान
63 एवं विथ्वन धर्मकदांश च राजंस; तूष्णींभूतॊ जडवच छल्य भूयाह
    तवं तस्य गॊप्ता च जनस्य राजा; षड्भागहर्ता शुभथुष्कृतस्य
64 अद वा थुष्कृतस्य तवं हर्ता तेषाम अरक्षिता
    रक्षिता पुण्यभाग राजा परजानां तवं तव अपुण्य भाक
65 पूज्यमाने पुरा धर्मे सर्वथेशेषु शाश्वते
    धर्मं पाञ्चनथं थृष्ट्वा धिग इत्य आह पितामहः
66 वरात्यानां दाशमीयानां कृते ऽपय अशुभ कर्मणाम
    इति पाञ्चनथं धर्मम अवमेने पितामहः
    सवधर्मस्देषु वर्णेषु सॊ ऽपय एतं नाभिपूजयेत
67 उत शल्य विजानीहि हन्त भूयॊ बरवीमि ते
    कल्माषपाथः सरसि निमज्जन राक्षसॊ ऽबरवीत
68 कषत्रियस्य मलं भैक्षं बराह्मणस्यानृतं मलम
    मलं पृदिव्या बाह्लीकाः सत्रीणां मद्रस्त्रियॊ मलम
69 निमज्जमानम उथ्धृत्य कश चिथ राजा निशाचरम
    अपृच्छत तेन चाख्यात्म परॊक्तवान यन निबॊध तत
70 मानुषाणां मलं मेच्छा मेच्छानां मौष्टिका मलम
    मौष्टिकानां मलं शण्डाः शण्डानां राजयाजकाः
71 राजयाजक याज्यानां मद्रकाणां च यन मलम
    तथ भवेथ वै तव मलं यथ्य अस्मान न विमुञ्चसि
72 इति रक्षॊपसृष्टेषु विषवीर्यहतेषु च
    राक्षसं भेषजं परॊक्तं संसिथ्धं वचनॊत्तरम
73 बराह्मं पाञ्चाला कौरवेयाः सवधर्मः; सत्यं मत्स्याः शूरसेनाश च यज्ञः
    पराच्या दासा वृषला थाक्षिणात्याः; सतेना बाह्लीकाः संकरा वै सुराष्ट्राः
74 कृतघ्नता परवित्तापहारः; सुरा पानं गुरु थारावमर्शः
    येषां धर्मस तान परति नास्त्य अधर्म; आरट्टकान पाञ्चनथान धिग अस्तु
75 आ पाञ्चालेभ्यः कुरवॊ नैमिषाश च; मत्स्याश चैवाप्य अद जानन्ति धर्मम
    कलिङ्गकाश चाङ्गका मागधाश च; शिष्टान धर्मान उपजीवन्ति वृथ्धाः
76 पराचीं थिशं शरिता थेवा जातवेथः पुरॊगमाः
    थक्षिणां पितरॊ गुप्तां यमेन शुभकर्मणा
77 परतीचीं वरुणः पाति पालयन्न असुरान बली
    उथीचीं भगवां सॊमॊ बरह्मण्यॊ बराह्मणैः सह
78 रक्षःपिशाचान हिमवान गुह्यकान गन्धमाथनः
    धरुवः सर्वाणि भूतानि विष्णुर लॊकाञ जनार्थनः
79 इङ्गितज्ञाश च मगधाः परेक्षितज्ञाश च कॊसलाः
    अर्धॊक्ताः कुरुपाञ्चालाः शाल्वाः कृत्स्नानुशासनाः
    पार्वतीयाश च विषमा यदैव गिरयस तदा
80 सर्वज्ञा यवना राजञ शूराश चैव विशेषतः
    मलेच्छाः सवसंज्ञा नियता नानुक्त इतरॊ जनः
81 परतिरब्धास तु बाह्लीका न च के चन मथ्रकाः
    स तवम एताथृशः शल्य नॊत्तरं वक्तुम अर्हसि
82 एतज जञात्वा जॊषम आस्स्व परतीपं मा सम वै कृदाः
    स तवां पूर्वम अहं हत्वा हनिष्ये केशवार्जुनौ

83 - 88

83 [षल्य]
    आतुराणां परित्यागः सवथारसुत विक्रयः
    अङ्गेषु वर्तते कर्ण येषाम अधिपतिर भवान
84 रदातिरद संख्यायां यत तवा भीष्मस तथाब्रवीत
    तान विथित्वात्मनॊ थॊषान निर्मन्युर भव मा करुधः
85 सर्वत्र बराह्मणाः सन्ति सन्ति सर्वत्र कषत्रियाः
    वैश्याः शूथ्रास तदा कर्ण सत्रियः साध्व्यश च सुव्रताः
86 रमन्ते चॊपहासेन पुरुषाः पुरुषैः सह
    अन्यॊन्यम अवतक्षन्तॊ थेशे थेशे समैदुनाः
87 परवाच्येषु निपुणः सर्वॊ भवति सर्वथा
    आत्मवाच्यं न जानीते जानन्न अपि विमुह्यति
 88 [स]
    कर्णॊ ऽपि नॊत्तरं पराह शल्यॊ ऽपय अभिमुखः परान
    पुनः परहस्य राधेयः पुनर याहीत्य अचॊथयत

Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 30 :Transliteration

 1  [s]
     tataḥ punar mahārāja madrarājam ariṃdamam
     abhyabhāṣata rādheyaḥ saṃnivāryottaraṃ vacaḥ
 2 yat tvaṃ nidarśanārthaṃ māṃ śalya jalpitavān asi
     nāhaṃ śakyas tvayā vācā vibhīṣayitum āhave
 3 yadi māṃ devatāḥ sarvā yodhayeyuḥ savāsavāḥ
     tathāpi me bhayaṃ na syāt kim u pārthāt sakeśavāt
 4 nāhaṃ bhīṣayituṃ śakyo vān mātreṇa kathaṃ cana
     anyaṃ jānīhi yaḥ śakyas tvayā bhīṣayituṃ raṇe
 5 nīcasya balam etāvat pāruṣyaṃ yat tvam āttha mām
     aśakto 'smad guṇān prāptuṃ valgase bahu durmate
 6 na hi karṇaḥ samudbhūto bhayārtham iha māriṣa
     vikramārtham ahaṃ jāto yaśo'rthaṃ ca tathaiva ca
 7 idaṃ tu me tvam ekāgraḥ śṛṇu madrajanādhipa
     saṃnidhau dhṛtarāṣṭrasya procyamānaṃ mayā śrutam
 8 deśāṃś ca vividhāṃś citrān pūrvavṛttāṃś ca pārthivān
     brāhmaṇāḥ kathayantaḥ sma dhṛtarāṣṭham upāsate
 9 tatra vṛddhaḥ purāvṛttāḥ kathāḥ kāś cid dvijottamaḥ
     bāhlīka deśaṃ madrāṃś ca kutsayan vākyam abravīt
 10 bahiṣkṛtā himavatā gaṅgayā ca tiraskṛtāḥ
    sarasvatyā yamunayā kurukṣetreṇa cāpi ye
11 pañcānāṃ sindhuṣaṣṭhānāṃ nadīnāṃ ye 'ntar āśritāḥ
    tān dharmabāhyān aśucīn bāhlīkān parivarjayet
12 govardhano nāma vaṭaḥ subhāṇḍaṃ nāma catvaram
    etad rājakuladvāram ākumāraḥ smarāmy aham
13 kāryeṇātyartha gāḍhena bāhlīkeṣūṣitaṃ mayā
    tata eṣāṃ samācāraḥ saṃvāsād vidito mama
14 śākalaṃ nāma nagaram āpagā nāma nimnagā
    jartikā nāma bāhlīkās teṣāṃ vṛttaṃ suninditam
15 dhānā gauḍāsave pītvā gomāṃsaṃ laśunaiḥ saha
    apūpa māṃsavāṭyānām āśinaḥ śīlavarjitāḥ
16 hasanti gānti nṛtyanti strībhir mattā vivāsasaḥ
    nagarāgāra vapreṣu bahir mālyānulepanāḥ
17 mattāvagītair vividhaiḥ kharoṣṭraninadopamaiḥ
    āhur anyonyam uktāni prabruvāṇā madotkaṭāḥ
18 hāhate hāhatety eva svāmibhartṛhateti ca
    ākrośantyaḥ pranṛtyanti mandāḥ parvasv asaṃyatāḥ
19 teṣāṃ kilāvaliptānāṃ nivasan kurujāṅgale
    kaś cid bāhlīka mukhyānāṃ nātihṛṣṭamanā jagau
20 sā nūnaṃ bṛhatī gaurī sūkṣmakambalavāsinī
    mām anusmaratī śete bāhlīkaṃ kuru vāsinam
21 śatadruka nadīṃ tīrtvā tāṃ ca ramyām irāvatīm
    gatvā svadeśaṃ drakṣyāmi sthūlaśaṅkhāḥ śubhāḥ striyaḥ
22 manaḥśilojjvalāpāṅgā gauryas trikakudāñjanāḥ
    kevalājinasaṃvītāḥ kūrdantyaḥ priyadarśanāḥ
23 mṛdaṅgānaka śaṅkhānāṃ mardalānāṃ ca nisvanaiḥ
    kharoṣṭrāśvataraiś caiva mattā yāsyāmahe sukham
24 śamī pīlu karīrāṇāṃ vaneṣu sukhavartmasu
    apūpān saktu piṇḍīś ca khādanto mathitānvitāḥ
25 pathiṣu prabalā bhūtvā kadāsa mṛdite 'dhvani
    khalopahāraṃ kurvāṇās tāḍayiṣyāma bhūyasaḥ
26 evaṃ hīneṣu vrātyeṣu bāhlīkeṣu durātmasu
    kaś cetayāno nivasen muhūrtam api mānavaḥ
27 īdṛśā brāhmaṇenoktā bāhlīkā moghacāriṇaḥ
    yeṣāṃ ṣaḍbhāgahartā tvam ubhayoḥ śubhapāpayoḥ
28 ity uktvā brāhmaṇaḥ sādhur uttaraṃ punar uktavān
    bāhlīkeṣv avinīteṣu procyamānaṃ nibodhata
29 tatra sma rākṣasī gāti sadā kṛṣṇa caturdaśīm
    nagare śākale sphīte āhatya niśi dundubhim
30 kadā vā ghoṣikā gāthāḥ punar gāsyanti śākale
    gavyasya tṛptā māṃsasya pītvā gauḍaṃ mahāsavam
31 gaurībhiḥ saha nārībhir bṛhatībhiḥ svalaṃkṛtāḥ
    palāṇḍu gāṇḍūṣa yutān khādante caiḍakān bahūn
32 vārāhaṃ kaukkuṭaṃ māṃsaṃ gavyaṃ gārdabham auṣṭrakam
    aiḍaṃ ca ye na khādanti teṣāṃ janma nirarthakam
33 iti gāyanti ye mattāḥ śīdhunā śākalāvataḥ
    sabālavṛddhāḥ kūrdantas teṣu vṛttaṃ kathaṃ bhavet
34 iti śalya vijānīhi hanta bhūyo bravīmi te
    yad anyo 'py uktavān asmān brāhmaṇaḥ kurusaṃsadi
35 pañca nadyo vahanty etā yatra pīlu vanāny api
    śatadruś ca vipāśā ca tṛtīyerāvatī tathā
    candra bhāgā vitastā ca sindhuṣaṣṭhā bahir gatāḥ
36 āraṭṭā nāma te deśā naṣṭadharmān na tān vrajet
    vrātyānāṃ dāsamīyānāṃ videhānām ayajvanām
37 na devāḥ pratigṛhṇanti pitaro brāhmaṇās tathā
    teṣāṃ pranaṣṭadharmāṇāṃ bāhlīkānām iti śrutiḥ
38 brāhmaṇena tathā proktaṃ viduṣā sādhu saṃsadi
    kāṣṭhakuṇḍeṣu bāhlīkā mṛṇmayeṣu ca bhuñjate
    saktu vāṭyāvalipteṣu śvādi līḍheṣu nirghṛṇāḥ
39 āvikaṃ cauṣṭrikaṃ caiva kṣīraṃ gārdabham eva ca
    tad vikārāṃś ca bāhlīkāḥ khādanti ca pibanti ca
40 putra saṃkariṇo jālmāḥ sarvān nakṣīra bhojanāḥ
    āraṭṭā nāma bāhlīkā varjanīyā vipaścitā
41 uta śalya vijānīhi hanta bhūyo bravīmi te
    yad anyo 'py uktavān sabhyo brāhmaṇaḥ kurusaṃsadi
42 yugaṃ dhare payaḥ pītvā proṣya cāpy acyutasthale
    tadvad bhūtilaye snātvā kathaṃ svargaṃ gamiṣyati
43 pañca nadyo vahanty etā yatra niḥsṛtya parvatāt
    āraṭṭā nāma bāhlīkā na teṣv āryo dvyahaṃ vaset
44 bahiś ca nāma hlīkaś ca vipāśāyāṃ piśācakau
    tayor apatyaṃ bāhlīkā naiṣā sṛṣṭiḥ prajāpateḥ
45 kāraḥ karān mahiṣakān kaliṅgān kīkaṭāṭavīn
    karkoṭakān vīrakāṃś ca durdharmāṃś ca vivarjayet
46 iti tīrthānusartāraṃ rākṣasī kā cid abravīt
    ekarātrā śamī gehe maholūkhala mekhalā
47 āraṭṭā nāma te deśā bāhlīkā nāma te janāḥ
    vasāti sindhusauvīrā iti prāyo vikutsitāḥ
48 uta śalya vijānīhi hanta bhūyo bravīmi te
    ucyamānaṃ mayā samyak tad ekāgramanāḥ śṛṇu
49 brāhmaṇaḥ śilpino geham abhyagacchat purātithiḥ
    ācāraṃ tatra saṃprekṣya prītaḥ śilpinam abravīt
50 mayā himavataḥ śṛṅgam ekenādhyuṣitaṃ ciram
    dṛṣṭāś ca bahavo deśā nānādharmasamākulāḥ
51 na ca kena ca dharmeṇa virudhyante prajā imāḥ
    sarve hi te 'bruvan dharmaṃ yathoktaṃ vedapāragaiḥ
52 aṭatā tu sadā deśān nānādharmasamākulān
    āgacchatā mahārāja bāhlīkeṣu niśāmitam
53 tatraiva brāhmaṇo bhūtvā tato bhavati kṣatriyaḥ
    vaiśyaḥ śūdraś ca bāhlīkas tato bhavati nāpitaḥ
54 nāpitaś ca tato bhūtvā punar bhavati brāhmaṇaḥ
    dvijo bhūtvā ca tatraiva punar dāso 'pi jāyate
55 bhavaty ekaḥ kule vipraḥ śiṣṭānye kāmacāriṇaḥ
    gāndhārā madrakāś caiva bāhlīkāḥ ke 'py acetasaḥ
56 etan mayā śrutaṃ tatra dharmasaṃkarakārakam
    kṛtsnām aṭitvā pṛthivīṃ bāhlīkeṣu viparyayaḥ
57 uta śalya vijānīhi hanta bhūyo bravīmi te
    yad apy anyo 'bravīd vākyaṃ bāhlīkānāṃ vikutsitam
58 satī purā hṛtā kā cid āraṭṭā kila dasyubhiḥ
    adharmataś copayātā sā tān abhyaśapat tataḥ
59 bālāṃ bandhumatīṃ yan mām adharmeṇopagacchatha
    tasmān nāryo bhaviṣyanti bandhakyo vai kuleṣu vaḥ
    na caivāsmāt pramokṣyadhvaṃ ghorāt pāpān narādhamāḥ
60 kuravaḥ sahapāñcālāḥ śālvā matsyāḥ sanaimiṣāḥ
    kosalāḥ kāśayo 'ṅgāś ca kaliṅgā magadhās tathā
61 cedayaś ca mahābhāgā dharmaṃ jānanti śāśvatam
    nānādeśeṣu santaś ca prāyo bāhyā layād ṛte
62 ā matsyebhyaḥ kurupāñcāladeśyā; ā naimiṣāc cedayo ye viśiṣṭāḥ
    dharmaṃ purāṇam upajīvanti santo; madrān ṛte pañca nadāṃś ca jihmān
63 evaṃ vidvan dharmakathāṃś ca rājaṃs; tūṣṇīṃbhūto jaḍavac chalya bhūyāh
    tvaṃ tasya goptā ca janasya rājā; ṣaḍbhāgahartā śubhaduṣkṛtasya
64 atha vā duṣkṛtasya tvaṃ hartā teṣām arakṣitā
    rakṣitā puṇyabhāg rājā prajānāṃ tvaṃ tv apuṇya bhāk
65 pūjyamāne purā dharme sarvadeśeṣu śāśvate
    dharmaṃ pāñcanadaṃ dṛṣṭvā dhig ity āha pitāmahaḥ
66 vrātyānāṃ dāśamīyānāṃ kṛte 'py aśubha karmaṇām
    iti pāñcanadaṃ dharmam avamene pitāmahaḥ
    svadharmastheṣu varṇeṣu so 'py etaṃ nābhipūjayet
67 uta śalya vijānīhi hanta bhūyo bravīmi te
    kalmāṣapādaḥ sarasi nimajjan rākṣaso 'bravīt
68 kṣatriyasya malaṃ bhaikṣaṃ brāhmaṇasyānṛtaṃ malam
    malaṃ pṛthivyā bāhlīkāḥ strīṇāṃ madrastriyo malam
69 nimajjamānam uddhṛtya kaś cid rājā niśācaram
    apṛcchat tena cākhyātma proktavān yan nibodha tat
70 mānuṣāṇāṃ malaṃ mecchā mecchānāṃ mauṣṭikā malam
    mauṣṭikānāṃ malaṃ śaṇḍāḥ śaṇḍānāṃ rājayājakāḥ
71 rājayājaka yājyānāṃ madrakāṇāṃ ca yan malam
    tad bhaved vai tava malaṃ yady asmān na vimuñcasi
72 iti rakṣopasṛṣṭeṣu viṣavīryahateṣu ca
    rākṣasaṃ bheṣajaṃ proktaṃ saṃsiddhaṃ vacanottaram
73 brāhmaṃ pāñcālā kauraveyāḥ svadharmaḥ; satyaṃ matsyāḥ śūrasenāś ca yajñaḥ
    prācyā dāsā vṛṣalā dākṣiṇātyāḥ; stenā bāhlīkāḥ saṃkarā vai surāṣṭrāḥ
74 kṛtaghnatā paravittāpahāraḥ; surā pānaṃ guru dārāvamarśaḥ
    yeṣāṃ dharmas tān prati nāsty adharma; āraṭṭakān pāñcanadān dhig astu
75 ā pāñcālebhyaḥ kuravo naimiṣāś ca; matsyāś caivāpy atha jānanti dharmam
    kaliṅgakāś cāṅgakā māgadhāś ca; śiṣṭān dharmān upajīvanti vṛddhāḥ
76 prācīṃ diśaṃ śritā devā jātavedaḥ purogamāḥ
    dakṣiṇāṃ pitaro guptāṃ yamena śubhakarmaṇā
77 pratīcīṃ varuṇaḥ pāti pālayann asurān balī
    udīcīṃ bhagavāṃ somo brahmaṇyo brāhmaṇaiḥ saha
78 rakṣaḥpiśācān himavān guhyakān gandhamādanaḥ
    dhruvaḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni viṣṇur lokāñ janārdanaḥ
79 iṅgitajñāś ca magadhāḥ prekṣitajñāś ca kosalāḥ
    ardhoktāḥ kurupāñcālāḥ śālvāḥ kṛtsnānuśāsanāḥ
    pārvatīyāś ca viṣamā yathaiva girayas tathā
80 sarvajñā yavanā rājañ śūrāś caiva viśeṣataḥ
    mlecchāḥ svasaṃjñā niyatā nānukta itaro janaḥ
81 pratirabdhās tu bāhlīkā na ca ke cana madrakāḥ
    sa tvam etādṛśaḥ śalya nottaraṃ vaktum arhasi
82 etaj jñātvā joṣam āssva pratīpaṃ mā sma vai kṛthāḥ
    sa tvāṃ pūrvam ahaṃ hatvā haniṣye keśavārjunau
83 [ṣalya]
    āturāṇāṃ parityāgaḥ svadārasuta vikrayaḥ
    aṅgeṣu vartate karṇa yeṣām adhipatir bhavān
84 rathātiratha saṃkhyāyāṃ yat tvā bhīṣmas tadābravīt
    tān viditvātmano doṣān nirmanyur bhava mā krudhaḥ
85 sarvatra brāhmaṇāḥ santi santi sarvatra kṣatriyāḥ
    vaiśyāḥ śūdrās tathā karṇa striyaḥ sādhvyaś ca suvratāḥ
86 ramante copahāsena puruṣāḥ puruṣaiḥ saha
    anyonyam avatakṣanto deśe deśe samaithunāḥ
87 paravācyeṣu nipuṇaḥ sarvo bhavati sarvadā
    ātmavācyaṃ na jānīte jānann api vimuhyati
88 [s]
    karṇo 'pi nottaraṃ prāha śalyo 'py abhimukhaḥ parān
    punaḥ prahasya rādheyaḥ punar yāhīty acodayat
