Rajendra Nain

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Martyr Rajendra Kumar Nain

Rajendra Nain (d.31.12.2017) was from Gorisar village in Ratangarh tehsil of Churu district in Rajasthan. He became martyr of militancy on 31.12.2017 in a terrorist attack at Lethpora CRPF camp in Awantipora of Pulwama district in J&K. He belonged to 130th battalion of the force and was part of its elite Quick Reaction Team (QRT).

Early life

Joined Army

His deeds

On 30 December 2017 at around 0200 hrs, three heavily armed terrorists of JeM outfit sneaked into the campus by breaching the perimeter wall and entered the four-storeyed building of Type 2 and Type 4 Quarters . On receipt of information about the attack, the Valley QAT(Quick Action Team) from Srinagar and Range QAT of South Kashmir Ops Range (SKOR) and Anantnag rushed for Lethpora camp.

It was decided to first evacuate the trapped personnel from Type 2 Quarters. Accordingly, Sh. Zile Singh, Assistant Commandant of Range QAT(SKOR) with his buddy Constable Rajendra Kumar Nain, moved the task. Amid the heavy firing, troops first rescued about ten personnel from building, and then advanced to engage the terrorists hiding somewhere in attic area.

As Constable Rajendra Kumar Nain reached for the attic door and opened it, the militant fired a volley of bullets at the door and simultaneously lobbed a grenade towards them. Saving him from this attack, Constable Rajendra Kumar, in a flash, without caring for his life, moved inside with his BP shield and fired a burst at the militant with full might. However, the militant anticipating the tactical movement also fired back from behind the cemented block.

Resultantly, one Armour Piercing Incendiary (API) round pierced through the BP shield and hit Rajendra Kumar Nain in the upper part of the chest. Due to the hit, he lost control of the BP shield but valiantly continued to fire on the militant, till he fell unconscious and slumped on the ground. In the process, he inflicted grievous wounds on the militant. Shri Zile Singh, who was close to him, instantly reacted from the door and without caring for his life fired at the militant. Constable Rajendra Kumar Nain was evacuated to the hospital immediately where he succumbed to his injuries and attained martyrdom. Incensed by the loss of his buddy, Zile Singh charged on the militant with the covering fire from his fellow officer and neutralized on the spot. The neutralized militant was identified as Manzoor Ahmad Baba, r/o Drabgam, Pulwama.

Meanwhile, one militant was sighted near the perimeter of the camp. The valley QAT team was directed engage the militant. Constable P.K. Panda and Constable S. Prakash of valley QAT were in the front. As they closed in on the location, the militant greeted them with heavy volley of fire. The militant was hiding in the undulating open ground and firing continuously. No effective cover was available to approach him without grave risk to life. Yet, Constable P. K. Panda along with his buddy Constable S. Prakash advanced through the open area adopting fire and move tactics. As they closed in, the militant tried to hurl grenades towards them. At this juncture Constable P.K. Panda, without caring for his life, came out of his cover and fired at the militant neutralizing him on the spot. The killed militant was identified as Fardeen Ahmad Khandey r/o Tral, Pulwama.

After this, the valley QAT was tasked to clear the room from the ground floor and reach the top. Constable P.K. Panda was again in the lead with his buddy Constable S. Prakash. After clearing the ground and first two floors, P.K. Panda audaciously entered another room. The militant hiding in the room fired upon Constable P.K. Panda and inflicted injuries to him. Despite being injured P.K. Panda did not give up and continue to fire at the militant, till he fell down but not before inflicting serious wounds to the militant. Later he succumbed to his injuries and attained martyrdom. The militant was neutralized subsequently.

The Lethpora operation continued for more than 36 hours and was eventually repulsed successfully by CRPF on its own. The success was largely achieved by the tremendous grit, determination, exemplary valour and never say die spirit of Constable Rajendra Kumar Nain, Constable P.K. Panda and Shri Zile Singh, Asst. Comdt. During the operation, Constable Rajendra Kumar Nain and P.K. Panda attained martyrdom in the line of duty in keeping with the highest traditions of the Force. Constable Rajendra Kumar Nain and Constable P.K. Panda displayed exceptional and conspicuous bravery, raw courage, utmost dedication and commitment to duty in fighting with terrorists and made supreme sacrifice for the nation.

Churu braveheart martyred in J&K terrorist attack

Rajendra Nain Statue Gorisar

A pall of gloom descended on the native village of CRPF constable Rajendra Nain who was killed in a terrorist attack at Lethpora CRPF camp on Sunday 31.12.2017. Nain was resident of Gorisar village in Churu district. According to CRPF PRO Rajesh Yadav, Nain belonged to 130th battalion of the force and was part of its elite Quick Reaction Team (QRT). "He took a bullet to chest and was martyred. His body would be sent to his home town via New Delhi," Yadav said.

Rajendra Nain had joined CRPF in 2015 and since then had been posted at different areas. Churu and other regions of Shekhawati in the state boast of strong military tradition as many persons here have served in the armed and paramilitary forces.

According to reports, five CRPF jawans were killed in the attack on the CRPF camp at Lethpora in Awantipora of Pulwama district in J&K. Two terrorists were also killed in retaliatory action. The officials in Churu said that they were waiting for official confirmation after which they will speak to the family and offer all possible help in organising the final rites of the braveheart.

Reference - Times of India 1.1.2018

जीवन परिचय

कॉंस्टेबल राजेन्द्र कुमार नैण (जाट) कीर्ति चक्र (मरणोपरांत) (4 सितंबर 1989 - 31 दिसंबर 2017)

वीरांगना - श्रीमती प्रियंका देवी

यूनिट - 130 बटालियन CRPF

लेथपोरा आतंकी हमला

राजेन्द्र कुमार नैण का जन्म 4 सितम्बर 1989 को चौधरी सहीराम जी नैण की चौथी संतान के रूप में चूरू जिले की रतनगढ़ तहसील के गांव गौरीसर में हुआ। पांच भाई-बहनों में राजेन्द्र कुमार से छोटी एक बहन है।

राजेन्द्र कुमार का विवाह फतेहपुर तहसील के गांव चुवास की प्रियंका के साथ हुआ जिनकी एकमात्र संतान बेटी मिष्ठी है।

राजेन्द्र कुमार नैण 3 जनवरी 2013 को कॉंस्टेबल के पद पर CRPF में भर्ती हुए और 130 वीं बटालियन में जम्मू कश्मीर में तैनात थे।

राजेन्द्र कुमार CRPF की QUICK ACTION TEAM में शामिल थे, जिसमें 8 से 10 चुनिंदा जांबाज़ शामिल होते हैं।

31 दिसम्बर 2017 को देर रात श्रीनगर के पुलवामा के पास स्थित लेथपोरा में CRPF की 185 वीं बटालियन के शिविर पर जैश ऐ मोहम्मद के आतंकियों ने हमला किआ। QAT में शामिल राजेन्द्र कुमार टीम के साथ 4 मंजिला बिल्डिंग में घुसे और 10 जवानों को सुरक्षित कर लिया, 2 फिदायीन आतंकियों को मार गिराया गया। इस बीच तीसरे की तलाश में ज्योंही QAT आगे बढ़कर एक कमरे में घुसने लगी, इसी दौरान अंदर छिपे हुए तीसरे आतंकी ने ब्रस्ट फायर कर दिया, जिसमें बूलेट प्रूफ शील्ड को छेदते हुए एक गोली राजेंद्र कुमार के सीने के ऊपरी हिस्से में लगी और वह गम्भीर रूप से घायल हो गए, राजेन्द्र कुमार जबतक अचेत नहीं हुए तबतक फायर करते रहे और हॉस्पिटल ले जाने पर वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए। अंततः तीसरे आतंकी को भी मार गिराया गया। 36 घण्टे तक चले इस ऑपरेशन में CRPF के 5 जवान बलिदान हुए।

राजेन्द्र कुमार के अदम्य साहस, वीरता और बलिदान का सम्मान करते हुए भारत सरकार ने 26 जनवरी 2019 को उन्हें शांतिकाल के दूसरे सर्वोच्च वीरता सम्मान कीर्ति चक्र से अलंकृत किया।

शहीद राजेन्द्र नैण श्रद्धांजलि द्वादस

अमर शहीद राजेन्द्र नैण
हाथ तो जोड़ते हैं
सिर्फ भारत-माता के सामने
वरना हम तो भारतीय सैनिक हैं
जो मौत को भी घुंघरू पहनाकर
मुजरा करवाते हैं ।

उपर्युक्त वाट्सएप संदेश अमर शहीद राजेन्द्र नैण,आयु-26 वर्ष (ग्राम -गौरीसर जिला -चूरू ,राजस्थान )ने अपने साथियों को 31 दिसंबर, 2017 की सुबह भेजा ।उसी रात्रि को ही जम्मू -कश्मीर के पुलवामा में सीआरपीएफ के शिविर पर हुए आतंकी हमले में बहादुरी से लड़ते हुए नैन शहीद हो गए । किसे पता था कि उनका साल के अंतिम दिन साथियों को भेजा संदेश अंतिम होगा । राजेंद्र का शाब्दिक अर्थ 'राजाओं का राजा 'होता है ।आज राजेंद्र हमारे देश पर राज करने वालों के दिलों का राजा अर्थात राजाओं का राजा है ।हमारे राजेंद्र ने राजाओं का राजा बन 'यथा नाम तथा गुण' की उक्ति को चरितार्थ किया है।धन्य हैं उनके माता-पिता ,धन्य है वह धरती जहां ऐसे सिंह -सपूत पैदा हुए ।

           शहीद राजेन्द्र नैण श्रद्धांजलि द्वादस
सुत सहीराम -सावित्री ,गौरीसर परिवार ।
दादी -नानी लोरियां, देशभक्ति संस्कार ।।1ll
तात-मात गुण बहादुर, राजेन्द्र जन्मजात ।
भगत भगतसिंह कहते, बालगोठिया बात ।।2ll
दुख सदा सहते सैनिक ,हमें सदा सुखदैण ।
आह भरी न मौत समुख ,वाह राजेंद्र नैण ।।3 ll
पत्नी प्रियंका प्रियवर,'मिष्ठी' की मुस्कान ।
राजेंद्र नैण शहीद हैं, भारत- मां की शान ।।4 ll
हम रहें न रहें लेकिन ,देश में रहे चैन।
देय दुआ शहीद हुआ, वीर राजेंद्र नैण।।5 ll
भारत अनुगुंजित अमर ,अंत समय के बैण।
मौत से मुजरा करवा ,गए राजेंद्र नैण ।।6 ll
नन्ही मिष्ठी मुखाग्नि जब ,पिता राजेन्द्र नैण ।
छाया चहुंओर तमस, हुई दुपहरी रैण ।।7 ll
भारत- भूमि धाक बड़ी,अमर कीर्ति आकाश ।
राजेन्द्र नैण सूरमा ,सूरज -चंदा पास ।।8 ll
राजेन्द्र अब रहे नहीं, सिर्फ स्मृति रही शेष ।
प्रेरणास्पद शहीद के,देश पढे़ संदेश ।।9 ll
सुनती राजेन्द्र सरहद,दहाड़ पहाड़ -सिंध ।
कहानी -जवानी अमर, जोश-होश जयहिन्द ।।10 ll
नाक देकर नाक रखी,सिर देकर सिरताज ।
भारत जन-गण-मन ह्रदय,इन्द्र राजेन्द्र आज ।।11 ll
कर लेखनी छूट गई, शब्द शेष कछु कैण ।
'दयाराम' नमन करता ,अब 'नैण' भरे नैण ।।12 ll
---दयाराम महरिया,सीकर ।

External links


चित्र और जानकारी का स्रोत रमेश शर्मा ई-मेल से Ramesh Sharma<dadhichramesh77@gmail.com>



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