Satish Nandal

From Jatland Wiki

A social worker in the village Satish Nandal was born on 03.06.1965 at the holy village RITHAL in Rohtak District of old Punjab state (Now Haryana). After taking Middle education at village Rithal , taken his High and Secondary education from Govt. Boys Sr. Sec. School R.K.Puram, New Delhi , B.Sc. (PCM), LL.B. , M.Sc., MCA from M.D.University Rohtak , LL.M from Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra and MBA from Sikkim Manipal University. He was first and founder President of Gram Kalyan Parishad Rithal of both the twins. Joined Govt. job in 1985 and presently working as SE in IT Department Gurugram. He took part in village welfare deeds and social activities from time to time. He got married in 1989 with Sunita Rana of Village Kundal (Sonipat), who became the village Sarpanch in 1994 and stood first in her term for the welfare deed in the village Rithal. Presently residing in Sector-3 Rohtak.

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