
From Jatland Wiki
For village see Sultana Jhunjhunu

Sultana (सुलताना) gotra Jats live in Sindh, Pakistan.[1]



According to James Tod[2] Jakhar, Asiagh, Punia are all denominations of the Jat race, a few of whom preserve under these ancient subdivisions their old customs and religion ; but the greater part are among the converts to Islam, and retain the generic name, pronounced Zjat. Those enumerated are harmless and industrious, and are found both in the desert and valley. There are besides these a few scattered families of ancient tribes , as the Sultana, and Khumra, of whose history we are ignorant, Johyas, Sindhals, and others, whose origin has already been noticed in the Annals of Marusthali.

According to James Tod[3] Sultana gotra Jats live in Sindh, Pakistan. In the footnote he writes that Abu-l Fazl, in describing the province of Bajaur, inhabited by the Yusufzais, says : " The whole of the tract Swat of hill and plain is the domain of the Yusufzai clan. In the time of Mirza Ulugh Beg of Kabul, they migrated from Kabul to this territory, and wrested it from the Sultans who affected to be descendants of Alexander Bicornutus " (Ain, ii. 392 f.). Mr. Elphinstone inquired in vain for this offspring of Alexander the Great.

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