Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 82

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Mahabharata Book V Chapter 82:English

Krishna departed for Hastinapura Yudhishthira's mission and stays at Vrikasthala for night-halt.

"Vaisampayana said, 'O smiter of foes, when Devaki's son of mighty arms set out (for Hastinapura), ten mighty car-warriors, capable of slaying hostile heroes, fully armed, followed in his train. And a thousand foot-soldiers, and a thousand horsemen, and attendants by hundreds, also formed his train, carrying, O king, provisions in abundance.'

"Janamejaya said, 'How did the illustrious slayer of Madhu, of Dasarha's race, proceed on his journey? And what omens were seen when that hero set out?'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Listen to me as I narrate all those natural and unnatural omens that were noticed at the time when the illustrious Krishna departed (for Hastinapura). Though there were no clouds in the sky, yet the roll of thunder accompanied by flashes of lightning was heard. And fleecy clouds in a clear sky rained incessantly in the rear! The seven large rivers including the Sindhu (Indus) though flowing eastwards then flowed in opposite directions. The very directions seemed to be reversed and nothing could be distinguished. Fires blazed up everywhere, O monarch, and the earth trembled repeatedly. The contents of wells and water-vessels by hundreds swelled up and ran out. The whole universe was enveloped in darkness. The atmosphere being filled with dust, neither the cardinal nor the subsidiary points of the horizon could, O king, be distinguished. Loud roars were heard in the sky without any being being visible from whom these could emanate. This wonderful phenomenon, O king, was noticed all over the country. A south-westerly wind, with the harsh rattle of the thunder, uprooting trees by the thousands, crushed the city of Hastinapura. In those places, however, O Bharata, through which he of Vrishni's race passed, delicious breezes blew and everything became auspicious. Showers of lotuses and fragrant flowers fell there. The very road became delightful, being free from prickly grass and thorns. At those places where he stayed, Brahmanas by thousands glorified that giver of wealth with (laudation) and worshipped him with dishes of curds, ghee, honey, and presents of wealth. The very women, coming out on the road, strewed wild flowers of great fragrance on the person of that illustrious hero, devoted to the welfare of all creatures. He then came upon a delightful spot called Salibhavana which was filled with every kind of crops, a spot that was delicious and sacred, after having, O bull of the Bharata race, seen various villages abounding in bees, and picturesque to the eye, and delightful to the heart, and after having passed through diverse cities and kingdoms. Always cheerful and of good hearts, well-protected by the Bharatas and therefore free from all anxieties on account of the designs of invaders, and unacquainted with calamities of any kind, many of the citizens of Upaplavya, coming out of their town, stood together on the way, desirous of beholding Krishna. And beholding that illustrious one

[p. 176]: resembling a blazing fire arrived at the spot, they worshipped him who deserved their worship with all the honours of a guest arrived in their abode. When at last that slayer of hostile heroes, Kesava, came to Vrikasthala, the sun seemed to redden the sky by his straggling rays of light. Alighting from his car, he duly went through the usual purificatory rites, and ordering the steeds to be unharnessed, he set himself to say his evening prayers. And Daruka also, setting the steeds free, tended them according to the rules of equine science, and taking off the yokes and traces, let them loose. After this was done, the slayer of Madhu said, 'Here must we pass the night for the sake of Yudhishthira's mission. Ascertaining that to be his intention, the attendants soon set a temporary abode and prepared in a trice excellent food and drink. Amongst the Brahmanas, O king, that resided in the village, they that were of noble and high descent, modest, and obedient to the injunctions of the Vedas in their conduct, approached that illustrious chastiser of foes, Hrishikesa, and honoured him with their benedictions and auspicious speeches. And having honoured him of Dasarha's race that deserveth honour from every one, they placed at the disposal of that illustrious person their houses, abounding in wealth. Saying unto them--'Enough'--the illustrious Krishna paid them proper homage, each according to his rank, and wending with them to their house, he returned in their company to his own (tent). And feeding all the Brahmanas with sweet-meats and himself taking his meals with them, Kesava passed the night happily there.'"

Mahabharata Book V Chapter 82:Sanskrit

1  [व]
     परयान्तं देवकीपुत्रं परवीर रुजॊ थश
     महारदा महाबाहुम अन्वयुः शस्त्रपाणयः
 2 पथातीनां सहस्रं च साथिनां च परंतप
     भॊज्यं च विपुलं राजन परेष्याश च शतशॊ ऽपरे
 3 [ज]
     कदं परयातॊ दाशार्हॊ महात्मा मधुसूदनः
     कानि वा वरजतस तस्य निमित्तानि महौजसः
 4 [व]
     तस्य परयाणे यान्य आसन्न अथ्भुतानि महात्मनः
     तानि मे शृणु थिव्यानि थैवान्य औत्पातिकानि च
 5 अनभ्रे ऽशनिनिर्घॊषः सविथ्युत्समजायत
     अन्वग एव च पर्जन्यः परावर्षथ विघने भृशम
 6 परत्यग ऊहुर महानथ्यः पराङ्मुखाः सिन्धुसत्तमाः
     विपारीता थिशः सर्वा न पराज्ञायत किं चन
 7 पराज्वलन्न अग्नयॊ राजन पृदिवीसमकम्पत
     उथपानाश च कुम्भाश च परासिञ्चञ शतशॊ जलम
 8 तमः संवृतम अप्य आसीत सर्वं जगथ इथं तथा
     न थिशॊ नाथिशॊ राजन परज्ञायन्ते सम रेणुना
 9 पराथुरासीन महाञ शब्थः खे शरीरं न थृश्यते
     सर्वेषु राजन थेशेषु तथ अथ्भुतम इवाभवत
 10 परामद्नाथ धास्तिन पुरं वातॊ थक्षिणपश्चिमः
    आरुजन गणशॊ वृक्षान परुषॊ भीमनिस्वनः
11 यत्र यत्र तु वार्ष्णेयॊ वर्तते पदि भारत
    तत्र तत्र सुखॊ वायुः सर्वं चासीत परथक्षिणम
12 ववर्ष पुष्पवर्षं च कमलानि च भूरिशः
    समश च पन्दा निर्थुःखॊ वयपेतकुश कण्टकः
13 स गच्छन बराह्मणै राजंस तत्र तत्र महाभुजः
    अर्च्यते मधुपर्कैश च सुमनॊभिर वसु परथः
14 तं किरन्ति महात्मानं वन्यैः पुष्पैः सुगन्धिभिः
    सत्रियः पदि समागम्य सर्वभूतहिते रतम
15 स शालिभवनं रम्यं सर्वसस्य समाचितम
    सुखं परमधर्मिष्ठम अत्यगाथ भरतर्षभ
16 पश्यन बहु पशून गरामान रम्यान हृथयतॊषणान
    पुराणि च वयतिक्रामन राष्ट्राणि विविधानि च
17 नित्यहृष्टाः सुमनसॊ भारतैर अभिरक्षिताः
    नॊथ्विग्नाः परचक्राणाम अनयानाम अकॊविथाः
18 उपप्लव्याथ अदायान्तं जनाः पुरनिवासिनः
    पद्य अतिष्ठन्त सहिता विष्वक्सेन थिथृक्षया
19 ते तु सर्वे सुनामानम अग्निम इथ्धम इव परभुम
    अर्चयाम आसुर अर्च्यं तं थेशातिदिम उपस्दितम
20 वृकस्थलं समासाथ्य केशवः परवीरहा
    परकीर्णरश्माव आथित्ये विमले लॊहितायति
21 अवतीर्य रदात तूर्णं कृत्वा शौचं यदाविधि
    रदमॊचनम आथिश्य संध्याम उपविवेश ह
22 दारुकॊ ऽपि हयान मुक्त्वा परिचर्य च शास्त्रतः
    मुमॊच सर्वं वर्माणि मुक्त्वा चैनान अवासृजत
23 अभ्यतीत्य तु तत सर्वम उवाच मधुसूथनः
    युधिष्ठिरस्य कार्यार्दम इह वत्स्यामहे कषपाम
24 तस्य तन मतम आज्ञाय चक्रुर आवसदं नराः
    कषणेन चान्न पानानि गुणवन्ति समार्जयन
25 तस्मिन गरामे परधानास तु य आसन बराह्मणा नृप
    आर्याः कुलीना हरीमन्तॊ बराह्मीं वृत्तिम अनुष्ठिताः
26 ते ऽभिगम्य महात्मानं हृषीकेशम अरिंथमम
    पूजां चक्रुर यदान्यायम आशीर मङ्गलसंयुताम
27 ते पूजयित्वा दाशार्हं सर्वलॊकेषु पूजितम
    नयवेथयन्त वेश्मानि रत्नवन्ति महात्मने
28 तान परभुः कृतम इत्य उक्त्वा सत्कृत्य च यदार्हतः
    अभ्येत्य तेषां वेश्मानि पुनर आयात सहैव तैः
29 सुमृष्टं भॊजयित्वा च बराह्मणांस तत्र केशवः
    भुक्त्वा च सह तैः सर्वैर अवसत तां कषपां सुखम

Mahabharata Book V Chapter 82:Transliteration

1 [v]

     prayāntaṃ devakīputraṃ paravīra rujo daśa
     mahārathā mahābāhum anvayuḥ śastrapāṇayaḥ
 2 padātīnāṃ sahasraṃ ca sādināṃ ca paraṃtapa
     bhojyaṃ ca vipulaṃ rājan preṣyāś ca śataśo 'pare
 3 [j]
     kathaṃ prayāto dāśārho mahātmā madhusūdanaḥ
     kāni vā vrajatas tasya nimittāni mahaujasaḥ
 4 [v]
     tasya prayāṇe yāny āsann adbhutāni mahātmanaḥ
     tāni me śṛṇu divyāni daivāny autpātikāni ca
 5 anabhre 'śaninirghoṣaḥ savidyutsamajāyata
     anvag eva ca parjanyaḥ prāvarṣad vighane bhṛśam
 6 pratyag ūhur mahānadyaḥ prāṅmukhāḥ sindhusattamāḥ
     vipārītā diśaḥ sarvā na prājñāyata kiṃ cana
 7 prājvalann agnayo rājan pṛthivīsamakampata
     udapānāś ca kumbhāś ca prāsiñcañ śataśo jalam
 8 tamaḥ saṃvṛtam apy āsīt sarvaṃ jagad idaṃ tadā
     na diśo nādiśo rājan prajñāyante sma reṇunā
 9 prādurāsīn mahāñ śabdaḥ khe śarīraṃ na dṛśyate
     sarveṣu rājan deśeṣu tad adbhutam ivābhavat
 10 prāmathnād dhāstina puraṃ vāto dakṣiṇapaścimaḥ
    ārujan gaṇaśo vṛkṣān paruṣo bhīmanisvanaḥ
11 yatra yatra tu vārṣṇeyo vartate pathi bhārata
    tatra tatra sukho vāyuḥ sarvaṃ cāsīt pradakṣiṇam
12 vavarṣa puṣpavarṣaṃ ca kamalāni ca bhūriśaḥ
    samaś ca panthā nirduḥkho vyapetakuśa kaṇṭakaḥ
13 sa gacchan brāhmaṇai rājaṃs tatra tatra mahābhujaḥ
    arcyate madhuparkaiś ca sumanobhir vasu pradaḥ
14 taṃ kiranti mahātmānaṃ vanyaiḥ puṣpaiḥ sugandhibhiḥ
    striyaḥ pathi samāgamya sarvabhūtahite ratam
15 sa śālibhavanaṃ ramyaṃ sarvasasya samācitam
    sukhaṃ paramadharmiṣṭham atyagād bharatarṣabha
16 paśyan bahu paśūn grāmān ramyān hṛdayatoṣaṇān
    purāṇi ca vyatikrāman rāṣṭrāṇi vividhāni ca
17 nityahṛṣṭāḥ sumanaso bhāratair abhirakṣitāḥ
    nodvignāḥ paracakrāṇām anayānām akovidāḥ
18 upaplavyād athāyāntaṃ janāḥ puranivāsinaḥ
    pathy atiṣṭhanta sahitā viṣvaksena didṛkṣayā
19 te tu sarve sunāmānam agnim iddham iva prabhum
    arcayām āsur arcyaṃ taṃ deśātithim upasthitam
20 vṛkasthalaṃ samāsādya keśavaḥ paravīrahā
    prakīrṇaraśmāv āditye vimale lohitāyati
21 avatīrya rathāt tūrṇaṃ kṛtvā śaucaṃ yathāvidhi
    rathamocanam ādiśya saṃdhyām upaviveśa ha
22 dāruko 'pi hayān muktvā paricarya ca śāstrataḥ
    mumoca sarvaṃ varmāṇi muktvā cainān avāsṛjat
23 abhyatītya tu tat sarvam uvāca madhusūdanaḥ
    yudhiṣṭhirasya kāryārtham iha vatsyāmahe kṣapām
24 tasya tan matam ājñāya cakrur āvasathaṃ narāḥ
    kṣaṇena cānna pānāni guṇavanti samārjayan
25 tasmin grāme pradhānās tu ya āsan brāhmaṇā nṛpa
    āryāḥ kulīnā hrīmanto brāhmīṃ vṛttim anuṣṭhitāḥ
26 te 'bhigamya mahātmānaṃ hṛṣīkeśam ariṃdamam
    pūjāṃ cakrur yathānyāyam āśīr maṅgalasaṃyutām
27 te pūjayitvā dāśārhaṃ sarvalokeṣu pūjitam
    nyavedayanta veśmāni ratnavanti mahātmane
28 tān prabhuḥ kṛtam ity uktvā satkṛtya ca yathārhataḥ
    abhyetya teṣāṃ veśmāni punar āyāt sahaiva taiḥ
29 sumṛṣṭaṃ bhojayitvā ca brāhmaṇāṃs tatra keśavaḥ
    bhuktvā ca saha taiḥ sarvair avasat tāṃ kṣapāṃ sukham
