Chajja Nagla

From Jatland Wiki

Chajja Nagla () is a village in Kanth tehsil in district Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh.

About Chhajja Nagla

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Chhajju Nagla village is 114903. Chhajju Nagla village is located in Kanth Tehsil of Moradabad district in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is situated 17km away from sub-district headquarter Kanth and 27km away from district headquarter Moradabad. Akbarpur Sihali is the gram panchayat of Chhajju Nagla village.

The total geographical area of the village is 138.59 hectares. Chhajju Nagla has a total population of 520 peoples. There are about 102 houses in Chhajju Nagla village. Kanth is the nearest town to Chhajju Nagla which is approximately 17km away.

Population of Chhajju Nagla

Total Population Male Populationt Female Population
520 276 244

In Chajja Nagla village population of children with age 0-6 is 36 which makes up 6.92 % of the total population of the village. Average Sex Ratio of Chajja Nagla village is 884 which is lower than Uttar Pradesh state average of 912. Child Sex Ratio for the Chajja Nagla as per census is 636, lower than Uttar Pradesh average of 902.

Chajja Nagla village has a higher literacy rate compared to Uttar Pradesh. In 2011, the literacy rate of Chajja Nagla village was 78.93 % compared to 67.68 % of Uttar Pradesh. In Chajja Nagla Male literacy stands at 89.76 % while the female literacy rate was 66.96 %.

As per the constitution of India and Panchyati Raaj Act, Chhajju Nagla village is administrated by Sarpanch (Head of Village) who is elected representative of village. Our website, don't have information about schools and hospital in Chajja Nagla village.

Connectivity of Chhajju Nagla

Type Status
Public Bus Service Available within 5 - 10 km distance
Private Bus Service Available within 5 - 10 km distance
Railway Station Available within 10+ km distance

Jat Gotras

Notable Persons

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