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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Chitra (चित्र) is name of a place mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi ( Chitra (चित्र) and Chitraka (चित्रक) are mentioned in Mahabharata.

Mention by Panini

Chitra (चित्र) is name of a place mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi under Pakshadi (पक्षादि) ( group. [1]

Chitra (चित्रा) is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi. [2]


In Mahabharata

Chitra (चित्र) Mahabharata (II.9.8), (II.9) - (Nagavanshi) King

Chitra (चित्र) Mahabharata (I.108.4), (1.117) - One of Dhritarashtra's 100 sons

Chitraka (चित्रक) In Mahabharata (II.46.21)

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 61 mentions the names of Dhritarashtra's 100 sons. It includes Chitra (चित्र) and Chitraka (चित्रक).

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 9 mentions names of Naga kings who attended the Sabha of Yudhishthira, which includes Chitra (चित्र) in verse (II.9.8). [3]....And Vasuki and Takshaka, and the Naga called Airavata; Krishna and Lohita; Padma and Chitra endued with great energy;

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 46 meentions the Game of dice discussed and kings who were present in that assembly.... Chitraka (चित्रक) is listed in Mahabharata verse (II.46.21). [4].....The Nipas, the Chitrakas, the Kukkuras, the Karaskaras, and the Lauha-janghas are living in the palace of Yudhishthira like bondsmen.

External links


  1. V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.504
  2. V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.176
  3. वासुकिस तक्षकश चैव नागश चैरावतस तदा ।:कृष्णशलॊहितश चैव पद्मश चित्रश च वीर्यवान Mahabharata (II.9.8)
  4. आवर्जिता इवाभान्ति निघ्नाश चैत्रकि कौकुराः, कारः करा लॊहजङ्घा युधिष्ठिर निवेशने (II.46.21)