
Dalanwas (डालनवास) is a Jat dominated village in Mahendragarh District in Haryana.
Dalanwas village on 'Mahendargarh - Satnali' road. The village comes under Mahendragarh Distt. It is around 9 Kms from Satnali and 16 Kms from Mahendragarh. This village comes under Mahendergarh constituency and Mr Dan Singh is local MLA from Congress.
Jat gotras
Village mainly has Lamba gotra Jats followed by Maliks. There are Jats from other Gotra too.
Notable persons
- Sh Subedar Richhpal Ram--He was from 4/6 Rajputana Rifles and for his gallant services awarded Victoria Cross posthumously.
- Sh Nand Lal Lamba- Former Sarpanch.
- Wing Commander Ajit Singh Lamba - Asian Games medal winner- Equestrian competition
- Col Peerdan Lamba Lamba- First military officer.
- Dr Rajender Singh Lamba- Renowned Psychiatrist, works from Hisar.
- Sh Deepak Lamba--Indian Ordnance Factory Service (IOFS) officer, 2014 batch.Secured AIR 83 in UPSC Engineering service Exam 2012, DTU alumnus.
- Dr Preeti Lamba-- MBBS, MD, DM (Cardiac Anaesthesia)
- Sh Pankaj Lamba-- Indian Police Service (IPS), 2019 batch, AGMUT Cadre, BITS Pilani alumnus
- Dr. Lokesh Lamba - MBBS.
- Smt Suman Devi
External Links
- Sh.Deepak Lamba IOFS,2014 service allocation UPSC -- https://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/mgt_ser/downloads/Allocation_ESE_2012.pdf
- Sh.Deepak Lamba IOFS,2014 Seniority list--- https://ofb.gov.in/iofs
- Sh.Pankaj Lamba IPS,2019 service allocation UPSC--https://cseplus.nic.in/Home/DisplayPDF?streamId=PCsUnEplvZihdzEe8FEMf/WbAAC9A3U8IY9MOncNgPG3xGb5EoZHDpJaPtMrU4kNzooyQdG7o+wF8T3xybXz0QgnaftrasboV7z92BQsB52Y/z09DYcNSwbQ0L+SiJNH
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