James Todd Annals/Index Vol II

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James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II,
Publisher: Madras: Higginbotham and Co. 1873.

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Index Vol II
Wikified by:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.), Jaipur

Contents: Top   · 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  • Abhye Sing of Marwar, his horoscope, 73. His history 75—99. Character, 100.
  • Aboo, convocation of gods there to regenerate the warrior caste, 407.
  • Aboriginal tribes of India, 289,303.
  • Agnicula race, not aboriginal in India, 408,409.
  • Ahairea, or spring-hunt, prophetic imprecation of a Sati respecting, 432,688.
  • Aheers, anciently occupied all Central India, 409.
  • Aji'pa'l, a chukwa, or universal potentate.409.
  • Aji't Sing, Raja of Marwar, 50. Devotion of his chiefs to preserve him from Arungzeb, 51. Concealed on Mount Aboo, 52. Heads an army and defeats the imperialists, 65. Restores Jey Sing to Amber, 69. Obtains a Sunnud from Arungzeb, 70. His conduct in the wars of the succession, 75. Takes Ajmer, 79. Is murdered by his son, 80. His character, 84. His murder the germ of destruction to Marwar, 86. See Personal Narrative.
  • .. Rao, of Boondi, tragical death of, 462.
  • Akber, Emperor, visits the castle of Rinthunbor in disguise, 436. Concludes a treaty with the prince of Boondi, ib. Employs the Haras, 438. Remarkable manner of his death, 439.
  • Akber, Prince, his operations against the Rahtores, 53—55. An object of jealousy to his father Arungzeb, 57.
  • Akber-ca'-de'wa, or 'Akber's lamp' at Cheetore, 691.
  • Akhi Sing, Rawul of Jessulmer, 240.
Aloo Hara, of Bumbaoda, 591,686.
  • Amber, or Dhoondar, annals of, 318. Its origin, 319. Foundation of Dhoondar, by Dhola Rae, 320. Legend of the origin of the state of Amber, ib. Sketch of indigenous tribes, 322. Connection of the Amber princes with the Mogul dynasty, 325. Splendid reign of Jey Sing, 328. Amber owes everything to him, 335. Aggrandizement of Amber, 340. Injurious effects of contentions between Madhu Sing and Beejy Sing, 343. Intrigues of the queen Regent and the Feelban 344. Vicissitudes of Amber under Pertap Sing, 345. Invasion of the Mahrattas, ib. Profligate reign of Juggut Sing, 346 Amber the last of the Rajpoot states to accept the British alliance, 348. Reasons, ib. Erroneous principles and inconvenient results of the alliance, 352. Court of Amber termed, the 'lying court,' ib. Departure from the rule of succession, 353. Intrigues of Mohun Nazir to set up Mohun Sing of Nurwar, ib. Ended by birth of a posthumous son of Juggut Sing, 356. Statistics of Amber, 395. Soil and agriculture, 397. Revenues, 398. Military force, 401. Fiefs, 402. see Shekhavati.
  • Ameer Khan, his importance in the affairs of Marwar, 130. His atrocities, 131—132.
  • Ano'p Sing, Raja of Bikaner, 166.
  • Architecture, ancient, of the Hindus, at Barolli, 646—653 : Gangabheva, 656 : Dhoondar, 660 : Chandrabhaga, 670: Bijolli,679: Cheetore, 691—693. Perfection of ancient Hindu architecture, 646 : Chiori of Bheem, connecting link between Hindu and Egyptian architecture, 677.
  • Arorah, tribe of the desert, 292.
  • Arunoze'b, Emperor, marches into and plunders Marwar, 55. Promulgates the jezeya 63. His treachery towards the Marwar chiefs, 57. Instigates the poisoning of Jey Sing of Amber by his son, 328.
  • Asot'hama, Rao of 'Marwar, 12.
  • Atteets, ascetics, of Mokundurra, 644. Set Jogis.
  • Aya'-punti Brahmins, votaries of Aya-Mata, 31.


  • Baharmull, Raia of Amber. the first prince to pay homage to the Mahomedan armies, 325.
  • Baj-aswa, his five sons people India beyond the Indus, 4.
  • Bando, Rao of Boondi, 429.
  • Barolli, architectural remains at, 646—653.
  • Barwuttias, or exiles, 382.
  • Beedavati', lands of the sons of Beeda. 171.
  • Beejy Sing, Raja of Marwar, 106. Defeated at the battle of Mairta, 109. Treachery towards his chiefs, 114. Enlarges his territory and leagues with Pertap of Mewar against the Mahrattas, 117. Is infatuated with a Pasbani concubine, 118.
  • Beesildeo of Haravati. his exploits celebrated by Chuna, 414. Mentioned in the inscription on the column at Dehli, 417. His date established, 418.
  • Bersi, Rawul of Jessulmer, 236.
  • Bhagwandas, Raja of Amber, 325.
  • Bhats. See Charuns.
  • Bhattiahs, tribe of the Desert, 292.
  • Bheem Sing, Raja of Marwar, usurps the gadi to the prejudice of ms nephew, 120. Destroys the royal blood of Maroo, 121.
  • Bheem Sing, Raja of Kotah, 46S. His conduct towards Khily Khan the celebrated Nizam-ool-Moolk, 469.
  • Bhilwarra, a commercial mart established by the author, 632. His gratifying reception at, ib. Its prosperity an example of the effects of British influence in these regions, 633.
  • Bhoj Rao, raja of Boondi, 438.
  • Bhutnair, portion of Bikaner, 186. Its chief, 188. Traditions of its audent splendour, 189. Its natural productions, ib.
  • Bhynsror, pass in the Pat'har, 596. Its traditional history, 598. Sindia foiled before its castle, 602.
  • Bijolli, architectural remains at, 679.
  • Bikaner, annals of, 156. Its foundation, t6. Conditions of Beeka's supremacy, 160. Capabilitie of Bikaner, 173. Its extent, 174. Population, ib. Soil, 1 76. Products, 177.Salt lakes, 179. Mineral production ib, Animals, ib. Commerce and manufactures, 180. Revenues, 181. Feudal levies, 184.
  • Bishen Sing, Rao of Boondi, 461. His character, 464.
  • — — , Raja of Kotah, deprived of his birthright, 468. Consequences, 473.
  • Bishenswais, military devotees, 126,
  • Bohra, or licensed usurer of Rajpootana, 491.
  • Boodh Sing, Rao Raja of Boondi, 445. His brave conduct at the battle of Jajow, 447. Resists the Syeds, ib. Quarrel with Jey Sing of Amber, 448. Dies in exile, 449.
  • Boondi, annals of, 424. Foundation of city, ib. Instances of abdication among its princes, 425. Dispute respecting the supremacy of Mewar, 427. The Rana marches against Boondi and is defeated, ib. His rash vow, 428. Rao Bando expelled from Boondi, 429. Matrimonial alliances with Mewar, 431. Rise of Boondi under Rao Soorjun, 435. He renounces allegiance to Mewar, and becomes a vassal of the empire, 436. Titles of its princes changed to Rao Raja, 437. Kotah detadied from Boondi, ib. Connections of the Hara princes with the empire, 458. Desperate battle of Jajow, 446. Designs of Jey Sing of Amber on Boondi, 447.
  • Boondi despoiled by Mewar, Amber and Kotah, 449. Reigning family exiled, ib. Oraeda Sing's attempts to recover his patrimony, 450. Mahrattas become his auxiliaries, 453. Omeda Sing restored, 454. Pernicious influence of the Mahrattas, 456. Tragical end of Ajit Sing, 460. Conduct of the Rao to Brig. Monson on his retreat, 463. Rewarded by British Government, ib, Court of Boondi, 465. Visited by the author, 634. Measures adopted by him for future administration of its affairs, 640. Revenues and Military establishments of Boondi, 641.
  • Brahmins of the Desert, 292.
  • Brij-nath. palladium of the Haras, 470. Lost at the battle of Bhorasso, ib,
  • British power in India, its beneficial effects, 587,589,603,611, 618, 660.
  • Buhingis, or scavengers, of Ranikhaira, 573.
  • Bukhta Sing, Raja of Marwar, his intrigues and exploits, 96 — 99. Usurps the authority of Ram Sing, 103. Is poisoned, 104. His character, 105.
  • Buma'oda, Seat of Aloo Hara. 590.
  • Bussie, servile condition so called, 679.
  • Buttaie, payment in kind, 493.
  • Butwarro, battle of, 475.


  • Caggar, its absorption in the desert, 189,268.
  • Camd'huj, the thirteen great families so called, 3.
  • Canouj, its early history, 2. Its extent and grandeur, 6,7. Falls to Shabudin. 9.
  • Charuns, the carriers and free-traders of Rajast'han, 570. Curious privilege of the Charunis of Murlah, 571.
  • Cheetore, description of, from the Khoman rasa, 692. By the author, 693. See Bappa and Mewar.
  • Che'ra'g-da'n, or ' Akber's lamp' at Cheetore, 691.
  • Chittram, see Mirage.
  • Chohans, pedigree of, 405. Said to be formed by Vishnu, 407. First of Agnicula races which obtained extensive dominion, 408. Genealogical table of, 416. Proof that they wrested Dehli from the Tuars, 680.
  • Cholera morbus, in Marwar, 59. In Boondi, 630. In Kotah, 631. Curious mode of expelling it, ib,
  • Choolis, or whirlpools, of the Chumbul, 597,655.
  • Chunderse'n, of Marwar, erects an independent authority in Sewanoh, 25.
  • Chutter Sal, Rao Raja of Boondi, 442. Becomes Viceroy of Dehli, ib. Aids the emperor Shah Jehan, 443. Killed at the battle of Futtehabad, 444. His heroic character, ib,
  • Crusaders, traces of them in Rajpootana, 7.
  • Cryptographic dates explained, 685.


  • Dabi Baori, or reservoir, abode of the spirit of the Ayipunti Brahmin of Bhilara, 31.
  • Da'odpotra, in the desert, 295. History of its founder, ib,
  • Deonath, high priest of Marwar, 132.
  • Desert, the Indian, 263. General aspect of, 264. Its boundaries and divisions, ib, Looni, or salt River, 269. Rin, or Runn, ib. Distinction between thul and Raoe. ib. Jhalore, 270. Thuls, 274. Chohan Raj, 277. Population of the Raj, 280. part of desert dependent on Sinde. 281. Feud between Sinde and Mewar, 286. Tribes of the desert, 289. Daodpotra, 295. Diseases of the desert, 297. Animals, 298. Vegetable productions. 300. Itinerary, 302.
  • De's-vatoh, or exile, rite of, 38.
  • De'vi' Sing of Pokurn, 111. Peculiar circumstances attending his death, 116.
  • Dhonkul Sing, Posthumous sou of Raja Beejy Sing of Marwar, 123.
  • Dhoomnar. caves of, 660. Temples and habitations of Troglodytes, 661. Both Budhist and Sivite, 662. 'Bheem's bazaar,' 663.
  • Dodeah, incidents connected with the rise of this ancient tribe in Mewar, 557.
  • Doorjun Sal, Maharao of Kotah, 472, His actions and character, ib.
  • Dumraj of Marwar, his heroism, 117.



  • Feeroz, the Feelban, his intrigues in Amber, 344.
  • Franks. (Europeans), mentioned by early historians, 7.


  • Goga Chohan, his patriotic death, 413. His name and the day of his death sacred throughout Rajpootana, ib,
  • Goma'n Sing, Maharao of Kotah, 476. His conduct towards Zalim Sing, the future Regent, 478.
  • Grants, religious, pernicious magnitude of, in Mewar, 550.
  • Guj, Raja of Marwar, 36. Favoured by Jehangir, ib. Rejects the proposal of prince Khoorm to take part against his brother, Purvez, 37. Joins the other princes of Rajast'han to protect Jehangir against prince Khoorm, 38.
  • .. Rawul of Jessulmer, 197. An instrument of the Mehta, 246.
  • Gursi, ancestor of the Gursote Rahtores, l63.


  • Hamir, of Haravati, falls in battle with Shabudin on the Caggar, 421—423. Tradition respecting him, 571.
  • Haravati, or Uarouti, 405. Its boundaries, ib. Pedigree of the Haras, ib. Descended from Manika Rae. 409. Conquests of the Haras, 410. Era of Beesildeo, 413. The Haras obtain Aser, 420. Aser taken by Alla-oo-din, 421. Chief of the Haras summoned to court of Seconder Lodi, 422. Princes of Harouti, 424 Dispute respecting the supremacy of Mewar over the Haras of the Pathar, 427. Partition of Harouti, 440. Origin of the claims of Amber to tribute from the Kotris, 455. Monson's retreat an important event in the history of time Haras, 463. Slaughter of kine forbidden in Harouti, 472. First connexion with the Mahrattas, 473. Curious custom of the Haras in commemoration of the battle of Butwarro, 476 The Pat'har resounds with traditionary tales of the Haras, 'lords of the Pat'har,' 590. See Boondi and Kotah.
  • Hindust'han, four great kingdoms of, 8.
  • Holkar, Jeswunt Rao, mausoleum of, 659.
  • Homa, human sacrifice to Aya-Mati, 31.
  • Hoon, ancient Raja of the Pat'har, 422. His existence questionable, ib. His legend connected with the edifices at Barolli, 653.
  • Hospitality, rigid observance of the rite among the Rajpoots, 593.
  • Hunja, steed of Omed Sing of Boondi, veneration paid to its memory, 451.


  • Ishtpa'l, founder of the Haras, 420.
  • Itinerary through the desert, 302.


  • Jains, their numbers and wealth in Marwar, 145.
  • Jeichund, the last Rantore sovereign of Canouj, 6. His power, ib. His victories, 7. Meditates the rite of Soenair, ib. Is attacked by Pirthi Raj, who carries off his daughter, 8. He falls a victim to the Ghori Sultan, ib. Is drowned in the Ganges, 9.
  • Jessulmer, annals of, 191. Inhabited by the Bhatti Rajpoots, 192. Colonization by the Yadus, ib. Early annals of the state, 193. Remarks on the Yadu-Bhattis, 202. Foundation of Jessulmer, 220. Besieged by Alla-o-din, 225. Re-established by Gursi, 228. First diminution of territory, 238. The heir, Rae Sing, exiled, 240. The princes murdered by Zalun Sing, the minister, 244. Last state to accept alliance with British government, 246. Reflections on the policy of this alliance, 247. Border-feud, 251. Geography, 253. Population, ib. Face of the country, 254. Soil, husbandry and products, 256. Manufactures, ib. Commerce, 257. Revenues and taxes, ib. Expenditure, 269. Tribes, ib. Dress of the people, 260. Brahmins, 261.
  • Jeswunt Sing, Raja of Marwar, 41. Patron of science, ib. He opposes Arungzeb, 42. Neglects the opportunity of releasing Shah Jehan, 44. His changes of party, ib. Dies in Cabul, 46. His character, ib. Satis at his death, 50.
  • Rawul of Jessulmer, 240.
  • Jey Appa, Mahratta, assassination of, 109.
  • Jey Sing, Raja of Amber, the Mirza Raja, 327. His services to the empire, ib. Poisoned by his son at the instigation of Arungzeb, 328.
  • Jezeva, or capitation-tax, 53.
  • Jhalore, in the desert, 270. Its geography and history, ib. Its de-pendencies, 271.
  • Jharejas, of the desert, connecting link between the Hindu and Mooslem, 288.
  • Jits of the desert, 295.
  • Joda, Rao of Marwar, 15. Incident connected with his foundation of Jodpoor, 17.
  • Jodpoor, founded by Joda, 17. Heads of clans, 18.
  • Jogis, the Druids of India, 17. see Atteets.
  • Johur, rite of, 227. The cave in which it was celebrated at Cheetore, 693.
  • Johyas, subjugated by Rae Sing, of Bikaner, 164. Their name lost, ib.
  • Joograj, ceremony of, 457.
  • Jugout Sing, Raja of Amber, 346. His dissolute and profligate reign, ib.


  • Kandul, founder of the Kandulote Rahtores, 162.
  • Kaorwa, nomade tribe of Rajpoots in the desert, 291.
  • Kheechies, origin of the tribe, 411.
  • Kehur, Raja of Jessulmer, 209.
  • Khoma'n lUsd, chronicle so called, 693.
  • Khooshroz, 866 Noroza.
  • Khyroda, feuds connected with, 545. Its agricultural economy, 547. Discovers traces of the patriarchal system, ib.
  • Kisuore Sing, Raja of Kotah, 467.
  • .. Maharao of Kotah, 518. Breaks with the Regent, 520. Commences hostilities, 521. Reconciled to him by the intervention of the British Agent, 522. Re-commences hostilities, 526. Defeated, 532. Is again reconciled, 535.
  • Koelah, devotion of the Hara chief, of on Monson's retreat, 665.
  • Koont, payment in kind, 495.
  • Kotah, annals of, 466. Its separation from Boondi, tb. Conquered from the Koteah Bhils, ib. Fidelity of its princes to the empire, 467. Enlarged under Bheem Sing, 468. Civil wars, 470. Invasion of, by Madhu Sing, of Amber, 474. Victory of Butwarro, and rise of Zalim Sing, 476. Invaded by the Mahrattas, 480. Zalim Sing negotiates their retreat, 481. Regency of Zalim Sing, 483. 'Kotah sacrificed to his views on M6war, 484. His reforms, 488—503. Kotah the first state to accept the British alliance in 1817, 511. State of affairs on the death of Om6d Sing, 514. Consequences of our guarantee of the regency to Zalim and his son Madhu, 515. Designs of the new prince and the Event's natural son, 517. Dilemma of the British government, 5 18. The Maharao commences hostilities against the Regent, 520. Interference of the Agent, 521. Banishment of Zalim's natural son, 625. Further intrigues and contentions, ib. Difficulties resulting from the treaty, 627. Perplexing conduct of the Recent, 536. Further disputes and hostilities, ib. The Maharao defeated, 532. Death of Prince Pirthi Sing, ib. Heroism of two Haras, ib. Reconciliation of the two parties, 534.
  • Kotah, visit of the author to, 607. Description of the city and its environs, ib. Second visit to, 612. Return to, 677. Amusements at, 678.
  • Kurna, celebrated bard of Marwar, 91.


  • Lalsont, battle of. see Tonga.
  • Larkhanib, branch of the Shekawuts, 393.
  • Las, ceremony of, 240.
  • Lat'ha, land-tax, 495.
  • Lohana, tribe of the desert, 292.
  • Looni, or salt river, 269.


  • Madhu' Sing, Raja of Amber, 340.
  • Mahomedans, their first invasion of Rajpootana, 410.
  • Mahrattas, incidents attending their rise, 420. First crossed the Chumbul in 1735, 472. They mix in the politics of Rajpootana and get a footing there, 453. Our false policy towards them, 564. They aid the Haras at Butwarro, 475. Assist the Seesodias, 479. Attack Haravati, 480. Their hold on the Pat'har, 577,588.
  • Maldeo, Rao of Marwar, 21. Enlarges Marwar and improves Jodpoor, ib. Checks the subdivision of estates, and establishes a gradation of ranks, 22. His in-hospitality to Hemayoon, 23. Resists Shere Shah, and is defeated, ib. He submits to Akber, 24. His death an important epoch in the Rahtore annals, 25.
  • Mandalika, title given to Jeichund of Canouj, 7.
  • Mandhata Raja, ancient sovereign of Central India, 551.
  • Manik Rae, his era, 409. Founder of the Chohans of the north, 411.
  • Marwar, annals of, 1. Etymons of its name, ib. Genealogy of its rulers, 2. Change of title of its princes from Bao to Baja, 6. Antiquity of their pedigree, 9. Declension of the power of the state, 24. Its submission to the empire, 26. Retrospective summary of its annals 27. Allodial and feudal lands, 28. Patriarchal influence on the feudal system of Rajasthan. 29. Marwar invaded and wasted by Arungzeb, 55. The Rahtores take shelter in the Aravulli, 54. Battle of Nadole, 55. Wars with Arungzeb, 65. Sunnud to Ajit, 70. The germ of destruction of Marwar dated from the murder of. Ajit, 86,101. Influence of the Mahrattas in Marwar, 110. Aristocracy of, ib. Law of adoption in, ib. First use of mercenaries, in. Effects of struggle between the aristocracy and the Sovereign, 115. First intercourse of British government with Marwar, 133. Its condition under Raja Maun, 137. Extent of Marwar, 142. Its inhabitants, 143. Soil and agriculture, 144. Natural productions, 145. Manufactures, ib. Commercial marts, t6. Mercantile class, 146. Decay of commerce, 147. Fairs, 148. Administration of justice, ib. Punchaets, 149. Revenues, 150. Military forces, 153. See Personal Narrative.
  • Maun Sing, Raja of Marwar, history of, 122. His chiefs conspire against him, 124. Intercepts the nuptial gifts from M^war to Amb6r, 125. Defection of his chiefs, 127. Rescued by means of Ameer Khan, 128. His chiefs return to their allegiance, 1 29. Falls into mania or melancholy, 132. His supposed dissimulation, 133. A British envoy sent to his court, ih. Maun's sanguinary measures, 136. His chiefs exiled, 139.
  • Maun, Raja of Amber, 326.
  • Meenas, etymology of the term, 295. ; Of Amber, 396. See Mairs.
  • Merecenaries, in Rajpootana, 122.
  • Mirage, 594.
  • Mohun Sing, adopted as Raja of Amber from the house of Nurwar, 352.
  • Mohun Nazir, of Amber. his attempt to set up Mohim Sing, 353.
  • Mokund Sing, Raja of Kotah, 467 His devotion to the empire, ib.
  • Monson, Brigadier, his retreat, 463, 468. His disasters, 505. Devotion of the Hara auxiliaries, 506. Details, 665. Conduct of Monson, 666.
  • Morakuro, architectural remains at. 681.


  • Nahur Khan, Koompawut, his heroic character, 48.
  • Napooji, Rao of Boondi, 425. Assassinated by the Thoda chief, 426.
  • Narayndas, Rao of Boondi, 429. An enormous opium eater, 430. Delivers Cheetore from the Mooslems. 431.
  • Niza-ool-Moolk, of Hyderabad, 469.


  • Oasis, probable etymology of the term. 266.
  • Ome'da Sing, Rao of Boondi, 450. Defeats the Jeypoor army, 451. Is defeated, ib. Recovers Boondi, 453.Re-expelled, 454. Regains his patrimony by help of the Mahrattas, ib. His reputation stained by an act of revenge, 457. Abdicates and spends the remainder of his life in penitence under the name of Sri-ji, ib. His pilgrimage and character, 458. His death, 462.
  • Ome'd Sing, Maharao of Kotah, 481. Zalim Sing appointed Regent during his minority, ib,
  • Oodipur, the author's visit to, 700.
  • Oody Sing, first Riga of Marwar, the 'Moota Raja,' 26—30. Reduces the power of his vassals, 30. The first who gave a daughter to the Tatar,ib. Superstitious incident connected with his death, 31.
  • Oopermall, the Pat'har.
  • Opium, pernicious effects of its introduction into Rajpootana, 578. History of its cultivation, and manufacture, 580—582. Profits of its cultiyation, 583. Its extended culture, ib. Mode of reducing it, ib. Consequences of our encouragement and monopoly, 584.
  • Ordeals. i49.


  • Pat'har, or Plateau of Central India, 576. Anciently governed by Raja Hoon. 422. The Haras, established as 'lords of the Pat'har,' ib. Most of it now in the hands of the Mahrattas, 577.
  • Personal Narrative. Journey to Kotah and Boondi, 544. Ancient town of Bhartewar, 545. History of Khyroda, illustrating the feuds of Mewar, ib. Agricultural system of Khyroda, 547. Large religious grants in Mewar, 550. Heenta, the scene of a gallant exploit against the Mahrattas, 552. Extent of alienation in Mewar, 553. Discussions respecting the separation of Heentah from the fisc, 555. History of Maun Sing Suktawut. 556. Fabulous incidents connected with the rise of the Dodeah tribe, 557. Tragical narrative of a Rahtore family of Sadri, the steward of Kalakote, 562. Our false policy towards the Mahrattas, 564, Curious tradition respecting Morwun, ib. Accident to Captain Waugh, 565. Attack by a tiger, 566. Disastrous effects of a severe frost, 567. Legend of the temple of Palode, ib. Punchaet of Morwun, 569. Community of Charuns, 570. The free-traders of Rajast'han, ib. Curious privilege of the Charunis, ib. Anecdote of the buhingis, or scavengers of Ranikhaira, 573. Ascent of the Pat'har, 575. Prospect from thence, ib. Projects for the amelioration of Mewar, 577. Shrine of Sookhdeo, ib. Cultivation of opium, 578. Anecdote of Doongur Sing, 586. Kala Meg'h, chief of Beygoo, 588. Traditional tales of the Haras of the Pat'har, 590, Bumaoda, seat of Aloo Hara, ib. Anecdote of Aloo, 591. Atmospherical phenomena on the Pat'har, 594. Bhynsror, its importance, 595. Its traditional history, 596. Choolis of the Chumbul, 597. Anecdote of the young chief of Mehwo, 598. Assassination of Nathji of Beygoo, 601, Beneficial moral changes produced by British influence, 603. Arrival at Kotah, 607. Unhealthiness of the climate, 608. Beauty of the scenery, 609. Un-wholesomeness of the water, 610. Nandta, the family estate of the Regent, 612. Enter Boondi, ib The city, 614. Departure for Jehajpoor, 6 16. Extraordinary attack of illness sustained by the author, 61 8. Convocation of the Meena chiefs, 620. Arrival at Mandelgurh, 621. Its history, 622. Assembly of Bhomias and Patels, ib. Punchaet of Poor'h, 626, Their gratitude to the author, ib. Scene of the battle between Rawul Samarsi and Bhola Bheem, 627. Hunting seats of the Ranas, 629. Journey to Boondi and Kotah, 630. Death of the Rao of Boondi, ib. The author's gratifying reception at [Bhilwara]], 632. Its flourishing condition, 633. The author's serious illness, 634. Arrival at Boondi, 636. Inauguration and installation of the young Rao Raja, 637. Measures taken by the author for the future administration of affairs, 639. Departure for Kotah, 641. Grand hunt at Kotah, 642. The pass of Mokundurra, 643,675. Monastery of Atteets, 644. The temple of Barolli, 646. Choolis of the Chumbul, 664. Superb scene, 665. Splendid ruins of Ganga-bheva, 667. The Takaji ca koond, 658. Mausoleum of Jeswunt Rao Holcar, 659. Agates and cornelians, 660,667. Visit to the caves of Dhoomnar, ib. Scene of the battle of Peeply, 665. Heroism of the Hara chief of Koelah, 666. Jhalra-Patun, 667. Its free institution, 668. Deputation to the author, 669, Ancient city of bells,' 670. Legend of its foundation, ib. Remains of ancient sculpture and architecture, 671. Chaoni or camp of Zalim Sing, 674. Deeds of the 'Lords of the Pass,' 675. Goman Sing, the Rawut of the pass, 676. Chaonii of Bheem, a striking ruin, 677. Ordinance of Zalini Sing, ib. Recreations at Kotah, 678. The author attacked by a bear, ib. Antiquities at Bijolli, 679. At Morakuro, 681. Mynal, architectural wonders at, 682. Beygoo, 686. Castle of Aloo Hara of Bumaoda, ib. Legend of Aloo, 687. Recollections of the modern Haras of the pass, 688. Serious accident which befel the author, 690. Affecting instance of gratitude in the Rawut, i6. Restoration of his estate, 691. Visit to Cheetore, ib. Its remains, 693. Returu to Oodipoor, 700.
  • Perta'p Sing, Raja of Amber, 344.
  • Pits for storing grain, 499.
  • Polygamy, evils of,in Rajpootana, 333. 340.
  • Primogeniture, law of, prevails in all Rajpoot states, 350. Its sacrifice productive of injurious effects, 118. Invaded in Marwar, 38.
  • Punchaets, 149.
  • Purihar, tribe of, created by Roodra, 407.
  • Putto, see Pertap.



  • Rajpoots, their genealogies illustrated, 416. No available date for any of the Rajpoot great families beyond the fourth century, 2. Their superior civilization at the period of Mahmood's invasion, 8. Apology for the crimes of their princes, 106. Prodigal sacrifice of their blood in the imperial service, 165. Rajpoots converted to Mahomedanism ferocious and intolerant, 290. Evils attending on ignorance of their customs on our part, 352. Their princes deposed when they offend against custom or morality, 433. Elements for the formation of a representative government amongst them, 490. Their passion for land,497. Beneficial effects of our authority amongst them,513,519. Their composure and dignity in personal intercourse, 647. Influence of females over the Rajpoots, 600. Affecting instance of their gratitude, 690. See Tribes. Rajpoot.
  • Rajpootni's, see Manners.
  • Ra'j-tilac, or inauguration, ceremony of, 636.
  • Rakhi, festival of, 639.
  • Ram Sing, Raia of Marwar, 101. Deprived of the gadi, 103. Restored,107. His character, 110.
  • Ram Sing, Rao Raja of Boondi, 636.
  • Rebarris of the desert, 293
  • Rinmul, Rao of Marwar, 14. His issue the great vassalage of that state, 16.
  • Rooe', desert, 269.
  • Roris, orbicular stones, objects of worship, 655.
  • Rutun Rao, Raja of Boondi, 439. Take part with Jehangir against prince Khoorm, 440. A name dear to the Haras, ib. Unwittingly condemns his own son, 44 1.
  • Ryots, their condition in Kotah, 493. Cursed by Rama, ib.


  • Sacas of Jessulmer, 227,228. Of Rundheer, 4 19.
  • Saitram of Canouj, 10. His death, 12.
  • Salim Sing, the Mehta of Jessulmer, 242. Destroys the royal family and chiefs, 244. Proclaims Guj Sing, ib,
  • Sanga, or Singram, Rana of Mewar, legend of, 695.
  • Sati' or female, immolation, the Solanki queen of Boondi, 427. Sooja Bae of Boondi, 433. The wife of the chief of Beygoo, 600. The daughter of the Bijolia chief, 682. At Bumaoda, 688. Prophecy of a Sati in Mewar, 459,672. Anathema of the Sati respecting the Ahairea, 461.
  • Satul-Patul, a Pandu king, tradition of, 660.
  • Sawunt Sing, of Rinthumbor, his devoted patriotism, 435.
  • Sculpture, ancient, at Chandravati, 670. At Barolli, 646, 652. At Jhalra-Patan, 670. See Architecture.
  • Seekote, see Mirage.
  • Se'oji, of Canouj, 10. His victory over Lakia Phoolana. 11. Settles in Kherd'hur, ib. Usurps the district of Palli, 12.
  • Seesodias, the solar race, legend of the origin of the name, 645. See Mewar.
  • Shekhawut, or Shekhavati federation 357. Legend of its origin from Shekhji, 368. Occupation of Khundaila, its capital, by Raesil, who enlarges its territory, 362. His son obtains the title of Raja, from the Emperor, 363. The temple of Khundaila razed and the city garrisoned by Arungzeb, . Partition of the territory between two brothers, ib. Becomes tributary to Amber, 368. Internal distensions and civil wars, 370. Ravages of the Mahrattas, 372. Contests between the two princes, 375. Grand national congress of the 'children of Shekhji', 377.Opposition to the assumed supremacy of Amber, 378. The chiefs by treachery made prisoners, 379, and carried to Jeipoor, 379. Khundaila annexed to the fisc of Amber, ib. Bagh Sing resists the authority of Amber, 380. Exploits of the Barwutias or exiles, 383. Favourable treaty with Amber, 387. Treachery of the Court of Jeipoor, ib. Fall of Hunwunt Sing, 388. Luchman Sing obtains Khundaila. dependant upon Amber, 390. Subordinate branches of the Shekhawuts, 391. Revenues of Shekhavati, 394.
  • Siluk, or Silko, Rao of Marwar, 13.
  • Sirbullund Khan, revolt of, 89. The forerunner of the disintegration of the Empire, 90. Defeated and taken by Abhye Sing of Mewar, 94. *Sirdar, of Roopnagurh, his exploit at the battle of Mairta, 108.
  • Sodas of the desert, the connecting link between the Hindus and Mooslems, 288. Account of them, 291.
  • Soenair, rite of, 7.
  • Solanki tribe, created by Bramha,406.
  • Soning, Rahtore, treacherously obtains Eedur, 12.
  • Soojoh, or Soorajmul, Rao of Marwar, 19. Slain by the Pat'hans, 20.
  • Soor Sing, Raja of Marwar, 33. Defeats Mozuffur Shah, 34. Embellishes the capital, 36.
  • Soorjun, Rao of Boondi, 435. Concludes in persona treaty with Akber, 436. Becomes a dignitary of the empire, 438.
  • Soortan, Rao of Boondi, deposed by his nobles, 433.
  • Soorut Sing, usurps the gadi of Bikaner, 168.
  • Sowae' Sing, of Pokurn, conspires against Raja Maun of Marwar, 123. His destruction, 131.
  • Sowae' Jey Sing, Raja of Amber, 328. His astronomical knowledge, 329. His character, ib. His 'one hundred and nine acts,' ib. Partial to strong drink, 338. His improvement of the capital, ib. His sumptuary laws, ib.
  • Sri-JI, name assumed by Omeda Sing of Boondi, 457.
  • Subbul Sing, Rawul of Jessulmer, 237. Not the legitimate heir, ib. The first of the princes who held it as a fief of the empire, ib.
  • Sugar, results of its cultivation in Rajast'han, 548.
  • Sujaun Sing, Raja of Bikaner, 166.
  • Suroop Sing, Raja of Bikaner, 166. and the proprietors of the soil, traceable almost throughout India, 161.


  • Temples, ancient, on the Bairis, 544 ; at Kuraira, 628 ; Barolli, 646 ; Ganga-bheva, 656 ; Dhoomnar, 661 ; Jhalra-Patun, 670 ; Morakuro, 681 ; Cheetore, 691—693 ; Nagara, 696.
  • Tenures of land, in Hindust'han ; original compact between the prince
  • Theedo, Rao of Marwar, 12.
  • Thomas, George, his action with the Jeipooreans, 381.
  • Thul, or desert, 264.
  • Tribes of the desert, 289.
  • Tyber Khan, his treason and death, 56.


  • Uja, Rahtore, founder of the Badhails, 12.
  • Umra Sing, of Marwar, loses his birth-rignt, 38. Obtains Nagore, 39. Assassinates Sallabut Khan and attempts Shah Jehan, ib. His death,ib.
  • .., Rawul of Jessulmer, 238.


  • Ve'dya's, or 'cunning men.' 123.
  • Vana-pkrist, Jogis, 16.


  • Water of the desert, 267. Of Kotah, 610.
  • Waugh, Captain, accident to, whilst hunting, 565. Death of, 702.




  • Zalim Sing, of Marwar, deprived of the gadi by his uncle Bheem, 120. His great personal and mental qualifications, 121.
  • .. of Kotah, incident which first brought him into notice, 465. His debut at the battle of Butwarro. 475. His history, 477. Appointed Regent, 481. His talents and policy, ib. Factions and conspiracies formed against him, 482. He marries into the house of Mewar, 484. His peril from a band of Rajpootnis, 486. His character as a legislator, 487. His views on Mewar, ib. His agricultural system, ib. His superstition, 488. Organizes an army on the European model ib. His revenue reforms, 489. His Patel board, ib. His farming system, 496. General character of his domestic admin is-

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