Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Kaikheda (काईखेडा) is a village in Hata tahsil in Damoh district of Madhya Pradesh.
Kaikheda is a Village in Hatta Tehsil in Damoh District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Sagar Division . It is located 56 KM towards North from District head quarters Damoh. 5 KM from Muharai Hatta. 293 KM from State capital Bhopal
Kaikheda Pin code is 470775 and postal head office is Hatta (Damoh).
Shivpur ( 2 KM ) , Doli ( 3 KM ) , Bhiloni ( 7 KM ) , Panji ( 8 KM ) , Binti ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Kaikheda. Kaikheda is surrounded by Patera Tehsil towards South , Batiyagarh Tehsil towards west , Buxwaha Tehsil towards west , Bijawar Tehsil towards North .
- Kaikheda gets name from its founder Kai mentioned in (96) Jatashankara Inscription of Vijayasimha[1]
Jat Gotras Namesake
Kāī (काई) (Jat people) → Kāī (काई). (96) Jatashankara Inscription of Vijayasimha[2] tells us that Vijayapala conquered a great hero named Kāī. Who was Kai? It is not clear. We find one Kai in genealogy of Barar Jat clan in Punjab. {Rao Barar → Rao Paur (+ Rao Dhul) → Rao Bairath → Kai → Bao → Rao Sanghar → Bariam (d.1560)} Further research is needed in this matter.
Lepel H. Griffin[3] writes that founder of Barar clan Rao Barar had two sons, Rao Paur and Rao Dhul, the younger of whom is the ancestor of the Raja of Faridkot, and of the Barar tribe, which holds almost the whole of the districts of Mari, Mudki and Muktsar, Buchan, Mehraj, Sultan Khan and Bhadour in the Firozpur district, the whole of Faridkot, and many villages in Pattiala, Nabha, Jhumba and Malod. The two brothers quarreled, and the elder, Rao Paur, being worsted, fell into great poverty, in which his family remained for several generations, till Rao Sanghar restored their fortunes. {Rao Barar → Rao Paur (+ Rao Dhul) → Rao Bairath → Kai → Bao → Rao Sanghar → Bariam (d.1560)}
If we assume 25 years as a period of one generation Kai must have been present around 1485 AD.