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Mallarjjuna (b. 1114-r. 1130-1132 AD) was a King of Loharkot. He succeeded Lothana. He was son of Sussala. He lost Kigdom at the age of 18 years in year 1132 AD.

Jat clans

Mallarjjuna's coronation at Loharkot

Rajatarangini[1] tells us.... On the other hand, the wise king Jayasimha, within a short time, deceived Lothana, as he had deceived Prema. He said to the people : — " We will make Mallarjjuna, son of king Sussala by queen Sahaja, king of this Lohara for your benefit." When the king had said these deceitful words, the people did not believe him, yet they consented to his proposal with the object of possessing Kotta. Lothana knew his brother's son Mallarjjuna to be first among the conspirators, and imprisoned him as also the other conspirators of whom Mallarjjuna was the chief. Afraid of the son of Sussala (Mallarjjuna) who was imprisoned, Lothana made Vigraharaja accept the office of the Pratihara. The king who was fertile in expedients, concluded peace with the brother of his father by stratagem and by various other means, and hastened to bring the lost kingdom (Lohara) under his control. Through the labors of Sujji, the kingdom became stable, and for a few

[p.171]: months Lothana could discard Shura, and was able, without fear, to engage himself in his own work. When Sujji heard that the mother of the unmarried daughter of Padmaratha, whom he had invited for marriage of her daughter with Lothana, had arrived with great pomp, he went to Darpitapura to receive her men. At this unguarded time Mallarjjuna was released from prison by Majika and others, and was unanimously anointed king of the kingdom of Kotta by them and by the Thakkuras who had been brought to the place before. They opposed the entrance into the fort, of the, servants of Jayasimha who had approached the castle gate and were wishing to get into it.

In the year 6, on the thirteenth day of the bright moon, in the month of Phalguna, Lothana was deprived of his kingdom, as speedily as he had obtained it. The foolish and unfortunate Lothana lamented that the unmarried girl and his unspent wealth should go for the enjoyment of another. His power was now broken, he passed through Attalika and other places, and obtained what little remained in the treasury, through Sujji's influence. (p.171)

Deposition of Mallarjjuna 1132 AD

Rajatarangini[2] tells us....Distressed by internal quarrel and unable to remain there, Mallarjjuna left Kotta after taking with him his wealth. Expelled from his territory, he was plundered by the robbers and was nearly surrounded by them ; and it was with difficulty that he secured the remainder of his treasure. On the second day of Vaishakha, in the year 8 (1132 AD), Mallarjjuna, aged eighteen years, lost the kingdom. (p.179)

Rajatarangini[3] tells.... But in order to help Nagapala, the king gave him his own army, crushed the pride of his enemies and re-established the stability of the kingdom. In the meantime Koshtaka returned after his ablutions in the Ganges, and taking Mallarjjuna on his side, set about to raise a faction in the kingdom. At the time of the solar eclipse, the prince was at Kurukshetra. It was in 1133 AD. [VIII (i),p.197-198]

Rajatarangini[4] tells us that ........ At this time Koshtaka took Mallarjjuna with him, and with a view to create a commotion in the kingdom, arrived at Giridurga which was well defended with trees. (p.201)

Capture of Mallarjjuna 1135 AD

Rajatarangini[5] tells us that ........The king heard that this benefactor and servant, together with, Mallarjjuna had arrived, Mallarjjuna had been captured [once before] by his enemies, but had escaped from the fort by some means, but he was now again seized by them. Who can escape that which must happen? The Ganges, which flows through heaven, issued with difficulty out of the stomach of a great Rishi, and falling into the sea was again drunk up by another Muni. No one is able to escape that which must happen. The very wise king had sent Udaya, lord of Dvara, to Jaggika who had placed guards far and near in order to seize [Mallarjjuna] who had once been captured. The king thought that without Udaya, who was a man of great coolness, gravity, heroism and discretion, the common people would be at a loss to act in the critical time, By

[p.204]: paying in two different ways [i. e. paying regular dues and bribes?], Udaya passed over the obstacles in the road and saw the king's enemy at Tamori. Udaya with a wonderful coolness which showed his prowess, praised him outwardly by various words, and thus again said : — " You chief of the wise ! You who greatly value a praiseworthy devotion to master, you have been drawn away [from the king] by madness. You are like a jewel of security ; and as I had not you as my refuge, the wicked king was able, under various pretences, to do injuries to my territory during my boyhood. The king is like the sun ; and men can scarcely gaze on him, but when he is in misfortune, as when the sun is in the dewy season, people can look upon him. That sovereign is worthy of praise, who, like the sun, alike, in the time of rising and at the time of setting, shines blood-red, like a copper disk. His advent is fortunate, at the tint of whose fierce ascent, the Apsaras are alarmed, and at whose setting, citizen's wives are grieved. Employed in my post, and like a nobleman who has got a little money, I have become foolish like an elderly poet. Now make me a promise which, is difficult to fulfil, and grant me a boon and give peace to my heart." Thus he said, and in order to have assurance, the lord of Dvara placed a crystal linga, together with, its seat, before Mallarjjuna to touch. Mallarjjuna believed that the lord of Dvara was making him promise to fight in fair field against the soldiers who used missiles, spears and arrows.

[p.205]: He touched the Shivalinga and promised to grant the lord of Dvara the boon he desired. Udaya then said : — " Unwounded and alive as you are now, I ask yon to appear publicly before the king." On hearing his words defiled with baseness, all became stupified with shame, and like leaves, wet with rains, turned their faces towards the ground. Mallarjjuna then remembered how, easy the mind of Bhikshu was at his last moments, and his heart became light. He ascended the vehicle carried by men, he felt no shame and looked on his followers without betraying any agitation of mind, and was led by Udaya. He was dragged in the way, like an animal, but he was not touched by emotion. He took his usual meals and had good sleep. The people who saw him led by the guards in that state were touched with pity.

They did not congratulate the king but said, " It does not look well for the king, elder by birth, to use such unkindness towards the younger brother who is fatherless, and who is the object of pity. His eyes are like the black lotus and his person is pleasant to behold. Who that has a heart unlike a sword can dormant such a body and disfigure it? The people did not know of their previous history, and forgetful of Mallarjjuna's faults, they reproached the king in the street when they saw him, in various manner. What judgment can there be in boys and in fools? The feelings even of great men do not always remain in the same state. Listeners become angry with the sons of Dhritarashtra, rather than

[p.206]: with Pandu's sons when they hear of the play at dice, and of the daughter of Panchala dragged by the hair. But when they hear of the quaffing of the blood of the sons of Kuru and of the blow hit on the head [of Duryyadhana] when his thigh was broken, their anger is turned against the sons of Pandu. Excepting the moderate minded people others cannot judge the merits of actions ; and hence the king's acts were so misjudged. How could it be otherwise ? Mallarjjuna rode on a carriage drawn by a pair and bore on his lap an earthen vessel marked with the [blood of] the finger which was cut, making the citizens weep as he went, and reached the capital in the evening. In the year 11(=1135 AD), on the day of the full moon, in the month Ashvina, the king placed Mallarjjuna with guards in Navamatha. For five nights he remained without food, and sorrowful and longing to touch the king's feet.

The king went to him through pity and promised him protection. Mallarjjuna then told the king what the king had wished to learn, he said that the rebels Chitraratha and Koshtaka surely deserved execution.


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