Nanhera Samana
Note - Please click → Nanhera for details of similarly named villages at other places.

Nanhera is a village in tehsil Samana of district Patiala in the Indian Punjab.
Lepel H. Griffin [1] writes that Raja Sarup Singh of Jind received rewards more substantial than mere thanks for his services to British.
In 1861, several villages of the Jhind territory were exchanged for others of equal value belonging to the Government. There was a district belonging to the Raja Sarup Singh, almost surrounded by lands of Hissar, consisting of 12 villages, Banbhori, Bhadakhera, Byanakhera, Panihari, Dhad, Sursanah, Sohnah, Jandlanah, Khurk Punia, Gyanpur, Kapron and Khurkuri, which were inconvenient to manage and the exchange of which for others nearer his principal town of Sangrur was much desired by Raja Sarup Singh, while their transfer would render the boundary
line more regular. The Government consented, in exchange for these, assessed at Rs. 8,366, to give twelve villages of the Kularan pargannah, part of which had been already granted to Jhind after the mutiny. The villages assigned to Jind from the autumn harvest of 1861, were Nagri, Chupki, Mundawala, Lotki, Dhunela, Osmanpur, Siparheri, Murori, Murdanheri, Murlanwala and Nunhera, valued at Rs. 8,345 a year.
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