Purawa(पुरावा) is a village in Gudha Malani tehsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
Pincode of the village is 344033. It is situated 30km away from Gudha Malani town and 89km away from Barmer city. Arniyali is the gram panchayat of Purawa village. Andaniyon Ki Dhani, Siyago Ki Beri and Megwalon Ki Basti are some of the nearby villages.
The village was named after Pura Jat. He founded the village and dug a Bawri here for water, which was known as Purabav. This Purabav gave the name to village Purawa. This village is known for protecting wild animals and trees.
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 199 families residing, Purawa village has the population of 1039 (of which 552 are males while 487 are females).[1]
Jat Gotras in the village
The village has about 150 Jat families. The Big gotras are:
Other Jat gotras are:
- Godara,
- Senwar,
- Hudda,
- Jajra,
- Jandu,
- Dhaka,
- Lol,
- Siyol,
- Lega,
- Bhinchar,
- Khoth,
- Karwasra,
- Jakhar,
- Tarar,
- Saran.
Notable persons
External links
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