Ramgarhi Bulandshahr

From Jatland Wiki

Ramgarhi (रामगढ़ी) is a village in tehsil Khurja of district Bulandshahar in Uttar Pradesh.


Village - Ramgarhi (रामगढ़ी) , Tehsil - Khurja, District - Bulandshahr ,U.P. Pincode 203141, Gram Panchayat village is Ramgarhi , it covers the villages Ramgarhi and Jafarnagar Gadaipur. आसपास के गांव - जाफरनगर गदाईपुर , धरमपुर , शाहपुर , गोठनी , भूतगढ़ी , भादवां , औरंगा , फिरोजपुर , जाहिदपुर कलां ,मैना कालिन्दर गढ़ी , सौदाहविपुर

Jat gotras


Population - As per census 2011, the population of the village Ramgarhi is 1382 and houses are 250.


Notable persons

  • अशोक बाबू पुत्र श्री यतेन्द्रसिंह

External links


Source - Ranvir Singh from Gwalior via WhatsApp Mob.94251 37463


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