
Renwal (रेनवाल) is a village in Phagi tahsil in Jaipur district in Rajasthan.
Kishangarh Renwal has had a population count of 27,563. Not only that, individual status of females, males and as that of children are incorporated in this report. In other words male populace constitutes 52 % , while that of females is 48 %. In Kishangarh Renwal city , 17 % of the population is below six years of age.
Another vital data, namely literacy rate of Kishangarh Renwal too can be derived from this Census report. It has been deduced that the average literacy rate of Kishangarh Renwal is 59 %. Thus it is slightly lower than that of India, which constitutes 59.5 %. Another thing has been indicated in the report. A gap is prevalent between male and female literacy rates in Kishangarh Renwal. In other words, male literacy rate constitutes 72 %. However female literacy rate is less constituting 46 % only.
Jat gotras
Notable persons
Picture Gallery
Chhoturam Nitharwal, Renwal
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