Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Sukna (सुकना) is a village in the Kurseong CD block in the Kurseong subdivision of the Darjeeling district in the state of West Bengal, India.
Sukna is 11 km from Siliguri. Sukna is located at 26.7917°N 88.3624°E. Sukna in the foothills of the Himalayas. There is a popular picnic spot on the bank of the Mahananda.[1] Mahananda, Teesta, Balasaur and Meebi are the main rivers.
The 33 Corps of the Indian Army is based at Sukna.
The UNESCO World Heritage Site Darjeeling Himalayan Railway has a Special Jungle Safari daily from Siliguri to Tindharia and back. The light railway passes through Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary and the renowned Z-reverse between Sukna and Tindharia. The latter is "famous for the 'Agony Point' where the engine seems to overhang the edge as it negotiates a fierce curve of 18 metre radius, the toughest in the line."[2]
Flora and Fauna

Surrounded by tall evergreen forests and crisscrossed by numerous rivers and streams, Sukna is a paradise for nature lovers yet it is one of the less trodden destination and free from tourist rush. The main forest is that of Sal. Khair and Sissoo are found near the rivers followed by bamboo and Siris. At higher up toon and Haldu and further from the rivers pure Sal forest can be seen. Oter trees are of Chiloni, Sterculia villosa, Teak, Semal, Udal, Champ, Jarul, Lali, Ghamar, Mandane etc.
North Bengal is known for being rich in flora and fauna and one such example is Sukna. Sukna, just 15-minute drive from Siliguri, has a splash of green sprinkled all around it. Though it is a small town, it is the source of natural beauty. [3]
Surrounded by dense forests of the Terai where elephants, leopards walk freely, the lush forest area of Sukna is sure to sooth the tired eyes of travellers. Mahananda and Teesta River run through this town. Bank of the Mahananda River is famous for a picnic spot. This quaint town has lot to offer to its visitors, there are pictorial sites like Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary, Sukna forest, Umrao Singh Boat Club, Tea gardens, Madhuban Park, Sukna station which has lured nature lovers to this picturesque town Sukna. Every season has its own beauty to relish in Sukna so travellers can visit and bask in the untapped beauty of Sukna throughout the year.[4]
The fauna of the area includes, elephants, Tiger, panther, hyena, wolf, wild-dog, common otter, gaur, four horned antilope, spotted deer, sambhar, barking deer, sloth bear, Indian fox, wild bore, monkeys, cat, langur etc.
Cuddled amidst the virgin forest of Terai, Sukna is probably the only place where travelers can see the wild elephants lazily walking around the civilized areas. Explore one of the less trodden destination of north Bengal which has ensnared the heart of travelers by its surreal beauty while witness the harmony between wildlife and human civilization in Sukna. [5]
Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary
Perched on the foothills of Himalayas at an altitude of 1527mts, Sukna is the gateway between Siliguri and Darjeeling. Located 11km from Siliguri on the fringe of Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary Sukna is a quaint town endowed with beautiful landscape which has lured many travellers towards it. Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary is a forest reserve cuddled between River Teesta and River Mahananda. There are three most prominent landmarks of Sukna and they are the Forest Department Campus, Sukna Cantonment and the Sukna Railway Station.[6]
There are 330 different type of plantations that have been recorded in the sanctuary. Forest species in the area include those of Tropical Sal Forests, Teak, Khair, Semal, Sisso, Udal, Champ, Jarul, Lali, Ghamar, Mandane , Bamboo, Ferns, Orchids, Sidha etc. There are large grassy areas. The lower plains of forest is the zone foe elephant migration. Elephants migrate between Nepal, West Bengal and Assam areas. [7]
The main entrance to the Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary is from Sukna. It is considered as the most important century of North Bengal. Those who have their own transport can get a guide (on payment) at the Sukna gate and enter the sanctuary. The area inside the sanctuary is hilly and small cars are not advisable. Elephant rides in the sanctuary are not available.[8]
Situated in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India; it comes under Darjeeling Wildlife division and can be reached from Siliguri in 30 minutes. Sukna, the gateway to the sanctuary, is only 13 km from Siliguri and 28 km from Bagdogra airport. The sanctuary sprawls over 159 km2 of reserve forest and was started as a game sanctuary in 1955. In 1959, it got the status of a sanctuary mainly to protect the Indian bison and royal Bengal tiger, which were facing the threat of extinction[9]
Birds at Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary includes some very endangered species like Rufous-necked Hornbill, Oriental Pied Hornbill, Great Hornbill etc. Among the others swallow, swift, thrush, babbler, warbler, roller, minivet and sunbird can be found in abundance.
सुकना (Sukna): सुकना दार्जिलिंग जिले में में स्थित है तथा सिलिगुड़ी से 11 किमी दूर है. यह महानंदा वन्य प्राणी अभयारण्य का प्रवेश द्वार है. पूर्वी सेक्टर में सुकना भारतीय सेना की 33वीं कोर का मुख्यालय है. यह कोर सिक्किम में चीन से लगती वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखा (LAC) पर निगरानी रखती है. भारतीय वन सेवा के प्रशिक्षण के लिए सुकना के वन ब्रिटिश काल से ही नियत थे जब यह इंपीरियल फोरेस्ट सर्विस कहलाती थी. यहाँ के वनों में ट्रोपिकल साल के वन मुख्य हैं. साल के साथ खैर, शीशम, बांस, सिरस, तून, हलदु, चिलोनी, स्टर्कुलिया विलोसा, सागवान, सेमल, उदल, चम्पा, जरुल, घमार आदि के वन भी हैं. महानंदा और तीस्ता नदियाँ यहाँ प्रवाहित होती हैं. हाथी सहित अनेक जंगली जानवर यहाँ के वनों में देखे जा सकते हैं. यहाँ के वनों में, शेर, तेंदुआ, हायना, लोमड़ी, जंगली कुत्ता, गौर, हिरण, सांभर, भालू, लंगूर, आदि जानवर भी देखे जा सकते हैं.
External links
- ↑ "Sukna". North Bengal guide.
- ↑ Speaking Stones:World Cultural Heritage Sites in India, Page 273: Mountain Railway, Eicher Goodearth Private Limited
- ↑ "Sukna". North Bengal guide.
- ↑ "Sukna". North Bengal guide.
- ↑ "Sukna". North Bengal guide.
- ↑ "Sukna". North Bengal guide.
- ↑ Darjeeling-tourism
- ↑ Darjeeling-tourism
- ↑ .West Bengal Forest Department