List of variants of Jat: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with ":''Here is List of variants of Jat'' *Az-Zut *Az-Zutt *Chat *Da Yuezhi *Djat-Zut *Djat-Zutt *Eotas *Eotenas *ēotenas *ettins *Eucii...")
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:''Here is List of variants of Jat''
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|align=center colspan=13 style="background: #FFD700"| <small>'''Author: [[User:Lrburdak|Laxman Burdak]], IFS (R). '''</small>
:''Here is List of [[variants of Jat]]''
== A - F ==
*[[Az-Zut]] - as an alternative, exhibits the [[Middle East]]ern influence on this ancient Indian name, In the Arabic language it is written as Az-Zut
*[[Az-Zutt]]- In the countries of the [[Oxus]] valley
*[[Chat]] -
*[[Da Yuezhi]]
*[[Da Yuezhi]]
*[[Djat]] - In [[Arabia]], [[Iraq]] and [[Syria]] [[Djat]] or [[Dyat]] was a popular nomenclature of the Jats, in old Norse.
*[[Djati]] - by the Pharaohs of [[Egypt]]
*[[Djatti]] - Pharaohs of Egypt
*[[Djat-Zut]] - Djat and Zutt were written as one compound word, "Djat-Zut" to represent them as one and the same people.
*[[Dyat]] - In [[Arabia]], [[Iraq]] and [[Syria]] [[Djat]] or [[Dyat]] was a popular nomenclature of the Jats
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== G ==
*[[Gat]] - [[Chinese]]
*[[Gat]] - Latin language the Greek alphabet 'Z' is substituted by 'G' for (J), as its original sound, proximates to that of 'Z'. Hence Jat was spelt with 'G' in the Latin world, mainly Europe, in all its alternatives from [[Italy]] to [[Sweden]]. 
*[[Gatae]] - [[Greece]], [[Thracia]], [[Central Asia]]
*[[Gaut]]- [[Chinese]]
*[[Geats]] (गीट,जीट, गेट, याट, जाट,गोथ, गोटर)
*[[Geratae]] - [[Jartika]]s of yore also called [[Zaratoi]] or [[Geratae]]
*[[Geta]] - in Icelandic as [[Jota]] and in [[Jutland]], [[Denmark]] etc. as [[Jut]] as well as [[Jotar]]
*[[Getae]] - by the ancient Greeks, highlighted by [[Herodotus]]
*[[Getai]] - [[Greece]], [[Thracia]], [[Central Asia]]
*[[Ghat]] - [[Chinese]]
*[[Ghaut]]- [[Chinese]]
*[[Giate]] - in [[Latin]] they were called [[Giate]] 
*[[Git]]- In the countries of the Oxus valley
*[[Gooths]] - [[Rome]], [[Italy]], [[Gotland]]
*[[Got]] - [[Germany]], [[Europe]], in [[Sweden]] [[Gots]], [[Gotland]]
*[[Got]]s - by Swedes and the Danes
*[[Gota]] -In [[Germany]] they are called [[Gota]]s.
*[[Gotan]] - in Old English
*[[Gotar]] - in Old Norse
*[[Gotas]] - Germany, Europe
*[[Goteborg]] - city
*[[Goth ]]- [[Rome]], [[Italy]], [[Gotland]],  [[Getae]] changed after their migration to [[Europe]], in old German they were Goth, in [[Gothland]] (an island in [[Baltic sea]]) they are [[Goths]];
*[[Gothi]] - They were described as Gothi (in plural) in later Latin
*[[Gothland]] - city
*[[Gothoi]] - in Greek
*[[Gothoi]] - in Greek
*[[Goths]] - [[Germany]], [[Europe]], [[Sweden]], [[Gotland]]
*[[Gotland]] - city
*[[Gotoi]] - in Greek
*[[Gotor]] - [[Getae]] changed after their migration to [[Europe]]
*[[Gotos]] - in [[Germany]]
*[[Gots]] - in [[Germany]] and [[European]] countries
*[[Gut]] - [[Chinese]],and others
*[[Guta]] - in [[Germany]]
*[[Guti]] - [[Chinese]],  [[Sumerians]],  by the  ancient Sumerians
*[[Gutone]] - [[Getae]] changed after their migration to [[Europe]]
*[[Gutos]] - in Greek
*[[Gutos]]- [[Baltic]] countries
*[[Guts]] - in [[Germany]]
*[[Gut-tia]] - [[Chinese]]
*[[Gutton]] -[[Getae]] changed after their migration to [[Europe]]
*[[Guttones]] - Baltic countries
== I ==
*[[Iatii]]- [[Chinese]],  'i' is-Semitic 'y', equivalent to ज in Sanskrit,  people living on the banks of the Oxus between [[Bactria]], [[Hyrkania]] and [[Khorasmia]]
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== J ==
*[[Jaat]] - A few English writers have spelt it as Jaat, in the rest of India it is spoken with long 'a' as [[Jāt]]
*[[Jagdal]] - In [[Baluchistan]] the Jat is also known as Jagdal
*[[Jaiti]] - in [[Greece]] [[Jaiti]];
*[[Jartas]] -  [[Djat]], a name given to the Jartas
*[[Jartikas]] - Jartikas of yore also called [[Zaratoi]] or [[Geratae]]
*[[Jàt]] - [[Irab]], [[Russia]]
*[[Jāț]] - In [[ Pakistan]], [[Afghanistan]] and [[Iran]], Jat, the cultivator, is spoken with hard 'ț' and Jat herdsman or the camel breeder, with soft 't'
*[[Jat]] - in [[Persian]] and [[Turkish]] as Jat
*[[Jat]] - In the Persian and Arabic speaking countries spoken with soft 't'
*[[Jat]]- in [[Persia]] and [[Uzbekistan]] and the rest of [[USSR]], they are known as [[Jats]];
*[[Jat]]- They are called [[Jats]] in [[Haryana]], [[U.P.]] and some other parts of India.
*[[Jata]] - (Jativa) city in in [[Spain]]
*[[Jata]] (जट) - Persian has closest affinity with Sanskrit so it is Jata (जट)
*[[Jatah]] - [[Chinese]]  
*[[Jatah]] - in [[Mongolia]] [[Jatah]]; In the countries of the [[Oxus]] valley
*[[Jatali]] - province in [[Iran]], the inhabitants of which are of Jat community of [[Yayati]] Dynasty.
*[[Jatān]] - plural of Jat in Urdu
*[[Jatendal]] - city in [[Sweden]]
*[[Jatgal]] - In [[Baluchista]] the Jat is also known as Jatgal
*[[Jathingilanbs]] - city in [[Germany]]
*[[Jati]]/ [[Jaṭi]] (जटि)
*[[Jatia]] -  in [[Rajasthan]] in a derogatory sense
*[[Jatoi]] -  in [[Sindh]] and [[Baluchistan]], In Baluchistan the Jat is also known as Jatoi
*[[Jatoi]]- [[Chinese]] 
*[[Jaton]] - city in [[Dalmatia]]
*[[Jaton]] - [[Getae]] changed after their migration to [[Europe]]
*[[Jatra]] - Jatra is its derogatory form in [[Haryana]] and [[Uttar Pradesh]]
*[[Jàts]] - [[Irab]], [[Russia]]
*[[Jats]] - in [[India]], [[Iran]] and [[USSR]],  in [[Pakistan]] and [[Afghanistan]]
*[[Jatt]] - in [[Turkey]] and [[Egypt]] [[Jatt]], invariably becomes Jat, following the application of ana suffix. Jat is pronounced in the Panjab, Pakistan and Afghanistan as [[Jatt]] or [[Jutt]]
*[[Jatta]] - In the poetic language in the Panjab and Pakistan it is often articulated as Jatta
*[[Jatteh]]s - by the later [[Mongol]]s
*[[Jattehs]] - [[Mongolia]]
*[[Jatti]] - ([[Pliny]] and [[Ptolemy]])
*[[Jàtts]] - [[Egypt]], [[Turkey]]
*[[Jatts]] - in [[Turkey]] and [[Egypt]]
*[[Jaut]]- [[Chinese]]
*[[Jeteh]] - [[Chinese]]
*[[Jeteh]]- In the countries of the [[Oxus]] valley
*[[Jetteh]] - [[Mongolia]]
*[[Jhat]] = Jatt, are roots in Sanskrit and have the same meaning
*[[Jhatt]] - is not different from that of [[Jatt]]
*[[Jit]] - A few English writers have spelt it Jit
*[[Jit]]s - in [[India]], [[Iran]] and [[USSR]]
*[[Jith]]- In the countries of the [[Oxus]] valley
*[[Jits]] - [[Irak]], [[Russia]]
*[[Jot]] - [[Zot]] was written as Jot in old [[Norse]]
*[[Jota]] - [[Geta]], in Icelandic as Jota and in [[Jutland]], [[Denmark]] etc. as [[Jut]] as well as [[Jotar]]
*[[Jotar]] - [[Geta]], in Icelandic as Jota and in [[Jutland]], [[Denmark]] etc. as Jut as well as Jotar
*[[Joth]] -  Zoth was written as Joth old Norse
*[[Jott]] - in [[Arabia]] [[Jott]] ;
*[[Jotts]] - Arab
*[[Jut]] - [[Geta]], in Icelandic as Jota and in Jutland, Denmark etc. as Jut as well as Jotar, [[Getae]] changed after their migration to [[Europe]]
*[[Jut]] - They are called [[Juts]] in [[Punjab]] and [[Jit]]s in Rajasthan (India).
*[[Jut]]s - in [[India]], [[Iran]] and [[USSR]]
*[[Jutae]] - in early medieval Latin as Jutae, [[Juti]] (in plural)
*[[Jute]] - [[Getae]] changed after their migration to Europe
*[[Jutes]] - [[Jutland]] (Denmark), Those who en route, settled down in the [[Netherlands]] were known as the Jutes
*[[Juti]] - in early medieval Latin as [[Jutae]], [[Juti]] (in plural), In old English they were known as Juti
*[[Juts]] - [[Irab]], [[Russia]],  In [[Jutland]] (Denmark) they are [[Juts]];
*[[Jutt]] - Jat is pronounced in the [[Panjab]], [[Pakistan]] and [[Afghanistan]] as Jatt or Jutt
== K - X ==
*[[Nagiwatteh]]- [[Chinese]]
*[[Ngiwattia]]- [[Chinese]]
*[[Ostrogoth]] - Massagetae became Ostrogoth or Easterngoth
*[[Siao-Yueh-Chih]] - or little [[Yueh-Chih]], [[Chinese]]
*[[Ta-Yueh-Chih]] -  or great [[Yueh-Chih]], [[Chinese]]
*[[Thjot]] - in old Norse.
*[[Thjoth]] - in old Norse, The Swedes called them Thjoth
*[[Tue-Chie]]  - [[Chinese]]
*[[Uchi]] - in [[China]] they were known as [[Uchi]]
*[[Visigoth]] - [[Thysagetae]] were called Visigoth or Westerngoth.
*[[Xandii]] - people living on the banks of the Oxus between [[Bactria]], [[Hyrkania]] and [[Khorasmia]]
*[[Xanthii]] - people living on the banks of the Oxus between [[Bactria]], [[Hyrkania]] and [[Khorasmia]]
*[[Xuthi]] - who occupied [[Karamania]]n desert and [[Drangiana]]
== Y ==
*[[Yat]] - [[Chinese]], Jat was also written as Yat in the past in [[Central Asia]].
*[[Yata]]  - [[Chinese]]
*[[Yatah]]  - [[Chinese]]
*[[Yattah]]- [[Chinese]]
*[[Yet]] - [[Chinese]]  
*[[Yeta]] - [[Chinese]]
*[[Yete]] - [[Chinese]] 
*[[Yetha]] - [[Chinese]]  
*[[Yeti]] - [[Chinese]]
*[[Yewti]] - [[Chinese]] 
*[[Yuch-Chih]] - [[Chinese]]
*[[Yuchi]] - [[Chinese]]
*[[Yueche]] - pronounced as [[Guti]]) by the [[Chinese]]
*[[Yue-Chi]] - [[Chinese]] 
*[[Yueh Chih]]  
*[[Yueh Chih]]  
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*[[Yueh-Chih]] - [[Chinese]],  [[H. W. Bellew]]  identified the Yueh-Chih with the [[Jatoi]] or [[Iaii]], mentioned by [[Ptolemy]] and who were the Jats of [[Cunningham]], [[Tod]] and Elphinstone etc
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*[[Yuti]]  - [[Chinese]]
*[[Yutia]] - Sometimes this word was pronounce as [[Yutia]] in [[Pakistan]], [[Afghanistan]] and [[Iran]]
== Z ==
*[[Zanthii]] - people living on the banks of the Oxus between [[Bactria]], [[Hyrkania]] and [[Khorasmia]]
*[[Zaratoi ]] - Jartikas of yore also called Zaratoi or Geratae
*[[Zat]] - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zat,
*[[Zete]] - [[Yugoslavia]], [[ Montenegro]], [[Albania]], [[Serbia]],
*[[Zete]] -  Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zete
*[[Zit]] - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zit
*[[Zjat]] - by [[Tod]]
*[[Zot]] - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zot, In the Arabic language it is written as Zot
*[[Zoth]] - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zoth
*[[Zothi]] - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zoth
*[[Zott]] - In the Arabic language it is written as Zott
*[[Zotts]] - Arab
*[[Zut]] - In the Arabic language it is written as Zut
*[[Žut]] -  "the yellow one", is an uninhabited island in the [[Croatia]]n part of the [[Adriatic Sea]], in central [[Dalmatia]].
*[[Zuthi]] -  who occupied [[Karamania]]n desert and [[Drangiana]] and people gave their name as [[Zatale]] or [[Zothale]] to the irrigation channel from the [[Margus rive]]
*[[Zuti]] -  Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zuti
*[[Zutt]]- In the countries of the [[Oxus]] valley
*[[Zutti]] - In the Arabic language it is written as Zutti
== References ==
*[[Variants of Jat]]
*[[Hukum Singh Panwar]] ([[Pauria]]):[[The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Jat-Its variants]],pp.338-343
*[[Hukum Singh Panwar]] ([[Pauria]]):[[The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Jat-Its variants]],pp.344-347
*[[Hukum Singh Panwar]] ([[Pauria]]):[[The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Jat-Its variants]],pp.361
*[[Hukum Singh Panwar]] ([[Pauria]]):[[The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Epilogue]],p.384
*[[Bhim Singh Dahiya]]:[[Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/The Jats]],p.1
*[[Ram Sarup Joon]]:[[History of the Jats/Chapter I]],p.4
*[[Mangal Sen Jindal]]:[[History of Origin of Some Clans in India/Jat From Jutland/Jats, their Different Names]],pp.1-6
*[[Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter II]],pp.84-89
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Latest revision as of 16:25, 20 April 2024

Author: Laxman Burdak, IFS (R).
Here is List of variants of Jat

A - F




K - X



  • Zata
  • Zanthi
  • Zanthii - people living on the banks of the Oxus between Bactria, Hyrkania and Khorasmia
  • Zaratoi - Jartikas of yore also called Zaratoi or Geratae
  • Zat - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zat,
  • Zatale
  • Zaths
  • Zatt
  • Zete - Yugoslavia, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia,
  • Zete - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zete
  • Zit
  • Zit - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zit
  • Zjat - by Tod
  • Zooth
  • Zot - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zot, In the Arabic language it is written as Zot
  • Zotale
  • Zoth - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zoth
  • Zothale
  • Zothi - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zoth
  • Zott - In the Arabic language it is written as Zott
  • Zotts - Arab
  • Zut - In the Arabic language it is written as Zut
  • Žut - "the yellow one", is an uninhabited island in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea, in central Dalmatia.
  • Zuth
  • Zuthi - who occupied Karamanian desert and Drangiana and people gave their name as Zatale or Zothale to the irrigation channel from the Margus rive
  • Zuti - Greek alphabet, and the Greeks used 'Z' with the soft and sibilant sound in place of 'j'. Consequently, Jat became Zuti
  • Zutt- In the countries of the Oxus valley
  • Zutti - In the Arabic language it is written as Zutti


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